I hear about the default and shutdown of government. I hear the people cry that still have a good job and income how bad things are. I hear the people with a good running business talk adverse about others. I hear people who are the richest upon this earth still talk how to squeeze a dime out of somebody or something to gain more. I hear myself despair when I just not get enough donations in to keep things going for all of you 120.000 readers per month. It all feels odd and totally out of balance.
I see how things could change for the better as things already are appearing all over the world and people say enough is enough. We need to get caring and sharing, we need to get doing things without that debt-slavery system and those that run it as our government, representatives and bankers and their strong-arm of officials, police and army enforcers. It should not be about corporate interest and profit. It should be about abundance for all in all. The people making change is already happening for some time. Those who got inspired by the new way of living their lives in equality is what we should look at.
The new exchange systems and already existing ones that not talk about money or currency but about how to get exchanging products, goods, services, time and energy in a normal way without banks and financial systems, without interests, loans and taxes is what we should talk about. Still first the old system has to die and be dismantled to get things really moving. Till then a lot of us that are in service to you all need support, yes real support. Often the ones in service to all live in inhumane circumstance or have lots of difficulties themselves.
It is time for you readers that really can help to help. Not the ones that can not give and still are wanting to give their last shirt away. It should be really getting into your heads dear ones that caring and sharing is more than words. Yes there are even still those that wanna punish others in service by making their own inability to help disappear that way. Turning on people with nasty remarks and labeling them as lazy and not having a job. Yes they do not know what it is to be in service 24/7 without vacation or being sick 365 days a year. Every day working without asking much just a bit of support.
Is it still the world we live in that is divided by haves and not haves? Is it really or are you making that difference! Just by doing it once from the heart not from the head and without calculations and what it is costing you and what is the return on investment… It is about just ones seeing that helping can be without wanting things in return or because it is deductible. Feel how that feels. I give my energy already for years to many people (by the way I am not alone in that to be clear) and do this with love, passion, gratitude and as a mission.
I kindly would really love to see those others that have enough and have not supported yet to give a bit back towards the blog. And for those that have blogs with advertisement/seo and marketing or multiple blogs and websites they get their earnings from and those that earn on traffic I ask to give also generously. Those that leech on the work of others without doing themselves a lot should really look in their heart and say what can I ones do to help big time. I have donated and given in my life a lot to all sorts of people personally with love and without asking anything in return. I always believed people would eventually help when they would be having better times also others. It was a sort of paying it forward.
It is also time for me to say I have tried to do my best in keeping my blog running with all the time and effort that it costs as well as the radio shows as now the survival of the blog is at stake. I can not manage to go on like this. I hope those that never donated and know themselves best will remember what I said and I hope when they give something back that they do it from their hearts and also give not only me but a least someone else a donation. As I always have said not to ask for me alone but also to think of all those others that do great work in service to you all.
Let us change this world and make it a better place for all not just a few. Starting point is not looking towards others and compare but looking towards you and what you do. Are you making a change or are you just attacking or criticising others for making a change that you can not understand or will not do yourself. Feel what you can do inside. There is always a thing you can do for someone else. The smallest word, attention, help offered is valued more than money can buy. See that even without money people can when caring and supporting each other make a change to this world.
The change is coming. It is for real. It is where ever you feel called from the heart to be of service. Caring for the elderly, for the young, helping to grow food for communities, learning people to get self-sufficient in energy and food, helping to make things easier for people who can not do things themselves things anymore by doing the odd job, volunteering and giving your time to others in service. The gratitude is great and you will feel the joy in your heart. So are you making the change happening. Start somewhere and start within and with you.
Love and Light,
In gratitude and service to you all,
You can donate via PayPal via lcspeciaaladres (ad sign) gmail. com put in also the reference: lucas2012infos blog donation.
Think also to donate to those other truly inspiring websites and blogs, freely for you kept as lights on the firmament to help you on your journey with inspiration, knowledge and joy. In gratitude to you all. Lucas
(c) 2013 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with thehttp://www.lucas2012Infos.wordpress.com link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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