Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of October as you experience this sacred Cosmic Fire of Illumination through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, your Solar Logii and God Parents for this Solar System.
So let us start, sweet ones, by setting a sacred space as we tell you more about this beautiful Cosmic Fire of Illumination, and what it brings for you at this time. Wherever you are in your sacred space simply bring an awareness to the body ~ breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out. Have a sense of the vibration and energy matrix of your energy bodies, sweet ones, of your aura ~ how it extends, as you come into a deeper sense of stillness. As you come deep within your heart you experience now this beautiful golden, diamond and white Flame of Divine Love, bringing through the energies of your Beloved I AM Presence and all the Beings of Light from On High. And as your heart chakra activates more deeply now in this beautiful Flame of Divine Love you have a sense of taking this beautiful Flame of Divine Love into your energy field, through your chakras, and now to all those within your circle, your family and friends, sending your Love and receiving this Love.
You have a sense now of connecting into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, to your soul family and friends, to your star family ~ this extended network of light workers and star seeded ones, as you call in now too all the Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge to join you now in this Unified Field of Divine Love. And as you ground now into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, have a sense of this beautiful Pillar of Light coming up, the energy of Mother Earth, taking you deep into this crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness, to the New Earth Templates, and you feel yourself grounded and centered, and in your body, in conscious awareness of yourselves and your energies and what is going on around you energetically through this Matrix of Divine Love.
You visualize now this Pillar of Light that comes in around you, six feet in diameter, and within this Pillar of Light, sweet ones, you activate a fluorescent Tube of Light. This fluorescent Tube of Light moves multi-dimensionally through all dimensions of Light, coming through from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence, connecting you to all dimensions of Light. This fluorescent Tube of Light, this antakarana, activates now through the crown chakra, coming in through the body and out the perineum center and now into the earth star chakra center. As you breathe through this fluorescent Tube of Light, and activate this Pillar of Light, you merge now with your Higher Self of the Light, with all twelve Soul Rays of which you are one ~ this is your soul family, sweet ones, and you are coming together and finding your soul brothers and soul sisters at this time, this what the opportunity of these New Earth energies provides, and these relationships are heartfelt, these relationships are simply Love and the lessons within them are easy, sweet ones; and if you are needing to connect more to your soul family, sweet ones, to your soul brothers and sisters within your particular soul group, within your particular soul pod, you put out this call to magnetize and bring into your reality these beautiful Beings, Soul Rays, that are part of your soul family.
And now, sweet ones, you have a sense of merging now with your Beloved I AM Presence, your Christed Overself of the Light, and the Highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. As you merge now with your Beloved I AM Presence, merge with all 144 Soul Ray aspects of which you are one, forming this Matrix of Light. This is your star family, sweet ones, and a deeper level of service is experienced with your star family as you come into a deeper sense of the remembrance of your star seeded heritage ~ as Pleiadians or Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Lyrans, Venusians, Antarians. Mostly, sweet ones, there are several star systems with which you resonate ~ several core star groups, for you have incarnated into different planets and stars, and worked with various Councils of Light, and at different times you may be drawn to different Councils of Light. And you have a sense now, possibly, that there are particular core groups that you are working with, that you are drawn to, and you call them now into your sacred space.
It is to know too, sweet ones, that in these parallel realities, in these timelines coinciding simultaneously with this timeline, many of you are on board Lightships, working with the Ashtar Command, the Sirian High Council, the Pleiadian Council or the Niburian Council ~ working as biologists or scientists, or with quantum physics, or as healers, teachers, and various service roles not only on this earth plane but on many other planets, stars, and sister dimensions; and part of what is being experienced now is a greater sense of this multi-dimensional reality, of these merging timelines and dimensions, and in this Now, sweet ones, this is experienced through this beautiful sacred Cosmic Fire of Illuminationas Helios and Vesta Overlight you now in this beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold Flame of Illumination.
This beautiful sacred Cosmic Fire of Illumination activates in particular the pituitary and the pineal glands, the hypothalamus gland, and in the new chakra system, the occipital lobe, which is found at the base and back of the head. For this occipital lobe regulates the flow of information from the higher dimensions and your multi-dimensional selves, sweet ones, and you have a sense now of merging with your multi-dimensional selves, a sense of experiencing many multi-dimensional realities simultaneously, of seeing through your Master Eyes at all of Life around you in a greater level of insight and understanding, compassion and Divine Love. In this place of detachment and active participation you observe what you are still working with and needing to integrate, and you move into this flow, sweet ones, that takes you into the Pathways of Divine Love. All pathways before you in this Golden Age are simply Pathways of Divine Love. The Illuminating Light of Creation connects you to the Mind of Mother/Father God. It is an Intelligence that imbues you too with a deep sense of wisdom, and as the third eye activates now, in particular, you experience this sense of clairvoyance, of seeing for both yourselves and others the reality of One Unity Consciousness and how to create this pathway from where you are now, sweet ones, to the pathway of your Highest Potential; and to assist others too through the pathways that you have collectively created through your own perceived challenges on this plane of duality. And this lifts too as you feel simply this energy of Love, this matrix of Divine Love, as you come together as the I AM Avatar Race, as the way showers, light workers, and star seeded ones ~ for you are co-creating Heaven on Earth, and you are doing this, sweet ones, through your collective Light.
And what is occurring now as your own light amplifies in a greater knowing of your magnificence and Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light, is your ability to communicate with Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence ~ with the animals, the mammals, and all life forms on this beautiful planet on which you physically exist, sweet ones. And the dolphins and whales have stepped forward now in a greater level of co-creation with the light workers and star seeded ones, and the experience of this sacred Cosmic Fire of Illumination is further activated through an Angelic Dolphin and Whale Gateway on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 18th & 19th. These beautiful Beings from Sirius B carry the energy signature of Divine Unconditional Love, which they emit through their energy field and sonic vibrations as they anchor their Light through the crystalline grid within the oceans of Mother Earth, and within and around the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love, further activating the New Earth Templates.
These beautiful Light Beings, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Sea, down stepped their vibration to imbed the key codes of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness prior to the Duality Experiment on this earth plane; and now as you come into a deeper level of your magnificence and Light through the merging timelines, merging the timelines from the karmic timelines into the Christed timelines, through the integration of your Beloved I AM Presence and multi-dimensional selves ~ you re-code these crystalline frequencies, the OMM-Wave Resonance of Divine Unconditional Love in the new body chakra systems, and the corresponding chakras within Mother Earth's Light body.
This re-coding through the dolphins and whales is initially experienced, sweet ones, through the occipital lobe which is found at the base and back of the head, as we have mentioned, and from here moves through all the chakras. And this window of opportunity of anchoring this crystalline frequency within the chakras and merging with your multi-dimensional selves bringing in the remembrance of your Highest Potential through all timelines amplifies between the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 18th and 19th and the New Moon Solar Eclipse on November 3rd and 4th. It is at this time too, sweet ones, that you draw upon your Hearts' Dreaming, as you travel the Christed timelines, as you merge with your future selves and bring a focus too to this year of 2014, for the sacred Cosmic Fire of Illumination comes through once more in focus through the Overlighting of the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light and the second cosmic ray, the Ray of Interstellar Service in the year of 2014.
Many of you too, sweet ones, are experiencing alternate realities as dolphins or whales. The dolphin energy is this beautiful healing energy bringing through joy, and compassion, illumination, purity, Love, and truth; and the whale energy is even more expansive taking you into deeper levels of merging with your multi-dimensional selves through the Christed timelines and a deeper level of the integration of your service work in co-creation with the Company of Heaven. The dolphin energy is Overlighted primarily by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light and the Sirian Archangelic league of the Light and the whale energy primarily by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.
So get yourselves comfortably relaxed, sweet ones, as you re-integrate these key codes and Light Frequency Signatures brought through by the Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods, through your chakras and the chakras of Mother Earth. You have a sense now of connecting to the beautiful Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods through the Overlighting of the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, Helios and Vesta, and your Beloved I AM Presence. Feel the energy of these beautiful golden dolphins and whales now, as you have this sense of connecting into deeper heart energy; connecting into this Ocean of Oneness, of Divine Unconditional Love, connecting to one another and connecting to the dolphins and the whales.
And now you bring a focus to a chakra centre, in the New Earth chakras, called the Well of Dreams which is found at the back of the head, just above the medulla oblongata. As we have explained, sweet ones, this regulates the flow of information from the higher dimensions through the occipital lobe found at the base and back of the head and connects you to your multi-dimensional selves. The sonic vibration energy of these beautiful golden dolphin and whale pods as they merge with you now in consciousness activate this chakra center, this Well of Dreams, and as you have a deeper sense of connecting into the Mind of God, you experience the full frequency integration, sonic vibration and energy matrix of the dolphin and whales.
We also speak in the language of Light to assist in this activation.
You may experience this slight buzzing sensation within the head, sweet ones, and feel the need to move the head from side to side, backwards and forwards, just have a sense of this beautiful Cosmic Light, this healing and expansive energy, bringing a greater level of Illumination and clarity and connection to the Divine. This corresponding chakra is activated within the Light body of Mother Earth, and through this, (activates) all those awakened, conscious, and accepting of this energy ~ this beautiful Cosmic Light of the whales and the dolphins in this transmission is brought through now energetically.
And now, sweet ones, you bring a focus to your earth star chakra as it is found approximately 30 centimeters below the feet, and as this chakra center activates now, ground the energies through the crystalline matrix of Mother Earth to her heart chakra, amplifying this crystalline matrix of Divine Love through your body and energy field, through the Light body and crystalline matrix of Mother Earth. And you have a sense of this connection as this Light Grid starts to anchor now, the new Light Grid frequency brought through by the Cosmic Light of the Dolphins and Whales at this time, and as you join in this light work with the dolphins and whales and receive this personally, feel and sense this activation taking place, sweet ones. The Light grids that are activated and being amplified are all around Mother Earth, and not simply focused on the oceans. The Dolphins and Whales come together now in etheric pods, within and around the nodule points of the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, and right now this Wave of Divine Unconditional Love activates through the Lunar Eclipse within and around Mother Earth and through the hearts and minds of all life, of all humanity, awakened and receptive to receiving these gifts of Divine Love.
To assist in this activation we speak in the language of Light ...
Wonderful, sweet ones. And now you bring a focus to the perineum center - this flat piece of skin found just in front of the anus, and which is also a multi-dimensional portal connecting into Nature Intelligence, into Nature Spirit Intelligence, and you have as sense of connecting here into the dimensional realities of the fairies and gnomes and goblins and elves, undines, sylphs and salamanders, who are assisting too in this creation, this co-creation of Heaven on Earth. Within the body this is also a Portal of Light that activates the kundalini energy, which further assists in a deeper integration of the crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness, both individually and collectively on this earth plane.
You hold this energy, sweet ones, within yourselves, breathing deep into the body, having a sense of merging with this crystalline matrix, and this beautiful Cosmic Fire, the Flames of Divine Love and Illumination, these beautiful copper-gold and pink gold flames. Breathing from the feet chakra and from the head chakra ~taking this breath down the spine and up the legs, meeting at the perineum center ~ taking this energy up the front of the body, down the arms and out the hands, holding this energy as you experience this Cosmic Light Frequency of the whales and the dolphins as it is experienced through the appropriate chakra in the Light body of Mother Earth.
And now, sweet ones, as you bring a focus to the base chakra, as you experience this beautiful Cosmic Light energy of the dolphin and whale pods; of their sonic vibrations and energetic matrix key code downloads, and now the activation of the crystalline grids within and around the Light body of Mother Earth. You have a sense of the kundalini activating now, gently, from chakra to chakra, and you have a sense of being completely in the body with the natural flow and rhythm that comes in the recognition of your body as a Temple of Light.
Just feel the energy of the dolphins and whales, sweet ones, as you anchor the Light Grids, holding this energy in and around the Light Body of Mother Earth, and within this 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love, experiencing the New Earth Templates of Light. You further attune your vibration to the resonating frequency of Mother Earth's Light Body to assist in the electro-magnetic and gravitational fields of Mother Earth. Wonderful.
And now, sweet ones, as you bring a focus to the sacral chakra you have a sense of these beautiful light frequency activations and this energy of Divine Love, amplified through these sonic vibrations, and the energy field of the dolphins and whales as they move through in pods of light, creating these beautiful golden infinity symbols through the body now, through the chakras; and you have a deeper understanding of your sacred sexual nature, of union with the Divine through tantra. You have a sense of this beautiful energy activating through the Light Grids as the appropriate chakra is activated now through the Light Body of Mother Earth, and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
The Dolphins and Whales whisper too in their language of Light ~
And you bring a focus now to these Light Grid anchoring; clearing the false beliefs between men and women, the suppression of the Divine Feminine, the suppression of the Divine Masculine. You bring a focus now to the hara chakra, found just below the navel. The hara chakra activates now in this beautiful Cosmic Light frequency of the dolphins and whales. As this center of balance within the body, the hara is also a vortex of Light, sweet ones, to a deeper sense of your own balance, and referred to by some as the Seat of the Soul. It is a balance of focus and integration that comes naturally as you flow into the Christed timelines, and you feel this re-balancing and re-calibration through the dolphins and whales in their frequencies of Light, of Divine Love, and the Overlighting of the Pleiadians, the Sirians and the Andromedans. And now you experience this corresponding chakra within the Light Body of Mother Earth being activated, allowing all life to come into this balance of the integration of their soul matrix through their connection to Mother Earth and one another.
Good. And now, sweet ones, the solar plexus chakra activates, the seat of the will ~ once again you experience a deeper sense of your empowerment, and this alignment of your will to the Divine. Hold these energies as you experience the etheric dolphin and whale pods moving their beautiful frequencies of Light through your body and energy field and through the corresponding chakra within the Light body of Mother Earth, as these Light grids anchor and activate.
Good, sweet ones. Now you activate the diaphragm center just below the heart chakra. This chakra center is a power source of prana, this energetic breath in your connection to one another ~ this life force breathes the Love of God into your life and into your body, releasing addictions so you live joyfully, and you feel this joy, of living in Love, as you feel the energy of these etheric dolphin and whale pods; and as the Light Grids anchor with and around the Light body and Unity Grid of Mother Earth, all life is gifted with this joy, with this delight of living in Love.
And now, as you come into the heart chakra you have this deep sense of connecting now with this Ocean of Divine Love, the Cosmic Heart of Mother Father God, also coming into the remembrance of parallel realities of being dolphins and whales, of sharing your Love, of being here simply to anchor Love. You feel this Love deep within yourself, regardless of your circumstances and your challenges and where you are ~ you are Love, and you feel this, sweet ones. And as the Light Grids anchor, as the appropriate chakra within Mother Earth's Light body activates, in this beautiful Divine Love and Light of the dolphins and the whales, these beautiful Golden Beings create particular phi ratio patternings of the crystalline matrix of Divine Love and Solar Christ Consciousness through your energy fields and bodies; this energy matrix is created holographically too within the Light Body of Mother Earth. Allow yourselves simply to be Love, to acknowledge your Hearts' Dreaming, to acknowledge yourselves in your full magnificence and Light.
As you move into the thymus chakra, sweet ones, situated between the heart and the throat, you have a sense of the Soul Energy Matrix amplifying through the thymus, integrating a deeper level of your Beloved I AM Presence into the thymus and into the heart, and the soul matrix expanding now. And as this occurs, any dis-ease or any discomfort is soothed in this beautiful vibration of Divine Love, in this Cosmic Fire of Illumination and this copper-gold and pink-gold flame of Illumination.
As the corresponding chakra activates now in these beautiful Cosmic Light rays of the dolphins and whales, the golden pods of Light, dis-ease and discomfort created through human mis-creations, false beliefs and judgments, old patternings and conditionings, are replaced simply with the Matrix of Divine Love.
As you bring a focus now to the throat chakra you experience this beautiful Conscious Communication of your soul notes ~ Conscious Communication that is experienced through self-mastery and the Light frequency that activates through your voices, sweet ones, as you experience the energy of the dolphins and whales, re-calibrating, re-activating and re-synchronizing all that needs to be experienced in this Now, as the corresponding chakra is activated in the Light Body of Mother Earth. You find yourselves experiencing clear communication, lovingly and gently, and sensing this purification through the pranic energy regulating the energies through all the chakras in the body. This Light Grid activates, offering this gift to all humanity with the assistance of these etheric pods of dolphins and whales.
Allow this energy of the flow of Light to lead you graciously and lovingly to the Cosmic Heart of all Creation, and as you bring a focus once more to the Well of Dreams center in the area of this occipital lobe you now experience this merging with your multi-dimensional selves, of moving into these multi-dimensional realities, being fully conscious in this Now, of so many parallel realities in which you have experienced your Highest Potential, in which you are currently existing and working through your service work ~ connecting to your soul and star families and working on both the inner and the outer planes.
This chakra further activates a deeper level of the psychic energies, the extra-sensory perception gifts, sweet ones; and as this activates now through the Light Grid anchorings within the Light Body and Unity Grid of Mother Earth, all life has the opportunity to integrate their gifts of Illumination, of insight, and understanding, and the extra-sensory perception gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and telepathy, to name a few.
And now as the pituitary gland activates, you have a sense of a new level of rejuvenation within the body, and of this inter-dimensional information gateway being both received and sent. The dormant DNA now activates too, to the maximum Cosmic Law can allow; as you are given the visions and insights and understandings of your multidimensionality, amplified now in this beautiful Cosmic Fire of Illumination, the corresponding chakra activates within the Light Body of Mother Earth.
This recalibration is occurring between the left and right hemispheres of the brain as you activate the spiritual Light within the physical bodies, within the energy field, within the hologram.
You now bring a focus to the third eye, which further activates the pineal gland. This vision center allows you now to see clearly through the Christed timelines and you bring in, in particular, sweet ones, the Hearts' Dreaming of this focus of Illumination for the year for 2014. Hold this focus as you see clearly through the Christed timelines as to where you are and what you are doing and who you are with, and as this chakra activates too through the Unity Grid and the Light body of Mother Earth, through the anchoring of these Light Grids with the assistance of the dolphin and whales, you experience these beautiful sonic vibrations and the energy of these celestial Beings and their key codes and frequency vibration of Divine Love. Whatever is needed in your life now, you magnetize and manifest and bring in to your reality as a co-creator to the Company of Heaven. As this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love and Master Being of Light you reclaim your birthright as this beautiful Master Being in your full magnificence and Light, being re-birthed now through the energy of the etheric dolphins and whales.
Good. This chakra activates now through the Light Body of Mother Earth and the Earth and all her life are surrounded now in the copper-gold and pink-gold flames of the Cosmic Fire of Illumination, illuminating the hearts and minds of all humanity who are awakened, open and receptive to these energies of Divine Love ~ this communication of subtle energies, this collective connection, that is experienced through the I AM Avatar race and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
The crown chakra now activates and as this occurs, you have a sense of connecting fully into Source Light, of experiencing yourselves in your full magnificence through the full integration of your Beloved I AM Presence as you activate the Light Bodies around your body and energy field. You feel this crystalline matrix in its full magnificence being activated in the corresponding earth chakra, and the Light Body of Mother Earth with the assistance of the etheric dolphins and whales. Good.
And now, sweet ones, you bring a focus to the Universal Female Chakra situated just above the head to the left of the body, activating a deeper level of your creative gifts. And you feel these gifts now that activate through your multi-dimensional selves, merging deeper; activating the gifts of the healer and the teacher, and the writer and the poet and the artist, feeling this joy, feeling this bliss, feeling this freedom ~ this portal activates now through the dolphins and the whales so that all life may experience this Universal Female Chakra as it comes into being, as it anchors into the Unity Grid. This is a new chakra finding the balance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine that activates now, sweet ones, bringing in a greater level of compassion and Love and expression of the Divine Feminine.
And now, sweet ones, you activate the Universal Male Chakra, above the head to the right of the body, and you invite a deeper level of the perceptions of reality integrated into a practical formation, to being grounded and rootedness, to dynamic right action. This chakra anchors too within the Light Body and Unity Grid of Mother Earth. This chakra is activated now through the Mighty Elohim and Nature Intelligence who come forward now to anchor the Twelve Cosmic Seeds of the Twelve Mighty Elohim through the hearts and minds of all those Awakened in this Ocean of Divine Love.
Feel the energy of the dolphins and the whales, the Christed ET's, the Mighty Elohim, and Helios and Vesta now sweet ones. As Mother Earth and all her Life is surrounded in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames of Illumination now, you bring a focus to different countries, to which you are holding your focus on, sweet ones, as these Lightworkers. Start with your own country, where you are physically based, bringing through these Patterns of Perfection in your co-creations and connecting to the light workers and star seeded ones that form part of your etheric pods of Light, and take this out into various countries, bringing a focus through your collective planetary light work to the countries, to the cities, and to the places that need your Love, that need the collective Love of the awakened light workers and star seeded ones such as yourselves. For you are creating and effecting change simply through your Beingness on this earth plane; and hold this energy frequency of connection that you have, to the etheric dolphins and whales, and know that they are working with you sweet ones. Feel this Love and feel this Light guiding you ever upwards into the Light.
Hold the Light, hold your magnificence, sweet ones, hold the focus of these various countries, and know that you are effecting and creating change within the One Reality of All That Is.
We thank you for your service work, sweet ones, we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
~ Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements ~
One and a half hour tele/webinar conference session with Anrita Melchizedek
Saturday October 19th ~ 7pm GMT, 12pm PDT, 1pm MDT, 2pm CDT, 3pm EDT
London/Lisbon 8pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 12pm, New York 3pm, Sydney 5am (October 20th)
~ For further details, please click here ~
Brought to you by
The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
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