~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee shares some thoughts on how the energies of 2016 affected her Pathway of Mastery.
As I look back into this year of Completion, I realize that there were many moments that I wanted to share to each of you. I was so busy with the teachings and the work that I truly have not had the time to do what I love best ~ share with others my journey so that they can gain some insight into what they are going through.
So for 2017 I will be doing more personal writings. The Masters, especially Master Thoth, have been pushing me to become a scholar of esoteric writings within the context of my higher essence but with the knowledge of metaphysical elements that I have acquired through my training of mastery.
The Ascended Masters have walked with me since the beginning. I realize this now. I thought they became more apparent in my world as I progressed to understanding the Science of Mastery from Dr. Joshua David Stone’s teachings. But, in fact, I was destined this life to remember my true essence and there were times in my teenage years I have revelations that there was more to my existence than my physical experiences.
I have been working with Master Djwhal Khul to bring forth the Festivals of Light during each full moon. He also has been pushing me to speak more from my higher essence than sharing direct channeling from him. This is all due to the integration I have gone through for the past 30 years of allowing their essences of the Spiritual Hierarchy from the higher realms to be part of my consciousness. Each of these beautiful masters whom I call friends have always known what pathway I needed to take in order to aspire to more than my physical self wanted to realize.
In the past few months I have felt this change. When Master Thoth and I worked together for the Universal Laws classes, I felt that I no longer needed to search for the answers from other sources. We would sit and communicate through my essence as I typed the information for the class. At first, this was very scary for me as I always wanted to keep my lower ego in check. But then, I realized that the teachings far surpassed anything else that was being presented by others. I learned that I can fully accept my mastery at the high level of initiation I have achieved. It has taken me 30 years to fully embrace this part of me, but I learned that is my new essence that I am bringing forth.
Oh, the Masters sit with me; I feel their essences as I prepare to write and depending upon the context it will be a different master that works with me. I knew many years ago, that I was part of a very special circle. I have learned through my own lessons and the teachings that this is a part of me that I need to accept.
The Time is Now to Bring Forth a New Part of Myself.
It is quite comical to think that as you grow in mastery, that you can still have concerns about what you are teaching and experiencing within yourself. But that is so much a big part of learning what it is like to Walk in Mastery.
As I look at this year that is about to close, I realize the challenges I have experienced are part of this new awakening that is becoming grounded within me.
The challenges do not represent so much of a physical experience, but more of my Higher Essence becoming my physical reality. There were times it has been physical and I was able to see how much strength I had within myself to get through the ordeal.
One such time is when I fell in October one day before my husband and I were to board a plane to the East Coast. Mike had personal business to take care of and I needed to go as a grounding energy for him as he had to travel into the city of Philadelphia each day. It was a huge decision of whether I should go to the East, but with the help of Lord Adama (of Telos) and the Masters they helped us see that it was more than personal business. It was about sending the light of Mount Shasta to the East and across the country one month before the presidential election.
As I fell, I landed on my right arm. My shoulder joint slipped and my hand pushed against the floor as all the muscles and tendons from the shoulder through the elbow and hand were heavily damaged. I can tell you that it was excruciating pain. We called upon all the Healers of Light as our friend Rochelle worked on me with her healing hands. I also tuned into the energies and could see the damage and what needed to be done.
I sat there and thought, “There is no way that I can travel like this.” But, I pushed through it with Mike’s help and him telling me that there was no other way to get through this challenge. I could not move my arm but was able to travel unto two planes and get to the East.
Through this challenge, I saw my strength in a different way than ever before. I felt the energies of the Elohim of Hercules and Amazonia and called upon all the Beings of the Seven Flames to help me in each moment. I survived the trip and was able to spend time with family I had not seen in five years. I never thought I would ever see them again. I walked through a new doorway that helped me to share with them who I had become in the last five years.
It helped me to see the mountains that we must climb to reach a new destination of understanding within our consciousness.
This year has been very intense. Mike and I have had to learn lessons that normally we would never would have experienced. Our students teach us so many things especially when we have a retreat as we did in August. We were faced with many elements that were not synchronous, but yet were able to walk through a new doorway of understanding.
Every time something happens, we realize the potential we have to make the necessary adjustments so something like that does not happen again. As an old friend always said, “Lessons Learned”. You must always learn what the lesson is teaching you; otherwise, it will be repeated time and time again.
Many individuals may think that when you arrive within the higher initiations (past the 20th) that life gets easier as the ascended master. Yes, we don’t have to deal with our inner child, our past mistakes as people, and we find our inner truth; but, we do have lessons in how we relate to others especially in a mentoring capacity. It’s about who we are as a person and how we communicate that energy to others.
It all comes back to you ten-fold ~ that is the Law of Ascension Mastery.
This week I have been feeling at a loss. It is an emotional response that is going on within my consciousness. It may be from the work I am doing in Telos every night as I sleep. I always find that whatever issues I may be working with need to be adjusted within the physical self the next day. Yesterday I was emotionally raw and feeling I was going through yet another death experience.
As always, I ask for the assistance of the Masters throughout my day. I have been healing my body as I hold water very heavily. I started a regimen of a Herbal Diuretic that is in the form of an elixir. I realized that some of the weight on my legs and stomach have reduced since I started. I also work with crystals and essential oils to massage my legs. Since I was standing for 3 days in a row cooking it took a toll on my lower limbs so I have been putting my legs up, massaging, and brining in healing energy to assist in the process.
Usually when you have a physical issue from your past there is emotional releasement that occurs. I believe this has been part of it as I am now taking an oath for the anti-aging process to become a true reality. It takes great effort to do the healing and then let the energies to assist you. It is a process of letting go from the physical mind.
As I have been doing this connective work within myself, I knew there were other limits I had placed upon myself. One of them is the holiday preparation. As you accelerate with the crystalline structure within you, the process of doing heavy-duty physical tasks can be very challenging. The light body is not used to standing for eight hours at a time, so when you stop, it is like a huge drop of energy. You must regenerate your body and sometimes it can take several days or a couple of weeks depending upon the energies of others around you.
Taking time after Christmas was essential. What I wasn’t prepared for was the emotional imbalance that I felt for 24 hours, just at the time of the onset of the New Moon energies. As I was writing a post for the New Moon on Facebook today, I understood completely what I had been going through.
This year I pushed myself in unbelievable ways. The teachings and the work always took precedence in my life. I would deal with the energies afterwards and sometimes I could not move after a class. The energy that I bring in sometimes is quite an overload for my body.
As I look back through the year, I realized that I need to self-care more in my life and fit it in with all the other tasks. I have been doing exactly what I tell others not to do.
I believe 2016 has done this for us. It has pushed us in various ways making us feel as if we don’t have enough time to create all that we desire to have in our lives. My fall in October was a result of that energy. I felt it again during the Christmas holiday.
So as I regenerated physically this week I came to the full realization that I am changing so quickly that my adjustments in each moment are not enough. I need to fully see how to make the necessary change, ground it fully within my physical consciousness and body. I, then, will be able to see the separation from the old energy so I can accept the new essence I am trying to embrace.
Tomorrow is my birthday. It has not always been a wondrous time due to being on New Year’s Eve. Emotionally it has been a challenge through the years and I realized that as I physically am getting older, the rest of me is getting younger. I was looking too much at the chronological age instead of seeing how my body moves, how I feel at this age, and realizing my potential.
To quote Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, “It is at the age of 65 when our children become adults in Telos. They have learned their lessons, they have achieved spiritual maturity, and accelerated in their initiations. You, are just beginning a new life cycle that will go on for many hundreds of years. We are honored to have you walk as a Teolsian on the Upper Earth.”
I would never share my age previously; I always wanted to be portrayed as a younger human being. I realize that I am coming of age as Lord Adama shares. I have learned many lessons which have healed many elements of my soul’s history. I am grateful for the body I have as the healing will continue, and deeply grateful for the assistance of the Ascended Beings of Light helping me every step along the way.
Happy New Year of 2017 – coming into Oneness – a whole new beginning.
In Expressions of Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
Walking Terra Christa is providing Holiday specials on their classes and products, http://walkingterrachrista.com/holiday-bonus-2017-sessions/.
© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.
WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK ♥ TWITTER ♥ YOUTUBE ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked.
WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK ♥ TWITTER ♥ YOUTUBE ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked.
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