I had just put a load of laundry in, as you may hear in the background, but I was so absorbed by the message coming through me, compelled to get it on the recorder, that I didn’t even remember or realize that the background noise was there until I listened to the recording afterwards … I was so taken over by the message coming through that the background noise was blocked out by the potent moments of receiving the message in the Now … All I could hear and feel was the energy and message vibrating in my body and pounding in my ears and I had completely forgotten in that moment that I had even started the laundry!
That is laughingly how my memory has been lately, and how quickly I can be transported into another space and “time” lately, as I’m sure you may relate to!….So please excuse all that and enjoy the message and the energy coming through.
Below the recording, I have transcribed the message into writing for you, in case you would like to read it also, and I have transcribed it as closely as I could, according to the energy and delivery of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene’s message, as it and they came through.
I recommend you listen to the message first, though, as its energy is powerful and is encoded with lightcodes, love, energy, healing and light information, and the transcript likewise carries forth that energy as well.
As you know, I usually type up the message as it is being transmitted to me, and then sometimes record it afterwards while the Ascended Master is still present, but this time it was different….
…So I give it to you to listen to and to feel and absorb the beautiful energy and words and lightcodes. It filled me with love, healing, and joy while channeling it, and again while listening to it after it was recorded. May it do the same for you.
With My Love and Blessings,
Fran Zepeda
Transcription of Voice Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene…”Do You Know How Powerful You Are?” Channeled by Fran Zepeda 1.7.17
Yeshua and Mary Magdalene:
“Do You Know How Powerful You Are?”
“Beautiful Beloveds, do you know how powerful you are?
The beauty within you wants to come out. The beautiful gifts within you want to come out. Do you understand that the time is Now for you to give those gifts to the world. It’s time to dig deep within you and find those gifts, those beautiful gifts that are ready to come forth.
It’s no longer about who you were. It’s no longer about where you’ve been. It’s about Now, and who you are, Now, in this Moment. And beloveds, deep deep within you are so many Gifts waiting to come out, so many gifts waiting to share.
We love you with all our Heart, as You are learning to love yourselves with All your Heart. And that is laying the ground for your beautiful gifts to come forth, your beautiful gifts that are only unique to you.
Beloveds, you’ve come So far, you’ve been through So much. It’s not about looking back anymore. It’s about grasping this moment So Full within your Heart that all you can give is more of your Love, that all you can give is more of your Gifts.
Beloveds, this deep Love and Joy that you are building every moment, as the light comes streaming in, it’s grasping the depth of you, and bringing forth who you are, bringing forth All that you are, and you can see it as if it was in a Limelight, you can see it as you’ve never seen it before, if you let it beloveds, if you Let your Light and your Love come forth like you’ve never seen it before … and within that are creations that you didn’t even know you had, that you didn’t even know you could do.
Do you know how powerful you are? … Do you know that you can bring forth so much, based on so much Love, bringing forth insights and ideas that can be quickly molded into Creations to Share For the World, To the World and With the World.
Love has always been the answer. You know this, beloveds. It’s never been about who you are anymore, or who you were, anymore. It’s about who you Choose to be.
How do you flesh out that beautiful Divine Essence that you Are? How do you bring forth your Uniqueness and your Love … so you can share it with such Joy and Abundance? How do you do this, beloveds? How do you feel your power? … You allow the Love to well up in you so much that all you want to do is Create, to Give, to Show who you are.
And there are so many surprises in there. Maybe it’s not all something that you can see yet, maybe it’s all not totally formed yet, but can you feel it, beloveds? – Can you feel that there are rumblings within you that want to show More of who you are, to Share more of who you are, to Serve the world in a way that makes your heart sing …
That’s what all of this has been about, beloveds. That’s why you’ve been through all you have been through, clearing and working through all the caverns and the valleys … and the peaks, to clear yourself so much that you become a ‘crystal teardrop of love’, waiting to drop on anything and anyone that needs your essence …
… For in the teardrop, where there used to be pain, is crystal-clear Love and Creation.
Beloveds, don’t worry about where your life is leading. It already knows where it’s going, if you just follow it step-by-step, moment-by-moment, laughter-by-laughter, idea-by-idea, and watch it blossom …. Watch it Blossom!
No, it’s not about who you’ve been, beloveds, and it isn’t even about where you’re going. It’s where you Are right Now, allowing this Moment to bloom, to BE ALL of who you are in this moment. Feel your heart Bursting with Joy as you realize how powerful you are in each moment. You can gather all your strength and all your power, which is based on Love.
Beautiful beloveds, you are so powerful, You can create anything. It just needs your Love and your Intention and your Joy and your Passion of wanting to create it, and then watch it as it blooms.
Beautiful beloveds, we love you and we support you, and we want you to feel our Love and our Essence so that you can realize that it is just as powerful as you are, and You are just as powerful as we are, because we are the same. You are Masters Now.
Beautiful beloveds, we love you and we support you, now and forever.
All our Love,
We are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene”
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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author of both, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission. www.franhealing.com www.franheal.wordpress.com www.ouremergingdivinity.com
picture credit: www.mercedeskirkel.com
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