Hi my friend,
It’s a blessing for me to connect this way with you again. December is a big transitional month and we have a lot to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
The first few days of December will offer us a quiet and contemplative space that will give us the opportunity to reflect on the past year, our present reality, and the next steps to take to get ready for all that’s coming up in the new year.
Fine-Tuning Our Reality
As we move into the first few weeks of December, this is the perfect time to fine-tune our intentions and choices, to ensure that they are aligned with what we truly desire to create more of in our lives.
All of our experiences, whether they feel easy or challenging, provide powerful feedback that allows us to be completely clear on what we do or do not want to create more of.
When we view each experience as an opportunity to fine-tune our reality—feedback that lets us know whether or not something feels enjoyable and expansive to us—then challenges no longer become something that hold us back. They then become something that helps propel us forward.
It also then becomes much easier to operate as the empowered observer, rather than the disempowered reactor.
When we become the empowered observer, it’s much easier to free ourselves from the stories, attachments, and resistance the mind identifies with to keep itself safe and comfortable—to hold back from having to change anything.
As we view all of our experiences as pure feedback, the old patterns of being hard on ourselves, others, and the Universe begin to dissolve, because we no longer operate from a reactive space, but a neutral, empowered one.
Knowing that every moment gives us the chance to fine-tune our reality allows a sacred openness to enter our lives that creates more flow, joy, and ease.
December offers us the opportunity to resolve and let go of any extra cargo we’ve been carrying around with us that may have been slowing us down or holding us back from receiving the beauty and blessings life always makes available to us.
This extra baggage can include unhealthy relationships, thoughts, patterns, jobs, environments, and anything else not aligned with your highest vision, and you with theirs.
Mercury Retrograde: A Time to Create Emotional Freedom
Mercury will be in retrograde from December 3 to December 22. Even though Mercury in retro can be a challenging time in some ways, under the surface noise, it is actually a great time for letting go of the extra cargo we have been carrying, and the struggle associated with it.
This is because those 19 days offer us a great opportunity to let go of codependence—needing others to be or act a certain way, before we can be happy.
It is vital that we take responsibility for our own happiness, and no longer depend on others saying or doing what we prefer so that we can feel safe or satisfied on an ego level. Because when we become codependent in our relationships, it’s easy to lose our sense of self.
Taking full responsibility for our own happiness means we are no longer seeking it in other people or outer circumstances. That is the way to true freedom!
Of course, the mind’s defenses always like to tell us otherwise.
It will often come up with excuses, such as, “But I have to stick with this job I dislike, because I don’t have time to look for another job, and it pays well!”
Or, “I love my partner and want to be with them. It’s not my fault that I get unhappy when they don’t act the way I need them to.”
None of this unusual. We see situations such as these in others, and we see them in ourselves. Yet these beliefs are simply an easy way to not take full responsibility for our own happiness.
The mind will also tell us sometimes that if we are emotionally independent, we will end up alone.
This leaves us spending our time trying to please others, or looking for ways for them to please us. That drive to shape outer events until we feel safe then becomes our biggest motivation in life.
And that only results in letdown and sadness, and the constant, unsettled feeling that only the things outside of ourselves can make us happy.
These ideas can be hard to face. But it’s important to be truthful with ourselves and face our old patterns, so we can heal them completely!
It doesn’t have to be hard to create emotional independence. We simply need to learn to turn within to find our core emotional strength, instead of looking for it outside of ourselves.
To start building a healthy emotional independence, we can begin now to:
- Let go of the pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect
- Make our well-being a priority, by consistently giving ourselves self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance
- Release the need to always be right, and to have to prove ourselves
- Change up our daily routines every few days, to keep our energy fresh and enlivened
- Find ways to include creative expression, fun, and play into every day
- Share love and compassion with others, without buying into their beliefs or expressions of fear and lack
- Set goals we know we can achieve, and take steps to joyfully create them
- Decide to look and feel our best from now on—in ways that are right for our own individual well-being—by nourishing our bodies with super-healing foods, exercising/moving the body daily, and taking care of our appearance in ways that reflect outwardly the beauty we carry inwardly
- Express thanks to the Universe every day, for all we have and all we are
Even if we only incorporate one or two of these suggestions into our daily routine, they can help us shift our focus and our energies, supporting us in creating a positive sense of self and healthy emotional independence.
While the energies of Mercury Retrograde can result in a bit of turbulence—challenges in the workplace, mechanical devices breaking down, rough travel, miscommunication with others—they can also crack the lid off of old issues that have bothered us for some time, or put things into a whole new perspective.
For instance, we might hear from an old friend or partner we’d thought no longer wanted to keep in touch with us.
Or we might suddenly find some object we thought we had lost for good, or return to an old project or idea that now finally works out for us.
We might find a solution to an issue that has weighed down our energies for some time—or finally see the truth of a situation or relationship that we hadn’t been able to see clearly till now.
Because Mercury Retrograde offers us such transparency in how we think, speak, and view everything, it can be a help in putting a new light on old or current issues, ideas, or relationships.
Keep an eye on what comes up for you during this time—it might surprise you!
Big Changes Coming: Saturn Enters Capricorn
During the third week of December, Saturn enters Capricorn, after a three-year transit through Sagittarius. This is BIG news!
With Saturn in Capricorn, we become more focused on being the creator of our lives, rather than buying into the illusion that we are just the bystander.
Saturn in Capricorn will be about us creating our own magic, rather than relying on the belief that it comes from anything outside of ourselves.
The most important qualities to focus on while Saturn is in Capricorn are: self-discipline, focus, organization, and optimism.
By integrating these four qualities consistently into our lives, we will experience great gain and achievement over the next few years.
This can especially happen in the areas of career, relationships, happiness, and prosperity.
Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice
Beautiful energies will be coming to us from our sun on the December 21 winter solstice (summer solstice for those in the Southern Hemisphere). These are energies of renewal and co-creation.
For millennia, this time of year was wonderfully celebrated. The ancient cultures knew then what we have almost forgotten in the modern world: that the energies of the sun pouring in powerfully during a solstice can increase the effects of our focus and intentions.
They can beautifully support us in manifesting things that serve our higher good, and the higher good of everyone around us.
Energies for renewal and manifestation will be stronger during the solstice, so have your intentions ready! Write them out as affirmations, create vision boards, or spend some time visualizing what you want to create.
Use the active energies of the sun to support you at this time, as your mind, spirit, and overall energies especially come alive, wanting to create and express in beautiful ways.
Find some joyful way to express your love for your life and your own visions.
After the winter solstice, the days begin to get longer, so it is also a celebration of light returning to the Northern Hemisphere, as well as a celebration of the light power of the Sun.
Now is the time to be clear on what you want to create. Allow the joy of this co-creative season to flow like a current that carries you smoothly into your new creations.
December is an exciting month that will carry us into the New Year with a sense of joy for all the Love, creativity, and fulfillment that we are already creating for 2018!
Until next time,
Miraculously Yours,
p.s. Club Miracles is now open to new members. If you’d like to receive ongoing healing and support that nourishes you on a Soul level, come see if this monthly healing service that I offer resonates with you. The bonus gifts included in the premium and premier packages will be available for just a bit longer at https://emmanueldagher.com/club-miracles/
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