We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
This message from Archangel Gabriel inspires us to remember a more graceful way to live in this changing world.
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week
All situations are opportunities for the Divine Light to shine through you as times of celebration, not fear.
 Often when I come into a situation that is unknown or unfamiliar, I notice that my first impulse is to feel fearful. This does seem to be a fairly common response to the unknown aspects of life. It takes consciously slowing down on my part, taking that deep breath and remembering what my intention is. I may even ask for protection or remind myself that It is Safe to be in new situations. Prayers for Divine Light to flow through me and any situation or relationship I am involved with sets the energy I want in my world. Fields of Living Light are malleable and can be used to change any fearful or difficult circumstance that comes up. Because the Light of God contains both Divine Intelligence and Love, the frequency shift is immediate. Creative Solutions may even start to manifest right in front of me. That is definitely an opportunity for celebration. Harmony is one of my go-to intentions. I want to be in harmony with myself, with others, and in harmony with the situation — whatever it is. I want to remember to come back to my original intention and let the situation reflect that energy. When I do this, it is amazing to watch things start to unfold in a brighter way. I become much more at ease with myself, and attuned to my most Divine Nature. Another cause for celebration. In fact, it seems that all of Heaven rejoices when I come back into Alignment with my Divine Self and in Harmony with what is occurring in my life. The Angelic Dimensions are very aware of what is transpiring in our lives. They are uniquely available for us to call on during this time of opening and evolution. The blessings of the Archangels soothe and inspire us as we navigate these new dimensions of consciousness. Knowing there are Angels watching out for me and assisting my life helps me to stay out of the fear realms that stop me in my tracks. It is easy to go into fear. Fearfulness is all around us in the consciousness of humanity. It takes courage to move out of that mindset. It is a bold step to remember that I have another option besides fear. When I consciously create new qualities for life within and around me, I am using the Fields of Living Light that are now available in this dimensional time of higher frequencies. It becomes divine alchemy that transforms my life and the way the world responds to me. Alignment from Heaven to Earth is the prayerful process that Archangel Gabriel inspired 25 years ago. As our world has evolved, it has become the most resourceful, and even magical, way to bring new levels of Love, Freedom and Harmony into my life. There is an exquisitely mystical feeling within as we work with the Archangels who are surrounding us in Light. This Divine Truth transcends any fear and creates a brilliant opportunity for celebration whenever we allow it to be. Divine Presence,
Thank you for helping me to slow down and open to the support I have available in every area of my life. I ask to be in Harmony with the situation I find myself in at this time. May I allow the Divine Light to shine through so I can receive the assistance that is available.
I ask for Benevolent Outcomes and Creative Solutions for times when things look so dark and feel so uncomfortable in their unknown state. Let me rise above the fear that tries to surface at these times. I am inviting the Angels to show me the way. Flood my heart with Divine Love and allow the presence of the Angelic Dimensions to lift my consciousness so I can truly remember that I am not alone, no matter what it looks like in my life.
Whenever fear occurs, I want to remember that there is an opportunity in each situation that is calling me to expand into new and exalted perceptions. I truly want to learn to celebrate and focus on hidden opportunity when challenges arise. Help me to remember to set my intentions for more Love, Clarity and Harmony every day. I now allow myself to receive this assistance and know that my Higher Self is bringing forth my soul's gifts so I can become more resourceful, open and trusting at all times.
Especially may I remember to celebrate the fact that Love exists within and through all situations and will never leave me. Thank you God, and so it is.Shanta Gabriel December 24, 2017 ShantaGabriel.com
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