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Monday, August 20, 2018
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Anxiety and Fear is Excess Energy
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - August 17, 2018
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.
And we are aware that you are unconsciously picking up on the many powerful, deliberate movements forward, to free and empower humanity and Earth, yet are unclear for the most part what those movements are.
In the meantime, you are juggling a great deal—astrological movements that affect your heart-mind and body, cellular shifts and etheric ones that, while they are enlightening and empowering overall, can feel cataclysmic or strange many days.
They also bring up powerful emotion at times—old struggles, grievances, anger, or feelings of loss or betrayal that have been buried in some cases for centuries, and now demand to be heard, and healed or released.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Cancelation guest on New Earth Cosmic conversations
Precious hearts,
A very quick headsup about a last minute cancelation from my end to be on SiSTAR Anrita Melchizedek's "New Earth Cosmic conversations" panel today August 17. Sorry for this. Personal and family things.
Join Anrita and friends as these lightworkers have lots to share. Enjoy 💕😘
See you all soon ❤️
Lots of love
Meline 😘
Thursday, August 16, 2018
New Earth Cosmic conversations with Anrita Melchizedek, Paige Hall, Méline Lafont, Grace Solaris, Sarah Williams and Sally Sherin ~ August 17, 2018
Precious hearts. I AM honored and DeLighted to invite you all on this Magical New Earth Cosmic conversations event hosted and created by our beautiful SiSTAR Anrita Melchizedek 💖 We air live on Facebook stream on Friday August 17. (check direct link in the event page on Facebook )
So for some awesome multidimensional conversations and this week's focus Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Consciousness, join us Friday August 17th at 9am PT/12pm ET/4pm GMT via Facebook Live at or Zoom on
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ From your Hostess of Light
Thank you Jesus we got thru those last 3 eclipses. These July august eclipses have been affecting me for 2 years, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Mercury goes direct on my birthday 8/19 and the crowd cheers!
Most of you are aware of the mama orca whale that carried her deceased baby for 17 days almost starving herself to death. She finally let go thankfully, but really can you ever let go? During my 8:8 workshop in Tennessee, we worked with the Elohim of the whales (A-Qua-la) and dolphins via sound and soul we were able to connect with the mama whale, as a pod of sister whales. We each fed her inter-dimensionally, feeding her soul, as well as her body. Giving her manna she could digest easily since she could not bear to eat anything, she just wanted to die. The meditation felt so real to everyone, we really felt she had taken food from us, some rubbing her tongue to encourage feeding. Yesterday this beautiful lady of the sea swam thru my living room showing her underbelly as big as a submarine, demanding my undivided attention. I brought thru these channeled words for all of us that hold the magic of the ocean in our hearts.
Thank you Jesus we got thru those last 3 eclipses. These July august eclipses have been affecting me for 2 years, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Mercury goes direct on my birthday 8/19 and the crowd cheers!
Most of you are aware of the mama orca whale that carried her deceased baby for 17 days almost starving herself to death. She finally let go thankfully, but really can you ever let go? During my 8:8 workshop in Tennessee, we worked with the Elohim of the whales (A-Qua-la) and dolphins via sound and soul we were able to connect with the mama whale, as a pod of sister whales. We each fed her inter-dimensionally, feeding her soul, as well as her body. Giving her manna she could digest easily since she could not bear to eat anything, she just wanted to die. The meditation felt so real to everyone, we really felt she had taken food from us, some rubbing her tongue to encourage feeding. Yesterday this beautiful lady of the sea swam thru my living room showing her underbelly as big as a submarine, demanding my undivided attention. I brought thru these channeled words for all of us that hold the magic of the ocean in our hearts.
Lisa Renee ~ Checkerboard Mutation
We are witnessing some positive tipping points in the war over consciousness as the earth is naturally dropping density, which means moving beyond the influence of some alien machinery used to run reversals in the earth grids. The planet is going through a 6D–7D wing building, which is the first level of hierogamic union, making this level of consciousness embodiment more available to humanity now. This has special significance to the fulfillment of the Paliadorian Covenant and the rehabilitation of the Michael Christ and the Gold Ray Seraphim. The United Kingdom has been a focus recently in viewing why sexual energies are so targeted and manipulated as an energy source. Sharing updates on the Nibiru Diodic Crystal (NDC) under Stonehenge primarily controlled by the Thoth, Enki, and Enlil Collectives from Nibiru, and its relationship to the main collection center for sexual misery energy harvesting called the Nephilim Reversal Grid or NRG network. As they are losing ground the NAA are trying to advance forms of sexual misery and confusion, which essentially act to reverse, split and block gender principles from unifying, to further feed these reversal grids. We look at gender principles in DNA codes, the impact of unplugging or scrambling DNA that contains genetic time codes, which influence stations of identity and control over the timelines of earth. If you have recently had that sense that you are shifting your position in time and space, I hope that you find this information supportive for connecting the dots.
august 2018,
lisa renee,
Selacia ~ Stepping through the Window Benefit from Next Wave of Beneficial Energies
In this window of the August 11 Leo Solar Eclipse, you will benefit from a grounded presence and being open to insights coming into your awareness. The energies now are beneficial for bringing to light what was hidden - personally and collectively. Impacts of eclipses, especially now, go beyond a day or even several days. Given everything else going on, beneficial impacts could be experienced for weeks. Continue reading to better understand what this means for you, for those you love, and for our world.
Personal Benefits
Your personal life indeed could receive a nice boost from this eclipse. Examples (1) a deeper understanding of yourself - including motivations, skills, self-sabotage, habits, and the impact others have on your self-image and progress (2) insights about simple steps you can take now to change your life course (3) a higher view of your potentials, gifts, and important connections needed to take your next big leap.
august 2018,
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Learning to Trust Your Intuition
Brenda Hoffman ~ Let Go!

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s August 10, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at So many awakened the past few weeks that your role has become radiating joy as you walk through your creation door. Knowing your life is of freedom and ease will encourage you to become more childlike.
“Should You Go or Should You Stay?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Many of you are questioning the validity of our assertion a few days ago that you merely need to walk through the door when you are ready, and you will be in joy. Such is so for your life has not yet expressed itself in sparkling joy. In truth, your life may feel cumbersome, even painful.
Kara ~ Riding the Waves of the Sacred Spiral - 13-Aug-2018
Completely shifting to being New is not what we thought it would be. When the word Transformation has been used, did we think it would mean a complete upheaval of what we've come to count on? It's easy to intellectualize everything and yet, it's not appropriate, as the mind has little to do with Transformation. If you ponder the Transformation of the caterpillar to the butterfly, you understand the caterpillar does not merely sprout wings while keeping its body. No; the caterpillar dissolves completely and a new DNA is formed, as are its cells. It then builds its new form from this recalibrated goo. We are the same. Many of us can relate to being goo; nothing is familiar, many of our closest people have fled, our bodies and minds don't work the same and the beat continues.
august 2018,
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers – August 10, 2018
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.
We wish to say, that if you are feeling exhausted, a bit dizzy, feeling as if the clock and the calendar hold no real relevance, disinterested in food or a bit too interested, or if you're awakening in the morning knowing you had important conversations and experiences while in the sleep state—you are doing quite well.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
A channeled message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, August 2, 2018
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. Most of you probably remember that I have been working full time with the Earth Council for the Ascension process for these past six years. I periodically report through this channel what we would like you to know.
You will begin to have increasing numbers of sightings such as the one this channel and others saw at Mount Shasta. Before you know it, seeing ships in the sky will become an everyday occurrence. Can you imagine the excitement that you will feel? We are open and are enthralled with anticipation. We cannot wait to meet you and to get acquainted. We have a lot to share and so do you. We will be helping in every way possible. You will be able to come forward and do your true work for your purpose and destiny.
Sandra Walter ~ Wildfire update, Lion's Gate Eclipse Week and Global Meditations
I AM at the Ocean shore this day, taking a respite from weeks of wildfire smoke. The Klamathon fire burned just North of the mountain through July, then the intense Carr Fire in Redding, 60 miles South of here, began on the same night of the eclipse Gate opening. That fire continues to burn, and the smoke spreads all the way up into Oregon.
In our Mastery, we create peace, harmony and healing as these clearing and revelation effects become physicalized. In support of those affected, here are some recommendations:
In our Mastery, we create peace, harmony and healing as these clearing and revelation effects become physicalized. In support of those affected, here are some recommendations:
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Money Returns to Me Multiplied
AA Gabriel,
august 2018,
Brenda Hoffman ~ Should You Go or Should You Stay?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s August 3, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at For many, the outer chaos is becoming more illogical. You feel like parents watching two children fight over one sand pail despite another available pail. Some of you will continue to focus on outer energies for you’re discovering new ways to create a more equal and harmonious world. Others of you have little interest. You will know your objective by your interests which are more focused daily.
“Flitting Between Relationships” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
We wish to address your fear that all is not well in your life. That what you experienced the past few days will be forever.
Lauren C. Gorgo ~ 8:8 Lion’s Gate & the hidden doorway

The tide is rising to another major culmination point as we move into the annual Lion’s Gate passage (7/26), followed directly by the full (blood) moon/total lunar eclipse in Aquarius (7/27)…and with Mercury turning retrograde to boot. 
Where the first partial/solar eclipse acted as a somewhat aggressive activation/trigger point for the triad, the second (lunar) eclipse will serve as a release point…releasing the karmic bylaws that we have lived by for multiple incarnations. This is the really deep, lifetimes-old stuff that has kept us bound to the wheel of reincarnation and we now have a solid opportunity to lay these illusory storylines to rest. For good.
Releasing these karmic storylines, and the template that housed them, not only enables us to release the real life circumstances that were created out of that template, but it also offers us an opening to activate more of our (higher dimensional) DNA…the higher genetic material that sustains us in light-body form.
Hi my beautiful friend,
It’s such an honor to connect with you once again, and to catch up on all of the energetic changes happening now.
With the six retrogrades this summer, the two eclipses we moved through in July, the August 11 eclipse coming up, and other celestial happenings going on, you’ve probably noticed that almost everything has been looking and feeling as if it’s been turned upside down.
In our immediate world, this is especially revealing itself in the areas of relationships, career, health, and personal development.
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - August 3, 2018
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.
We are aware that these are taxing times, in which you are feeling the intensity of old emotion—past experiences that brought realizations, beliefs, and paths of learning that have been painfully steep and difficult.
At times these paths have been so demanding—beyond what you believed you were able to process or integrate at the time—that your mind or body rejected the experience, seeking to step out of the moment and to retreat into the purely etheric, or into nothingness.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Michael's Message
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Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence, and you are the flame it feeds. It is important you understand that you are developing your individual SUNLIGHT, which is a reflection of your own God Essence.
The human intellectual thought process must evolve beyond the limitations of language. There is a vast wealth of information awaiting humanity via inspiration. You must develop your intuitive abilities in order to receive the wisdom of the Divine Blueprint for the Aquarian Age, which is now being RAY-diated from our Father/Mother God via the Twelve Galactic Rays of cosmic consciousness. It will not come from outside you. It will well up within your own Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. You must reach up and grasp it, for it will not come down into the effluvia of the Earth planes and seek you out.
AA Michael,
august 2018,
Ronna Herman,
Humanity is experiencing the final critical stages of preparation prior to the activation of the pre-encoded consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children. This activation will take place August 11-16, 2018, as the threefold Eclipse Series we are in the midst of is brought to fruition. During this time, the monumental influx of Light from this rare Eclipse Series will be assimilated into the Core of Purity within cellular structures of every person on Earth by his or her I AM Presence. This greatly intensified Light is also accelerating the frequency of vibration within the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
Our Father-Mother God are assuring us that in spite of the chaos we are witnessing in the outer world everything is unfolding in Divine Order. During this wondrous, but often tumultuous, time it is critical that each of us stay centered in the Divinity of our Heart Flame and remain focused on the Light. We have been preparing for lifetimes to do this. We all have within us the skill and courage to BE the Light in the face of any adversity we may be confronted with or that we are witnessing at this time.
Our Father-Mother God are assuring us that in spite of the chaos we are witnessing in the outer world everything is unfolding in Divine Order. During this wondrous, but often tumultuous, time it is critical that each of us stay centered in the Divinity of our Heart Flame and remain focused on the Light. We have been preparing for lifetimes to do this. We all have within us the skill and courage to BE the Light in the face of any adversity we may be confronted with or that we are witnessing at this time.
Brenda Hoffman ~ Flitting Between Relationships

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s July 27, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You’re in control of the energies received from the Universes. Because energies never leave earth, as is true for snow, create in your inner or outer worlds whenever YOU feel it is right to do so. The escalating energies allow you to create rapidly and for those beginning their journey to transition more rapidly than was true for you.
“Decide” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Each of you is a unique individual existing under the totality umbrella. So it is you are beginning to experience your uniqueness in ways you never before experienced while of the earth.
Many of you are lonely. Not because you are truly alone, but because you did not step outside social boundaries in your previous earthly existences. So you wait for approval that will never arrive.
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