Today we wish to discuss the phenomenon of growing and connecting groups of lightworkers and wayshowers. In times past, and even until very recently, it has been very common for you to have found yourselves isolated in places where you were a true outpost for the light, holding and anchoring the new energy in spite of all odds, even in the face of ridicule. You felt completely alone. Let us tell you now that your efforts have produced far more effect than you yet realize.
The trickle of building energy, of increasing numbers of you, through awakenings and births, has reached the point where such isolation is no longer necessary, and in fact, there are very likely now better uses for the energies you carry. Even the most aware of you do not understand yet the full impact of your energy upon your environment, but we tell you it can make, and has made all the difference.
We wish for you now to begin giving yourselves credit where credit is due. We do not mean for you to go about “blowing your horn”, as you put it. Rather we mean for you to stand erect and realize that, in large part, the new world that is coming into being is due to your intent and perseverance, which returns us to the ongoing theme of ‘love yourselves’.
You will find, within the near future, that you are no longer alone. You may find yourselves in new places. Certainly, you will be among those much more receptive to your understandings and those of like hearts and minds. Remember to bring to them your love and joy. It is quite possible they have felt as alone as you have.
In due time, you will begin to find the reasons for your new groups to emerge upon the societal horizon. You are the seeds of growing trees, even forests. Stand proud. Offer love. The rest will take care of itself.
Remember that we are always closer than your next thought. We support your every moment. We are there when you need us. And we are not and cannot be too busy to hear you. Carry our love with you this day. We will speak with you again soon.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
Thank You!!!