❤ As is usually the case with Oracle cards, the one I pulled today is right in keeping with the energies of the moment and can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways. I was led to pull form the “Romance Angels” deck, and today’s card is entitled “Keep An Open Mind.” I really adore the imagery on this one, as I have an affinity for the Regency period and anything Jane Austen. On this card are two ladies and a gentleman in elegant dress, with a cherub circling above. They can’t see the cherub, of course, but he’s there nonetheless, and his influence is being keenly felt by the people in conversation below him. The image reminds us that there are always unseen forces at work around us. Never make the mistake of thinking that anything is ever set in stone. You may set out to accomplish what you believe to be a clearly defined goal, and then find yourself unexpected led in an entirely different-and more satisfying-direction.
❤ Thankfully, June is starting off to be be a more gentle and lighthearted month…something we so badly need after the energetic beating we took in April and May! Therefore, consider all this wonder and surprise a good thing. Try to think of each twist and turn as a present from the Universe, all wrapped up in pretty paper and with a sparkly bow on top. Open each one up with joy and enthusiasm, rather than wariness and trepidation. Rip off the wrapping and take a look at what’s inside!
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