❅ Too often we observe as you reject the uniqueness of another. Be it the color of their skin or some such differentiation of the Human Vessel, a manner of speech, a point of view. You were not meant to be exact replicas of one another. If such similarities were the norm, how then would the learning take place? How then would you possibly not be racked senseless with boredom? Wherein would lie the challenge, the interest, the excitement? Oftentimes, this very thing which you reject is intimately tied up with the very thing you chose to come to Earth to do. Learn to love the differences in others. Find your fascination there, shining bright from deep within each nuance of the other’s being. Feel not threatened by what they do and say, nor in how they choose to present themselves in Human costume. For they are your Brethren. Look closely. See the Sacred Light shining from their eyes.
❆ Cooperation and understanding are especially key at this time. You shall ultimately be presented with situation after situation, whereby you shall be asked to work in close proximity with others. Endeavor to appreciate and understand opposing points of view and, ideally, to come to accept these differences as gifts; opportunities for learning and growth. Just as your personal perspectives are near and dear to your heart, be of the understanding that theirs too are dear to them. It is not necessary that you agree on all points. Only that you demonstrate compassion, tolerance and an open mind. Cease the games of tug-of-war, sweet Angels. Meet each other someplace towards the middle. See yourself through someone else’s eyes.
❄ Blessed are the ones who have mastered the art of forgiveness. Blessed are all of God’s children, as nestled snug within each Human Vessel lives a bright, thriving spark of The Divine. All are unique and identical at the same time. It is just such a concept which defies all Human logic, yet makes perfect sense in the Universal scheme of things. See in your Brethren a reflection of all that is fine and wondrous. And so it is.
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