Sunday, August 11, 2013

New Energies & How they Effect YOUR body – Extreme Fatigue etc – Pleiadian High Council by Anna Merkaba

newenergies~New Energies & Their Effect on Your Body – Extreme Fatigue, etc., – The reason is that many of you are being withdrawn from your bodies, and are taken to various places to meet their higher selves, and to meet their soul families, in order to learn more and bring that wisdom back to earth where it will manifest in the words that you speak, and the actions you take in your life, where your high vibrations will begin to influence more and more those around you and like a sphere of light you will embrace those that come near you. ~
Dearly beloved children of the universe as the time to the opening of the gates approaches, your bodies are beginning to be cleansed and bathed in a variety of energies from the cosmic essence of existence, it is now in this very moment in the next few days that you may be experiencing the following symptoms:

-Extreme tiredness and sleepiness
-Inability to coherently express your thoughts
-Difficulty speaking
-Lack of energy
-Lapse of Time
-Mood fluctuations
-A feeling as if you are being lifted out of your bodies (which you are)
For you are leaving all the old behind and are entering a new era where your bodies will no longer function as they have been for eons. Your Pineal Glands are opening up to the universal energies of truth, and your body is beginning to process a mountainous amount of information that you are then to deliver to the rest of humanity. You are beginning to feel yourself immersed into the 5D structure more and more each day.
Worry not, for everything that you are experiencing is but part of an ongoing process of shifting to another level of ascension. For yet another fraction is being removed from your psyche and from your bodies cleansing you and preparing you for the new world for the new day and so many of you have been experiencing the rise and fall of energies , many have began to see a variety of beings visiting them, many of you are experiencing lapses of time, extreme forgetfulness, and disconnection from the physical reality.
The reason is that many of you are being withdrawn from your bodies, and are taken to various places to meet their higher selves, and to meet their soul families, in order to learn more and bring that wisdom back to earth where it will manifest in the words that you speak, and the actions you take in your life, where your high vibrations will begin to influence more and more those around you and like a sphere of light you will embrace those that come near you.
All of your perceived fears will slowly begin to fade away, your perceived hurts and pains will recede and you will find yourself wondering why were you ever upset at this or that situation, for it will no longer matter to you, for you have graduated and have moved past the misunderstanding of human life, and are finally truly remembering your mission at hand.
Look within our dearly beloveds, look within and understand that everything that you are experiencing is coming from the purity of your intentions, the purity of your soul to be in this moment, here now, to facilitate the return of human souls home. Home to their true selves. And so when you find yourself in such states, realize , understand and remember, that all is well. For all is unfolding as it should
We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Pleiadian High Council – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –

1 comment:

  1. yes ! yes ! this is happening to me... xo jamila
