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Friday, June 30, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Kara Schallock ~ Wholing - 27-Jun-2017
This is not an Ascension Note; it is something I wrote that I intended for the Spiritual Musing page on my website, only it doesn't work, so I'm posting and sharing it here:
What is the difference between wholing and healing?
Healing is an old term. It indicates that one seeks fixing from the “healer;” yet, unless the two are on the same vibratory level, nothing occurs. Wholing is the recognition that one is already whole in Truth. Wholing does not take Power from another, as healing does.
When a person seeks healing from another, they give Power to the one they choose to heal them. Wholing does not do this, as both are on an equal vibration. There is no seeking to be “fixed,” for both recognize that they are whole. Wholing does not take Power from the other, knowing that the other is capable of wholing themselves.
june 2017,
Brenda Hoffman ~ Let it Be

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s June 23, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You’re evolving beyond the need to caretake earth politically or physically for you’re focussing on adjusting to your new 5D or beyond being. Those following you will take up the mantle of earth caretaking. In a sense, you’re the grandparent of earth now and no longer have day-to-day responsibilities for your earth grandchild. Brenda’s next BlogTalkRadio.comchannel will be July 7, 2017.
“KNOW That Such is So” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Even though you crossed the Rubicon to 5D, you continue to feel the need to care for others – either personal relationships or global interactions.
But you now have different areas to discover and explore. Your time caretaking the earth, your friends, family, and community members – even those of the ethers – is over.
Mahala ~ News Flash June 23, 2017
We just had the summer solstice a couple of days ago and the sun is now moving through the sign of Cancer. This sign rules the home, family, food and emotions. Usually Cancer people like to eat, and part of the reason is because it makes them feel good. Food can be very comforting at certain times. Mars is also going through the sign of Cancer and at the new moon of June 23 Mars was exactly on top of the birth Sun of the United States, which is 13 degrees Cancer. It also made a square aspect to the planet Jupiter on 13 degrees Libra. This energy will definitely affect Washington D.C. and the surrounding area, and this energy will continue until the full moon of July.
The energy of Mars square Jupiter affects finances, business, and legal affairs. This energy causes people to become involved in legal battles and caution should be used in dealing with foreign countries. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius and that sign rules foreign countries, judges, and legal affairs. Mars will also conjunct Mercury on June 29, 2017, and will then oppose Pluto. This is a very strong aspect and means there is the possibility of a large storm coming into the East coast, which includes the southern SE states. Chances are that China will also have storms around that time period.
june 2017,
news flash
Sandra Walter ~ Embodying the Crystalline Tipping Point Jun 24, 2017
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
The Solstice week-long launch of the August Eclipse passage completed with the New Moon. As we render the cosmic rays of evolution and Gaia’s emerging expression into a new reality, we feel the larger operation of Source intent. Divine Will concludes lower storylines, and we allow our higher wisdom to reorder our perception.
The direction to Open the eclipse pathway for the purer frequencies of the Primary Christed timelines to be available, felt, and utilized by Gatekeepers and Gridworkers became self-evident last week. Fortunately this year continues to raise the bar on Ascension experiences; we learn to expect the unexpected. We fully accept our experience as unpredictable, in a good way.
june 2017,
Sandra Walter,
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing.

Dear One,
Your conscious presence in the world leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Your Soul's task is to carry the light of Love and Truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Through this intention you will bring more Peace and Light into the world.
Being a visionary, you see in your mind that which you wish to accomplish. It becomes your intention, as if you are taking aim, pulling back the bow and shooting your arrow toward your target. With this clarity, you will surely reach your mark. There is, however, the question of when.
Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ June 25, 2017
Dear ones, be not afraid of what you are seeing and hearing, for these are the symbols of a changing universe, the dying throes of old energy that is soon to become part of another world in which you who have chosen to awaken need not take part. All have been given the choice to ascend. Most are un-aware of this, but on the deeper levels, everyone is choosing.
Try not to fear for or be concerned about family and friends who may be choosing not to awaken at this time. Their Higher Self in its infinite wisdom may know that they need more three dimensional type experiences before they will be ready to leave them behind. Every person will ascend into higher levels of awareness at some point in their journey, it is inevitable. Mans true nature is Divine and he is not meant to spend forever living the experiences of illusory beliefs.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Lisa Renee ~ Divide and Conquer Tactics

Dear Ascending Family,
Our Krystic families that live in the higher creational realms share the same Universal truths of unity that we are working to reveal for humanity, as we awaken to remember our real origins during the Ascension Cycle. We know that this advanced civilization based on unity consciousness and Christ principles exists and is our true home and origin. Yet, as we are embodied on the earth at this time, we have been trained in the Divide and Conquer strategies of the anti-Christ. This month we look at the particular strategies being used against humanity, in the war over consciousness. During this pinnacle time in the ascension, we are aligning every light fiber, fully with unity consciousness. Our spiritual family does not understand these warfare methods from where they are in higher realms. So it is up to each of us to recognize these Divide and Conquer strategies in action, and not unknowingly feed energy into them.
june 2017,
lisa renee,
Walking Terra christa ~ Christine Meleriessee Hayden ~ Is Karma Really a Bitch?
Ascension Mastery teacher and trainer Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden came through to the other side of Karma. Maybe you can too.
Twenty nine years ago I was twenty five years old. I can tell you after thirty years it actually seems like someone else’s life. People really do change, especially if they are on a life long journey to discovery who they are. I don’t think most people appreciate this, it certainly is a perspective that is not easy to get to.
One night in the early fall of that 25th year I was out with friends at a party. We all were drinking from a keg, dancing to very loud rock and 80’s music and doing generally what people do at house parties, which was talking about both stupid and what seemed to be profound stuff at the same time.
That was the night I ended up in a one night stand. And to tell the truth, it was a stereotype breaking moment for me as I was the one picked up. It ended up being the only one night stand of my life, and technically, I guess it ended up not being one at all.
Seven years later I married her.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ From your hostess of Light
As the energy of Gemini clashes with itself like a PMS Titan on a steamy day, we all feel pulled in every direction, like roasted Hawaiian pig at a Maui Luau. The dark and the light of the impish Gemini twins demands that we make peace with the pushy energy within before we battle the pushy energy on the outer limits. Everyone is a little more sensitive, a little grouchy, a lot distracted, mostly bewildered and vague. We seek council of our own light and soul but all we see is fog. Our moods and thoughts change like the weather. We do not feel like we fit in our skin, or life. We look at those we love and wonder what happened?
In this place of many fissured mirrors, there is no good or bad, nor right or wrong - there is only reflection and a need to understand and love that reflection. The fork in the upcoming road leads humanity down a bumpy path. A place where compasses no longer work and the landscape shifts and pulses hiding its true colors. The teachings of mercury and Gemini are so animated it is like 3rd graders in an unrehearsed Christmas play after they had Kool-Aid and cupcakes. Just like the flow of liquid mercury life and time moves in an un-harnessed fashion doing what it wants to, when it wants to, because that is life.
Sandra Walter ~ Bifurcation of Realities: Solstice Entry to the Eclipse Gateway
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
The West coast Gateway for the eclipse passage was initiated on Thursday June 8, and fully opened on Friday June 9 with Full Moon Gridworker ceremony on the Oregon coast. Gratitude to those who participated in this opening, both in the physical and the etheric. The passage was opened right at the point where the eclipse path touches land and begins to cross the USA.
Perhaps you noticed the shifting of energies as this Gate amplified over the last week. The eclipse pathway and its metaphoric reflection of the higher unfoldments was immediately apparent. I saw the pathway blasting open, and connecting to the eclipse exit point in South Carolina. East coast Gatekeepers, gather and do the same Now. You’ll need more than three HUmans (we had 13) to open it properly, as the eclipse represents unification across all levels of consciousness.
june 2017,
Sandra Walter,
Brenda Hoffman ~ KNOW That Such is So

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s June 16, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at As has been channeled many times, you’re evolving at the pace correct for you – just as was true in puberty. And your moods will likely swing widely and rapidly – as was true in puberty. Those just beginning their transition will shift more rapidly from the dark night of their soul than you did because of the path you created. Even though it’s a chaotic earth time – made more so by the upcoming Solstice, you’re beginning to float out of the chaos to create new structures and therefore, new Universal paths.
“Put on Your Big Girl or Boy Pants” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Synchronize your thoughts with your dreams. The difference from 3D is that you are syncing your thoughts to your dreams – instead of your fears.
For many, such a thought is an often repeated concept in this transition. You have learned over and over to put aside your fears so your dreams could come to fruition. The difference is your energies have now achieved a plateau, a level of creation – higher than previously thought possible.
brenda Hoffman,
june 2017,
Selacia ~ -Create Positive Energy Shifts-
Solstice Gateway Process
-Create Positive Energy Shifts-
by Selacia
Ready to shift some energy in your life? This week we have a powerful Solstice gateway, providing a new doorway for transformation and progress. Continue reading for a simple process you can do now and throughout the week to take optimal advantage of this doorway.
Solstice is June 20-21 depending on your time zone, but energetically it's more than one day. Indeed Solstice is a potent gateway occurring over several days and into the weekend of June 24-25.
Think of it as a quantum pause, providing opportunities over several days for you to see yourself more clearly. With more clarity, positive intentions you've recently focused on receive an energetic upgrade. This means that your intentions have increased aliveness and more focused direction. This upgrade can make a huge difference in what you are able to manifest!
Keep in mind that this is not an automatic upgrade. You must be present and consciously involved. What you need to do is not complex or difficult. However, your personal action is needed. Below are the steps. It's recommended that you work with these now, even if you plan to take part in a Solstice-related event this week.
june 2017,
june solstice,
Ailia Mira ~ The Council of Radiant Light ~ Solstice Message, June 2017
The Solstice Energy is always furthering you being you.
You might think of solar energy in general as always being about your identity in individuated consciousness. The Solstice, then, amplifies that energy and with that you can tune into a clearer and more whole sense of self. The real you. The core energy signature of all that you are.
It matters not if it is the winter or the summer solstice, when the solstice alignment occurs, you have clear, easy, direct access to knowing yourself more fully.
We would suggest over the next few days and as a celebration of your divine light and sovereignty, you might focus deeply on appreciating you! You might decide to notice you and pay more attention to your sense of self. Pay special attention to what gives you the feeling of you, “being in your element.”
Ron Head ~ The Council – The Invitation
on The Council – The Invitation
The Council – The Invitation
Have you considered inviting your SELF to the party? What do you suppose it would be like if he or she were living this lifetime as you? What if, instead of having you be here as a sort of memory challenged scout ship, your higher SELF was looking out through your eyes and creating all that you were seeing? What if you lost nothing in the process, and instead gained all of the things your soul truly has hungered for in every lifetime?
Do you really understand that there is an immense portion of your being that is not here, that is not separated from you in reality, that is enriched by all of the experiences you encounter?
june 2017,
Ron head,
The council
Kara Schallock ~ Solstice & Divine Masculine - 20-Jun-2017
We are in the beautiful phase of the Solstice. It is masculine in nature. What this means is that it is not the old masculine of push and control, but that of the New Divine Masculine; that part of us that supports and acts on our dreams and visions; that which gives form to illusive Soul desires and upgrades our cells and DNA, as well as giving form to Light encodings. The Divine Masculine takes action in Courage and purpose. While we have integrated the Divine Feminine; this does nothing; we need both Feminine and Masculine to be balanced. With Balance, we have dreams and visions that are acted on. There is purpose in all we do, as we fully integrate our Divine Masculine with no ulterior motives; only the desire to support and serve our Divine Feminine. The Divine Masculine does not hide His Heart in a cave, for His and Her Hearts are one Heart. The Divine Masculine within us wants to act and bring to manifestation all the guidance of the Goddess. He wants to serve Her in all He chooses to do. He does not act without Her guidance. As we embrace our Divine Masculine fully, we bring our visions and guidance to fruition. This is the Solstice Purpose.
june 2017,
june solstice,
Lord Metatron brings forth a higher spiritual message for the June Solstice 2017 assisting us to understand Ascension for Humanity and GAIA. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa, Integrative Channel, transmits a powerful Ascension Mastery message for this Sacred Earth movement. It represents the ability to fully ground the Pink Flame within our physical self as we connect to the Heart of All Hearts of the Divine Mother accessing our Angelic Heritage. THE JUNE SOLSTICE OCCURS JUNE 20TH 2017 AT 9:24 PM PACIFIC, JUNE 21ST AT 12:24 AM EASTERN, AND 04:34 UTC/GMT.
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - June 20, 2017
Today's Message is another excerpt from the Collective’s new book: Connections: The Collective Speakon Romance and Friendship
From Chapter 2 – “On Desire in the Fifth Dimension”
[Question] In the fifth dimension, will there still be a desire for sex?
Will sex be similar to that of the third dimension? Or will it be more of an energy experience—orgasm by melding mind energy with another?
And will our bodies still be able to reproduce, once they are in crystalline form?
[The Collective] You speak of sexual acts as you currently know them, and of desire as you currently know it. Yet both of these take on a higher vibrational aspect—a higher form of experience—in the fifth dimension.
You can begin now to experience your life as a fifth dimensional one, and to experience your planet as being fifth dimensional. Ascension is a process.
You will not walk through a doorway that suddenly takes you from one frequency to a much higher one.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - June 16, 2017
This week's Message to Lightworkers is an excerpt from the Collective's new book: Connections: The Collective Speak on Romance and Friendship
From Chapter 6 - “On Releasing Jealousy and Insecurity"
[Question] I was a very jealous person when I was younger, though am far less so now. I know I can’t own or control anyone, nor do I want someone thinking they can own or control me.
Yet I still feel insecure if I see my partner noticing and spending time with any woman he considers attractive. I still wonder if I am enough. I wonder whether it means that my partner isn’t fully satisfied with me.
Am I breaking my own heart, by holding false expectations? I need some clarity on this!
[The Collective] This is a fascinating area, and one that goes to the very heart of the issue of self-love.
Natalie Glasson ~ Tuition for Spiritual Maturity and Advancement by Lord Merlin
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 15th June 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I am Lord Merlin; I am a Master of Magic, a co-creator with Nature and the Elementals and embodiment of Divine Alchemy. I am currently supporting Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda in their role and mission as World Teachers at a Planetary Level. My purpose in supporting the World Teachers is to gift and awaken the ancient knowledge of the Earth, other civilisations, sacred dimensions and the Universe of the Creator, reminding souls of their truth. My understanding in ancient knowledge and wisdom aids an awakening of each person’s most sacred abilities and skills. This often stems beyond the limitations of the mind. When one lets go of needing to know and understand everything while also holding a pure intention of what they wish to embody, they access a reality, world and energy within them which is beyond the perceptions of their mind. This means that such experiences as magic, miracles, alchemy, instant manifestation and a full experience of unison with all will be explored within the Earth’s reality.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Today is a powerful Full Moon. This is the Full Moon that occurs during the Sun Cycle of Gemini and it is celebrated around the World as the Goodwill Festival of Humanity. This is a unified celebration that includes an expansion of Light from the Path of Divine Love that bathes the Earth during the Passover and Easter Full Moon which takes place annually during the Sun Cycle of Aries and the Enlightenment of the Buddha which blesses the Earth and all her Life during the Wesak Full Moon which takes place annually during the Sun Cycle of Taurus. These three moons are the most powerful Full Moons of the year and on this day the Light received from all three moons exponentially expands through each person’s Heart Flame under the direction of his or her I AM Presence.
In 2017, due to the incredible influxes of Light we have all been experiencing these Full Moons have blessed the Earth with higher frequencies of Light than Humanity has ever been able to receive. The Divine Intent of this greatly accelerated influx of Light is to prepare Humanity and all Life on this planet at a cellular level for the shift of vibration that will take place when the patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance from the Realms of Cause are encoded onto the fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential in the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This global event will occur August 12-17, 2017, during the 31st Annual World Congress on Illumination.
In the meantime, Humanity and the Earth will experience many more accelerations of vibration in preparation for this unprecedented opportunity. The Light from the three Full Moons will build in momentum and be expanded during the June 21st Solstice. This Light will continue to build in momentum and be monumentally enhanced by the powerful Lunar and Solar Eclipses that will embrace the Earth and ALL her Life during the 31st Annual WCI. The Lunar Eclipse will take place August 7th and an extremely powerful Solar Eclipse will take place on August 21st permanently sealing the patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance in the core of purity in every particle and wave of Life that is Ascending on Planet Earth.
In 2017, due to the incredible influxes of Light we have all been experiencing these Full Moons have blessed the Earth with higher frequencies of Light than Humanity has ever been able to receive. The Divine Intent of this greatly accelerated influx of Light is to prepare Humanity and all Life on this planet at a cellular level for the shift of vibration that will take place when the patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance from the Realms of Cause are encoded onto the fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential in the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This global event will occur August 12-17, 2017, during the 31st Annual World Congress on Illumination.
In the meantime, Humanity and the Earth will experience many more accelerations of vibration in preparation for this unprecedented opportunity. The Light from the three Full Moons will build in momentum and be expanded during the June 21st Solstice. This Light will continue to build in momentum and be monumentally enhanced by the powerful Lunar and Solar Eclipses that will embrace the Earth and ALL her Life during the 31st Annual WCI. The Lunar Eclipse will take place August 7th and an extremely powerful Solar Eclipse will take place on August 21st permanently sealing the patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance in the core of purity in every particle and wave of Life that is Ascending on Planet Earth.
Mahala ~ Planet Alert June 2017
Today is June 8, 2017 and I just finished listening to the Comey Hearing. This is just the beginning of the investigation. Only time will tell how it all turns out. This hearing is just before the full moon which is on June 9, 2017. This is starting out to be a very interesting full moon. It will activate more intense energy because Mars will be opposing Pluto by sign all month. Mars is now in Cancer and Pluto is in Capricorn. Cancer rules the home, family, food, and comfort, and Pluto rules the governments of the world. It is also considered the transformer, or the God of the Underworld. This is why all the hidden information that we have not been aware of is coming to the surface for all to see. This corruption has been going on for a very long period of time.
Around the Summer Solstice Mars will be on 13 degrees Cancer. That is right on top of the United States birth sun. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2009 and Capricorn rules governments. Then Uranus moved into Aries in March of 2011 and the revolutions in the Middle East became very dominant and many governments were overthrown, or changed during the following years. Syria seems to be the ending of those revolutions unless Qatar moves into one. Now we are having a revolution here in the United States, which is affecting the whole world.
Kara Schallock ~ Being the Observer - 10-Jun-2017
Much Light is flowing into us and into Gaia. It reaches deeply into our chakras and DNA; it expands our consciousness; our Divinity-knowing. It weaves through our entire being and helps us be more of the new ones we've been intending to be. This may feel may a little strange, like you landed in a new place and you have no bearing or familiarity; like it's completely new; and well, it is! Rest and meditate. Grounding outside, especially barefoot, greatly helps as does drinking lots of pure water and listening to what your body wants for you. As you move more completely from the old world, you may feel restless, for the doing that you have been so used to, doesn't seem so urgent now. This Light is greatly helpful in dissolving long-held patterns and limitations. There are more and more synchronicities that may seem small, yet, pay attention. It doesn't matter what they mean; just observe without the need to know. Realize too that we are building up to the Solstice. As we get closer, you may notice many changes within and around you.
Much Light is flowing into us and into Gaia. It reaches deeply into our chakras and DNA; it expands our consciousness; our Divinity-knowing. It weaves through our entire being and helps us be more of the new ones we've been intending to be. This may feel may a little strange, like you landed in a new place and you have no bearing or familiarity; like it's completely new; and well, it is! Rest and meditate. Grounding outside, especially barefoot, greatly helps as does drinking lots of pure water and listening to what your body wants for you. As you move more completely from the old world, you may feel restless, for the doing that you have been so used to, doesn't seem so urgent now. This Light is greatly helpful in dissolving long-held patterns and limitations. There are more and more synchronicities that may seem small, yet, pay attention. It doesn't matter what they mean; just observe without the need to know. Realize too that we are building up to the Solstice. As we get closer, you may notice many changes within and around you.
Brenda Hoffman ~ Put on Your Big Girl or Boy Pants

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s June 8, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps you’re concerned you’ll never be of 5D or beyond for you continue to address 3D issues. You just need a bit of practice before you feel fully comfortable in 5D or beyond. Just as was true for learning to play an instrument or drive a car. Some of you even feel as if you’re ill, and will never recover. The next few days allow you to understand that you’re now a bird flying high in the sky instead of a fish in a small pond.
“Your 3D Segments May Be Exploring” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Many of you expected to become a Superwoman or Superman overnight. While such might be true internally, externally, most of you require a bit of practice.
Your internal being does sometimes fold into your external being, but not yet to the extent you dream of. Even though eventually you will dimension hop and frequency/time travel with ease, you must practice a bit before such is so.
brenda Hoffman,
june 2017,
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - June 9, 2017
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Light Bearers!
Great change is occurring now, as you are currently in the midst of a great wave of Light now traveling through your solar system, and well beyond it.
The “symptoms” will be obvious to you, and will require your patience many days.
For one, every cell of your body is adjusting to the influx of this higher frequency and the Light data that these photonic transmissions contain.
Every cell is learning, as it were, a different language. A whole other way of being.
This is why some are having moments where they almost do not recognize the (often exhausted) person they see in the mirror—you are literally becoming someone else.
It is why your dreams at night may seem to be so meaningly and full of interesting symbolism, yet so hard to recall.
Natalie Glasson ~ The Future and Ascension of the Earth by Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 9th June 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
The future of the Earth is already present and available for all to see and experience. It is a dimension where many souls already exist. It is available now to all upon the Earth. Rather than moving your physical body or even moving into your light body to access the dimension that demonstrates the future of the Earth, it is simply a frequency of energy that the mind absorbs, reflects and then becomes.
Your mind creates the reality you experience through a collection of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, past experiences, fears and your desires. The most prominent energies within your being whether they are positive or negative support the creation of your reality as your mind uses these to attract like energies into your reality for you to experience. Your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, past experiences, fears and desires create frequencies of light, energy, sound and information within you creating a dream-like state born of your own produce. You are then further influenced by the collective consciousness of humanity and the perceptions of generations gone by. Basic information that you have been taught as facts create a tunnel through which you view your reality. Even information and ideas you perceive as normal and correct about how humans should live on the Earth and what the Eart h should be like are all born from perspectives of others. In truth, they are akin to walls blocking your ability to see the Earth and yourself from your own inner truth, your own natural perspective and eyes. Your natural perspective is the perception of your soul, your soul’s gaze that allows you to see beyond limitations and illusions, recognising what is really present rather than what humanity has believed is present for so many years.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Implant Removal sessions, Readings and new Service: Activation descending of the Higher Self.
April and May was filled with so much healing and reading sessions, I noticed a grand demand for Implant removal and healing sessions during those months. In June there are 3 services available/recommended for you with one new service included. The Implant removal session on skype, Typed readings or Merlin readings and NEW is the "Activation descending of the Higher Self" session.
Book in now as June still has open spots from on next week June 19, 2017 for readings, implant removal sessions as well as the new service of Activation and Descending of the Higher Self session. July and August will be a longer waiting list.
Underneath you can find the description of these 3 services and what these entail..
Much love
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Michael's Message
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Beloved masters, the refined frequencies of the New Age are having a profound effect on how you view yourselves. As you learn to take back your power, set boundaries, and reclaim a sense of self-worth, it will also have an intense effect in your relationships with others, especially romantic relationships.
In the past, you have had many unresolved issues that created what could be called “imbalanced or vulnerable blemishes” in your emotional body and chakra system, especially chakras one through four. You had many unresolved issues within you in the form of guilt, fear, anger, a sense of abandonment, and of being unlovable. All of these thought forms have a vibrational frequency, and you radiated those frequencies of unworthiness out into the world. See these energies radiating forth in front of you and all around you in an Infinity Sign, whereby they are picked up by those who are resonating to the same frequency levels, and thus are drawn into your life in one way or another. Unconsciously, you attracted to you those who were also coming from a viewpoint of “neediness.” You hoped they could fix everything for you and make you happy, but in reality all this kind of relationship creates is more friction through feelings of lack and an inner sense of unworthiness. In the past, most relationships were based on physical attraction, which usually fades rather quickly if there is not more depth to the attraction. |
Selacia ~ Tips to Thrive in June
Tips to Thrive in June
Context for Energy Shifts
by Selacia
With several months of chaos and craziness behind us in 2017, it's helpful to look forward with new eyes and a new resolve based on hope for a better world. In this article I'll outline context for energy shifts and provide some tips for thriving in June. Yes, you can thrive in the face of uncertainty and daily doses of negativity out-pictured in our world.
As I mention in my "2017 Predictions," hope is essential to move forward. We must strive to connect with hope, regardless of how dire our world appears. We must remember that there is goodness in humanity and love at the core of all beings.
Context for Energy Shifts
In June we will experience a combination of (1) tricky planetary transits likely to stir emotions and (2) helpful alignments for making progress with creative projects and mending fences in troubled relationships. On some days you may feel the effect of both - emotions (yours or other people's) more on the surface and your finding you have the energy to create positive changes.
june 2017,
Sandra Walter ~ Gateway focus and the Formless Realms
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.

Dear One,
When you are in harmony with your heart's intelligence, seeking answers to your life's questions outside yourself will seldom be necessary. This seems impossible to you and yet this is a time when people no longer need an intermediary to be in tune with God, the Source of all Life.
There has been a quickening in the vibrational frequencies on and around planet Earth. Because you are an electrical being, you are very much affected by this increased Light. A higher level of energy enables you to attune yourself to a finer vibration, which allows you to consciously receive the resonance of wisdom and love from the Divine Mind. Wisdom and love come through your energy field as light energy, which carries with it information allowing you to live more in harmony with the needs of your soul.
Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian group ~ June 4, 2017
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