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Saturday, October 28, 2017
Purging quest full package with Méline Lafont
This package includes several services to support you maximum as possible in your well Being. It is a special package of energy work with Méline Lafont to assist your awakening process, your well being and health on mutliple levels. This brings you a boost and a profound process of working with your SELF. Note: working with yourself is not to be seen as a burden but yet as a joy and pleasant moment with so much potential. Between each energy healing session (3 sessions) is a 3 week period of rest to let the energy do it's work. Venturing through this entire package ~ quest ~ will at least take 4 months without the Course. The course itself is to be done online on your own pace. To know more about the course please scroll up. This package is available in English, Dutch, Romanian.
Channeling course participants will not have to pay for the connecting to self/channeling course included in this package !!
activation higher self,
courses by Méline Lafont,
deep inner work,
energy healing,
Méline Lafont,
purging quest,
skype session,
New Website ~ Living Librarian
I invite you to visit a brand new website which was created by the lovely Dev Kumar. You will find much information, many teachers and Masters to connect with, videos', channelings, articles. It is a wonderful website!
There is plenty for everyone.
Love, Méline
Dev Kumar,
living librarian,
Celia Fenn ~ AA Michael ~ The Triple Gateway Initiation, the Time Capsule Awakening and Stepping into your New Soul Mission
Beloved Light Family, the shifts and transformations on your Earth continue to accelerate. There is much confusion and uncertainty as the old systems begin to fail and break down and the new begins to emerge into manifestation. At this stage, the collapse of the old may seem more evident than the rise of the new, but be assured that the New Earth is gaining in power as its comes into manifestation.
At this time, you are passing through what we call The Triple Gateway and the Initiation into your Augmented and Higher Soul Mission at the 11/11 Gateway on the 11th of November.
The first of these Star Gates or Stellar Portals was the 10/10 on the 10th of October. This first gate was the activation into new beginnings. Many of you felt as if you no longer were comfortable in the old reality and longed for the New Reality to become manifest. This intense discomfort and longing for the new was an indication that your Soul was in the process of the Triple Gateway Initiation.
The second Gateway on the 11th of November is the 11/11 Gateway, and it is the Gateway of Initiation in which your Soul accepts and begins to express its new or augmented soul mission on Earth. This is an important initiation in which deep levels of “old” imprints, beliefs and limitations are finally released, allowing you to fully embrace your New Reality and your new perception of yourself and your soul mission in that New Reality.
AA Michael,
celia Fenn,
Ron Head ~ The Council – Collective Intent
on The Council – Collective Intent
The Council – Collective Intent
This will be a rather short message. However we hope that you will consider it a very important one. We will speak of unity, but from a somewhat different angle.
There are far more of you involved in this raising of the collective consciousness than you are aware of. There is no mass media coverage of the phenomenon. And it is a phenomenon. There have always been those so involved. But the effect was far more of a holding action than a world-wide movement.
What you are mostly unaware of is the thousands upon thousands that are involved in other movements, other practices, other studies than your own. We will tell you that the sum is actually in the millions. You live in every land. You speak almost every language, indeed every one that you would term a major language.
October 2017,
Ron head,
The council
Patricia Cota-Robles ~ VLOG 33 : Ways to empower your Lightwork
I strongly invite you to check out Patricia's new VLOGS as these are very much assisting in this Now. I especially resonate with her VLOG about "The Key to Finnancial Freedom" which I will add as a direct link to her VLOGS.
To receive her updates and Free VLOGS, Signu up to her website for Email notification!
Much love,
Méline <3
Sign up for Notification Emails for full access to all of our weekly posts.
This is a new beginning and the request for these Weekly Vlogs has come from On High. The Vlogs are short videos that you can access for FREE.
Brenda Hoffman ~ Chutes and Ladders

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s October 20, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps you’re confused or out of sorts. You’re sifting through segments and dimensions of your totality to determine which best fit your new you role. The resulting physical and emotional shifts create a discomfort that can best be described via 3D puberty or menopause. As is true for both, there is an endpoint and knowing that internally is your unexplained expectation of something big about to happen despite current contradictory indicators.
“You Crowned Yourself” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You want to be or do something new, but you do not yet know what that something is – so your days seem to drag, to be lifeless.
Selacia ~ Tap Into Beneficial Energies
-Tips for Forward Movement -
by Selacia
The world may seem to be falling apart in these moments. Your personal world doesn't need to mirror this, however, and in fact this is an excellent time to create more momentum and inner peace. Continue reading for tips on how to do this, as well as background on current energies supportive of forward movement.
by Selacia
The world may seem to be falling apart in these moments. Your personal world doesn't need to mirror this, however, and in fact this is an excellent time to create more momentum and inner peace. Continue reading for tips on how to do this, as well as background on current energies supportive of forward movement.
Energy Factors
Optimism and courage may be easier to access now with the Sun-Jupiter conjunction. Use this beneficial line-up to take constructive steps you have been putting off, and to experiment with new things. Use it to move past your fears, too, including that little fearful voice in your head that stops you from directly addressing issues in a key relationship.
november 2017,
Natalie Glasson ~ Celebration of Your Inner Truth by Celestial White Beings
Channeled Message through Natalie Glasson – 27th October 2017 – Sacred School of OmNa
Greeting magnificent beings of light, we love you deeply, we are one with you and are walking your pathway with you. We wish to celebrate your truth with you and encourage you to celebrate the sacred love, peace and light within you. Your light is so much stronger, potent and powerful than you could possibly imagine. If you only realised that you could move mountains with the power within you. If you only recognised that you can trust yourself completely and absolutely to create the reality and ascension you wish to experience now. If you were only aware of the support that surrounds you and fills your entire being daily. You too would celebrate the truth within you with great joy, excitement and bliss.
How would you in this very moment celebrate your inner truth and magnificence? What would you do? Think on this; it only needs to be a small action, a punch to the sky, wrapping your arms around yourself, taking a bath, going for a walk, eating wholesome food. Encourage yourself to achieve a celebration of your truth today.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Gillian MacBeth - Louthan ~Birth a new world from old wants and needs
Each earthly element awakens from a long sleep of discontentment forcing humanity into a corner of slim pickings. Wanting more is habitual of nature doe the 2-legged ones. The essence of more has left the planet as it too seeks to become more. You have asked to be in the moment – not in the past, not in the future. In this earthly now so much comes at you that you can neither move forward or back like one who is caught in a riptide.
Kara Schallock ~ Ascended Masters in Physical Form - 18-Oct-2017
We each are on our own Path and have our own missions. Some are activists, some help clear the masses of old energies, others share Light, some light up folks' path, while others increase the Love within and upon Earth and all of life. There are many paths and missions in life; we each are unique in what we share, yet we are all One. Each shares in their own way, whether they are aware of it or not. Awareness is key, as when one is aware of what their mission is, it doesn't matter how they choose to share their Light; just that they know they do so uniquely. One can be in what may appear to be a mundane job, yet if that being is in Joy and Passion, they are aware of what their mission is. One's mission is not some magical knowing; it is obvious to the Aware One. It simply takes looking deeper with Awareness in how they share their mission from their Heart. An awakened one doesn't compare their mission with another, realizing that no mission is less or more than any other.
Sandra Walter ~ Gateway Choice Point: Assisting the Collective Timelines Oct 18, 2017
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Our next acceleration and collective timeline choice-point arrives October 21-25. Gatekeepers opened yesterday for the influx (very strong on Mount Shasta last evening), and this morning the SUN began to get active, right on schedule.
As mentioned in last week’s article, these incoming amplifications hit much higher levels during the 21-25 in both October and November. Last week’s Divine Feminine influx provided a strong geomagnetic storms, prompting a strong release of Divine Feminine expression in the external (the Me too revelations and disclosure dynamics increased). Notice how quickly magnetic field stimulation causes polarity releases in the collective. This sets us up for the second half of October’s shifts; let us actively participate in this unfoldment.
Mahala ~ News Flash October 19, 2017
I woke up yesterday morning with the words in my head “The Phoenix has risen”. I thought to myself “well that is nice” but what does that mean? Jupiter just moved into Scorpio a week ago and will stay in that sign for one year. One of the symbols for that sign is the risen Phoenix. Scorpio is the only sign that has three symbols. The first symbol is the Scorpion and that is the part that can sting you really bad. The second symbol is the Eagle which is the intellect, and the third symbol is the Phoenix that can rise from the ashes once it has overcome the other symbols. The third symbol is also called the Phoenix and the Dove which is the symbol of peace. Are we ready for peace on Earth?
Which symbol will you choose to vibrate to this year, the Scorpion, the Eagle or the risen Phoenix? The people who have worked so hard for many years to let go of their past will probably vibrate to the risen Phoenix. They are the ones who will be able to tune into the Gold energy that is now appearing in our Universe. Check out this video of two stars colliding. When they collided a lot of gold energy came out of that explosion. Link: Two stars crash into each other, wobbling the universe and flinging out huge amounts of gold [editors note: turn down your speaker volume before following this link.]
Scorpio also rules the sex organs. This means there will be a lot of energy coming to the foreground about sexual molestation and the misuse of the sexual energy this year. The scandals are already in the news. This is an energy that needs to change so the higher energy of Scorpio can start to manifest.
The new moon is on October 19, 2017 at 12:12 pm PDT. The planetary aspect of this chart shows a lot of energy for transformation. Pluto rules Scorpio and that planet rules transformation. It also rules birth and death. If you are a Scorpio or have Scorpio rising this could be a golden year for you. Actually anyone can tune into the golden energy that is now filling our Universe. Become the risen Phoenix.
Walking Terra Christa ~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden ~ Lord Saint Germain and Lord Voltar with Lady Valencia: How to Transform the Physical Self into the Essence of Divine Love.
Lord Saint Germain and Lord Voltar with Lady Valencia: How to Transform the Physical Self into the Essence of Divine Love.
Ascended Master Spiritual Message with the Beings representing the 10th Flame/Ray of God of Pearlescent: Integration of the Masculine and Feminine Divine. Transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden – Integrative Channel of Walking Terra Christa.
Dearest Friends,
It is I, Lord Saint Germain, bringing forth the Divinity of Light to help each Initiate to understand the pathway of transformation and growth. This process can travel through several layers as the Etheric Self is desiring to become One within your consciousness and the full body system.
Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian group ~ OCTOBER 22 2017
Dear ones, once again we come to discuss the many facets of truth taking form at this time. Each day more are awakening into higher levels of awareness. Many who previously held only a passing interest in truth, are now actively seeking it as they become increasingly aware of a "bigger picture" unfolding.
This is because flowing waves of Light energy have become increasingly intense, exposing much that heretofore existed alive and well hidden in the shadows. You cannot clear or change something if you are not aware of its existence. Awareness is happening for many as chaos illuminates societies' dark corners and displays the secrets resting there for all to see. Gaia is ascending.
Natalie Glasson ~ Self-Realisation Blueprint by Fairy Kingdom
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 20th October 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
The energy coming forth to greet you now is the united consciousness of the Fairy Kingdom. We bring to you our joy, the innocence of the Creator, the essence of creation, the magical love and the Creator essence. We delight in being in your presence and wish to be of service to you in a unique and awakening way. Let our energy vibrate around your being, you will notice the quick and high frequency we hold which is married with the essence of the Goddess Mother Earth. We appear often as multi-coloured light, sometimes small and sometimes large.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - October 18, 2017
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
And we see that your vibrations have shifted in the course of this presentation ["3 Mistakes Single Women Make That Keep Them From Finding *True Love" -], to where you are awakening on a new level.
You are seeing ways in which you have not always loved and valued yourself, which is a great step toward understanding the nature of Love itself.
Natalie Glasson ~ Transformation with Gentleness by Archangel Amethyst
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 13th October 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved ones and angelic beings upon the Earth, I am Archangel Amethyst, I am the feminine aspect of Archangel Zadkiel. We are known for our ability to purify your being, ignite transformation, accelerate your ascension and connect you with your journey of Creator exploration.
I, Archangel Amethyst, bring forth my essence to you for you to receive and draw upon. I give to you an energetic amethyst crystal and place it in your hands; it represents my love, truth, clarity and consciousness. I am an angelic being although many perceive me as a crystalline being because I hold the similar frequencies and qualities such as magnification, purification and strengthening of your entire being and spiritual evolution. As I place my amethyst crystal in your hands let yourself absorb my violet/purple energy, it will fill your entire being. You will be able to feel my presence around and within you. I will begin to purify your energy, magnify your truth and strengthen your connections, especially with the Creator. Sit with me, be with me and I will support beautiful and fulfilling transformations within your being which will lovingly transfer into your reality.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Gillian MacBeth- Louthan ~ Teaching of Lake Quashita Crystal Lake in Mt Ida Arkansas
All of life responds to your intention, to the pulse of your blood, to the beat of the love that lives in your heart. Whether one walks through the woods, flies through the air or walks Upon a Shore, every living aspect is aligned with each step that you take knowingly and unknowingly.
Brenda Hoffman ~ You Crowned Yourself

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s October 13, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at In 3D, you moved through the chaos with physical activities such as helping others remove debris, financial support, legal efforts, protests, sheltering, etc. Your energy waves are now shifting earth in ways not imaginable before your transition. Any activity or thought in joy helps all beings and the earth. Shoulds, have to’s, and guilt reinforces 3D life.
“Inner and Outer Rewards” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Go inside your being to determine who and what you are. Of course, such a command seems silly for you know who you are. Or do you? It is time to determine what is important to you beyond the 3D pieces of home, family, and country.
You are global ambassadors not merely community do-gooders. Some of you will take offense at such a statement, even though you have no difficulty proclaiming that you are one with all.
Monday, October 16, 2017
Lisa Renee ~ Personal Integrity
As the distance between the bifurcating energies is increasing, we can see that a lot of people are starting to fall through the cracks. This time is especially challenging for those who do not have a strong moral compass and core sense of self. As the negative polarity and positive polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified, those who are consciously or unconsciously serving both, are beginning to fracture and lose coherence. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps now to embody personal integrity.
The 3D mind control set up is purposed to intentionally destroy the coherence and stability within sets of normative values that both define and model standards of behavior throughout human civilization. Through the mass promotion of the anti-human value systems, it destroys integrity and trust within the fabric of society, and directly erodes the development of Personal Integrity. Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruently aligned with your own value system, moral principles, and ethics. It generally requires personal choice and commitment to align ourselves to stay consistent with personal values and ethical standards, so that when we speak we mean what we say.
lisa renee,
October 2017,
Selacia ~ New Moon leap
New Moon Leap
-Connecting with Your Spiritual Heart-
by Selacia
The 10/19 New Moon comes with an opportunity to make a big leap forward. Now is a perfect time to energetically prepare for this opening. Continue reading to understand your potentials at this juncture, and where to place your focus for optimal success.
We are at a crossroads involving how we relate to one another and the Earth. That crossroads is coming more into focus at the Libra New Moon. Libra is associated with balance, and certainly we have a lot out of balance at the moment.
by Selacia
The 10/19 New Moon comes with an opportunity to make a big leap forward. Now is a perfect time to energetically prepare for this opening. Continue reading to understand your potentials at this juncture, and where to place your focus for optimal success.
We are at a crossroads involving how we relate to one another and the Earth. That crossroads is coming more into focus at the Libra New Moon. Libra is associated with balance, and certainly we have a lot out of balance at the moment.
new moon,
October 2017,
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - October 13, 2017
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Transformational Ones!
We note many powerful and Earth-shifting changes occurring now, not in only the atmosphere surrounding Earth, but the vibration of Earth life itself, including empowering shifts in your own individual and increasingly unified group consciousness.
Some of you have been aware of the great influx of Light that reached the planet, with an initial outpouring and new Light-grid creation that occurred on October 11, over a twelve-hour span.*
This Light is unlike that which has reached your planet for many millions of years.
This is a form of energy once only experienced in the higher realms, and felt and experienced by those of higher consciousness, for millennia.
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