Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Visionkeeper: Stand Strong

Thanks to: http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/2013/08/12/visionkeeper-stand-strong-12-august-2013/

Music to read by below:
Like the tree in the picture, we must find the strength to remain standing during our battles despite all the odds against us! We can do this as sure as we breathe. All it takes is a strong will to accept our challenges and to never give up. It is Creators wish that we are here on earth to learn our lessons and bring love to the world. We have no need to defend our presence here or look for reasons why we are here. We are here because it was Creators plan for us to be here at this time adding our light and love to a world sinking into darkness.
We must dig in our heels, thrust our roots deeper beneath the soil and refuse to be led astray from our mission. If we concentrate on being love to all we meet along our journey hopefully they will in turn be love to those that they meet as well. Can we not see the truth of what is taking place today? We are being drowned in fear and a lack of love to show us that the opposite is being called for on the planet. Must we drown in despair completely before we get the ah ha message? It is all about love and giving to others and living life from our hearts!

It is amazing to watch people’s reactions to random acts of kindness. They look at you in disbelief and then a wave of uncertainty washes over them and a bit of distrust creeps in. You can see their wheels inside their head turning and asking “Why are you doing this?” It is a sad testimony to where we stand today in the world. We are so unused to kindness we shy away from it in fear of hidden agendas. The only way we are going to remedy this sad scenario is by bathing the world in kindness and love until it understands there is no agenda, this is how we are supposed to be. It takes but a moment to do something kind for another person in need, even those not in need. It is just a matter of doing it!
We must remember always, that Creator gave us choice, and it is always our choice how we will interact with the world. We can succumb to the fear and not grow or we can walk around the fear and dig our roots in deeper and expand our presence in the world of love. If we stop and look around us, we can see that most of those suffering are living in fear and those who seem strong and content are looking at the world through their heart and love. What more proof do we need to see which way we are meant to travel while we are here? We must stand our ground and not give in to the constant lower frequencies bombarding us with fear. There is nothing to fear but fear itself as someone so aptly wrote.
This is what freedom is all about. We need not wait for it to be laid upon us, we already have it if we choose to accept it. Freedom is not having to live your life according to someone elses rules. We all have a right to live as we so choose, either as slaves or as free birds soaring the blue skies of heaven. Nobody can take that right away from us so we must stand strong and defend that right. It is a beautiful world filled with beautiful people if you just take the time to look rather than just see what you are told to see. Find the courage to stand amidst the flames as the tree in the picture did and refuse to be someone who you are not. Find your strength to be who you are in a world of your own choosing.
Blessings to us all,

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