I greet you today with high regard and respect. We know what you are going through as your planet’s chaos accelerates. We are doing everything that we can to stabilize the earth and to hold things in as much balance as possible. You are dearly loved.
Arrangements are being made to take some of the toxic load from the earth. This includes negative forces that no longer belong on the planet. Some of this has been ongoing but it will accelerate as necessary. The Clean-Up Committee is working overtime.
The time is rapidly approaching when you will find surprise after surprise. Not only are the secrets coming out but you will find out how transparent other people are with their thoughts, words and behaviors. You will see through a glass darkly and bring Light where it is needed.
New allegiances will be formed based on unified goals and intentions. This includes governments and other countries coming together. You have many enlightened beings in all forms of organizations, business, and governments who are waiting to come to the forefront to improve all aspects of life on the earth.
Your old political systems are crumbling. They are antiquated systems that cannot with stand the higher vibrations of the earth. Those in the know realize this and many can feel their fleeting attempts to remain in charge. Expect more chaos in this area.
In efforts to retain power and control it may seem as if the old guard is clamping down more on humanity. This is only because of their fear of change and fear of loss of power. The more effort they make to hold humanity in check the more fearful they are becoming.
Please focus your future and that of the earth on the positive. Let go of the negative because your thoughts are more powerful than you can imagine. Every day your words and thoughts create your next manifestation. The now moment is the preferred was of being.
Spend time doing your spiritual work, prayers, intentions, visualizations and meditations to hold the highest and most positive energies for the transformation of the earth.
Remain in unity. The opportunities to be in separation are falling away. This is one of the keys to rising into higher consciousness. Coming together and working in cooperation is the lynchpin for living in the fifth dimension and higher.
We are all helping you to create a new reality. It’s going to be worth the trials and tribulations that you are currently experiencing. Just wait and see.
We are with you. We love you. We are one in love with you.
I am Mira.
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