To find the true voice of the heart, of Love, one must listen within and listen with compassion for the self. Love must be discovered, for it is the quiet opportunity amidst louder options. Pain in your physical body is ‘louder’ than ease. It is the same with your heart (emotional body in this sense), it will cry out in fear much louder than it will whisper, “All is Well.” In this way, you see that it takes great courage to find the quiet whisper of Loving opportunity. Yet it is the path to empowerment. It is this quiet but potent Love within that leads you to Action Inspired rather than action repeated or action forced. With your Action Inspired by Love, you are choosing a new path, which may not be as established as others, but it is based in Love. The courage to walk the talk of the heart is a new trail waiting to be blazed with the fire of your passion, the flame of your inspiration, the Light of your Love. Action begins with internal choice. Action Inspired by Love maintains that foundation of, “All is Well.”
As we sit to Blast Action Inspired, we are building a strong foundation of choice that supports our growth. We are peaceful within experience, for we know that inspiration is the Light of Love calling us forth. We are courageous enough to forge a new path, offering hope to humanity that can’t hear the whisper in their own hearts yet. We are unwavering in our Perspective of Love, for we are the visionaries that foretell the future of Love manifest on Earth. Blast on!
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