After several hours of introspection, I heard a chirpy voice in my head saying; “Sun. You need sun.”
Hmmm… The Dolphins, perhaps? Heeding their advice, I approached my two Australian Shepherds, Ozzy and Ava, to see who might be interested in joining me for a walk around the lake. Well, Ava was having none of it. Comfortably basking in the 11-11 vibes while reclining on the sofa beneath the ceiling fan, absolutely nothing was going to get her to move! My son was a no-show also, as much like Ava, there was no way he was going to miss the rest of the soccer game he was watching online. So, I leashed up Ozzy and off we went to soak up some nourishing rays.
Maybe it’s just my imagination, but does the sun seem brighter today? The rays more intense and penetrating? And the sky! As though in a painting, it’s blue looks incredibly rich and deep and flawless. It was so quiet outside. There were no people around at all, which is very strange for my neighborhood. It seemed as though it was just Ozzy and I, alone in the world on this magical Florida morning. And so we walked (or rather pulled- Ozzy is a notoriously bad leash walker). We stopped to watch the turtles sunning themselves along the shore, and I took notice of the fact that the lake’s normally mucky brown water appeared to be a rich, dark shade of green. We ran against the wind, enjoying it’s strength and how it felt like it was cleansing away what remained of our 3D baggage. The colors of the New Earth. The winds of change…
Which brings me to my dreamtime travel experience. I went to sleep with a large rose quartz crystal in my hand, and asked my Team for some clarification about what I could expect to have happen to me as a result of all this new energy coming in. I found myself in the company of one of my Teammembers, a male who I can’t identify. We were at the jewelry counter in a department store, and were looking at displays of necklaces, rings and earrings. I was given a choice of rubies, sapphires or emeralds, and my friend explained to me that I could pick out any one I wanted. Loving this dream already, I proceeded to try on all the pieces, wavering back and forth about which one I should ultimately select. Decisions, decisions!
At first I chose a ruby ring, and my friend said; “Are you sure that’s the one you want? Look again.” So I moved over to the display of sapphires, thinking that I would select one of these instead. “Think again,” he cautioned me. “Be very sure. But you need to hurry because we have to leave soon.” Then I made my way to the emeralds and began mulling over the endless variety of shapes, sizes and designs until I finally found it. I knew without a doubt which piece was meant for me. I reached into the display case and took out a beautiful, glowing emerald, with a heart-shaped cut. The emerald was surrounded by tiny, little diamond chips. It was a pendant, and it hung suspended on an an incredibly fine, delicate gold chain. I lifted up my hair and my friend put it on me, fastening the clasp in the back. Cool and dainty, it rested directly over my High-Heart chakra.
There is a beautiful message going around the internet, by my wonderful Facebook Friend, XDavidRananda Spears. In it he discusses the effect of the 11-11 energy on both our own High-Heart chakras and that of Mother Earth. (I’m including the link, so you may enjoy it for yourselves).
My own interpretation of my Dreamtime experience is that we can expect to realize some powerful activations of this chakra today. I also feel that we’re going to come through this portal much happier, lighter and more clearly connected to our Angelic and Galactic families. Let’s all keep thinking those positive thoughts!
I wish you all a blessed day!
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. all rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
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