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Thursday, October 31, 2013
Archangel Michael ~ "2013 IN REVIEW - A YEAR OF TRANSFORMATION" Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-11-2013
Beloved masters, the process the world and humanity are now experiencing has been spoken of by many wise sages and masters over the past several hundred years, and yet, the masses have not taken heed and have continued on a downward path of self-destruction. Humanity has built an illusion of wealth and abundance, but it has been built on the quicksand of greed and fear of scarcity. This giant bubble of illusion has burst under the pressure of the Living Light of truth. What humanity is now experiencing is the cause and effect or the karmic results of following the impulses of the ego-desire body instead of the whisperings of Spirit. Many dear souls have never experienced lack or deprivation–they have lived a life of instant self-gratification–while others, who believed the old teachings that they were not worthy of abundance, have lived many lifetimes of scarcity and impoverishment.
You, the StarSeed, are in the midst of the astounding process of awakening to the awareness of your celestial heritage, which has been encoded within atom seed crystals and stored within your Sacred Mind. Also, be aware that there is a magnificent history of bravery and excellence woven into the violent and often tedious journey of human evolution. You are experiencing a resurrection of extra-sensory abilities and higher consciousness abilities which have been dormant for many ages. However, it is not always an easy or comfortable process, and it takes dedication and effort to open the sealed door to your inner wisdom; the Sacred Mind. It is vitally important that you learn to trust your own inner guidance once more. A loving and grateful heart purifies the consciousness and creates tranquility and peace of mind. It gradually develops into a constant state of serenity and Self-assurance, rather than just an occasional occurrence.
Selacia – Tips For The Nov. 1-3 Energy Gateway – A 3 Day Window Of Opportunity – 31 October 2013
Thanks to: lucas2012infos
In this article, I explain why this is important and I give some practical spiritually grounded tips for being in balance during this gateway. I also explain the connection between the eclipse occurring on Nov. 3 and other high-energy factors influencing us during the 3-day period.
What’s an Energy Gateway?
An energy gateway is a powerful window of time when you can perceive more about yourself and your world. During such moments, you can connect more tangibly with spirit and benevolent unseen forces – receiving helpful insights about your life direction and needed course corrections.
During a gateway, you have expanded levels of help in moving through your obstacles, clearing old patterns, and seeing yourself more clearly. Leading up to a gateway, it’s typical to experience increased ascension symptoms and a choppy roller coaster ride. You can easily lose your sense of balance and clear thinking unless you are mindful and have energy management tools.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Méline Lafont ~ Contemplating? Just surrender to Love and Trust
That is what I find myself to be doing right now. Contemplating over things in my life that have happened or are happening, within me, around me, outside of me all over the world. Contemplating about my own meaning in this lifetime and my precious being that feels expanding but locked at the same time into this physical body, wanting to get out of this but at the same time wanting to experience this all and to be of service in a true nature, in a spiritual way..
What matters is this: allowing the true nature of your being to BE and that can only be done in complete trust, Love, and surrender. This we can do by allowing, accepting and relaxing..Breathing in and out, experiencing energies, frequencies, life, love, feelings. All experiencing it, acknowledging it, embracing it but not engaging with it, not defining it, not labeling it but to just simply experiencing it and Be just that for a few moments without any attachments whatsoever to it.
We are finding ourselves in a period of shifts where we are led to ourselves in a deep way like never before. This is required for us to find that balance again and to be that balance again where the masculine and feminine energies of your authentic Being are neutral again and ONE. A balance where there are no extremes and where everything just IS. All is an everlasting, infinite source of energy that never ends, it is only ending a certain frequency that can be translated into experiences, creations, manifestations.. it is a becoming of something, of some frequency at that time that does serve you along your own journey. When a certain frequency of being and experiencing ends, we start to be and experience something new: another frequency of energy and we become that.
Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ “Your Unique Role in the Expansion of Consciousness” November 2013
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss your unique role in the expansion of consciousness.
Your unique role begins with your own expanding consciousness. Your point of consciousness is your guiding force. It is your source of joy, inspiration, and direction. It guides you and defines you as an individual. It determines your vibrational level and defines your Soul Signature.
Your own consciousness begins to expand when you live consciously.
Living consciously means being aware of each moment and your role in this moment. You are aware of where you are and what you are doing. You are aware of how your thoughts, intentions, and actions fit with the larger scope of the consciousness of humanity. You are centered within yourself, and you are also aware that your consciousness extends beyond yourself.
For example, you may see a rose. You are aware of its deep red color, its sweet fragrance, its backdrop of green leaves, and the dew on the petals. You then shift your awareness to the enjoyment that the rose brings to everyone who sees it and how it lifts their spirits – how it brightens their day and helps them to increase their consciousness as they go about the activities of the day. Their increased consciousness expands out to affect everyone with whom they interact.
Suzanne Lie ~Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Book IV Life Within New Earth Part I
Mother Gaia
When we were told to go into our core something was triggered inside of us. Spontaneously, without even an intention on our part, the two components of Mytria/Sandy and Mytre/Jason blended into the one being that we heard was called Mytrian. We had barely become accustomed to the merging of Sandy/ Mytria and Jason/Mytre when we suddenly transmuted into Mytrian.
Mytre and Mytria had a similar experience when we/they were flowing with the Arcturian as swirls of light. They also merged into their Divine Complement. But, the addition of the Jason and Sandy consciousness made this merging unique. We heard within that many shifts and alteration occurred whenever a new expression of our beingness merged back into the ONE of our Multidimensional SELF.
Our merging into Mytrian was unique to even Mytre and Mytria because it occurred without with the guidance of the Arcturian or within the safety of the Violet Temple. Also, we were formless when our merging into greater Oneness occurred. Fortunately, even though we were without form, we instantly felt the transition.
Daniella Breen – Seperating From The Old Matric The Challenge – 29 October 2013
Thanks to: lucas2012infos
Uploaded on 28 October 2013 by Daniella Breen The previous video, The Matrix, the Hologram and You, continues to receive a lot of interest, many people asking questions and requesting that I share more details. That is my intention.
In this video I am sharing an experience I have been going through that highlights the distinct differences between the old and new matrix, and the attachment to and disengagement from the old, to align with the new. Enjoy! Daniella Breen The Matrix, The Hologram and You – Video Link…
In this video I am sharing an experience I have been going through that highlights the distinct differences between the old and new matrix, and the attachment to and disengagement from the old, to align with the new. Enjoy! Daniella Breen The Matrix, The Hologram and You – Video Link…
This is Me: Daniella Breen
Mahalas Astrology – Dorene Carrel – Astrology Report For November – 30 October 2013
Thanks to: lucas2012infos
November is a dynamic month, highlighted by a Solar Eclipse, four planetary stations and another Uranus/Pluto square. These stations include Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune and Chiron. As earth and water signs are emphasized, much activity can happen on deep inner levels and emerge as new realizations or significant shifts in one’s beliefs and values.
The first week in November is the most potent and intense. On November 1, the fourth of seven exact squares occur between Uranus and Pluto. This means we are past the half-way point of this long evolutionary cycle of social and cultural change, which continues until 2015. This aspect can bring personal crises, breakdowns or breakthroughs. The last square aspect was on May 20, 2013. If a significant change occurred back then, it will come up for another review at this time. The next Uranus/Pluto square will occur on April 21, 2014. Much opportunity can also come at this time, but be sure to clarify details as Mercury is still retrograde until November 10.
Lucas – Walking The Dream – 29 October 2013
The new way is recognized as it is that what you already knew and know. It is that what is becoming reality of the new. It is a feeling of emptiness as it is the space of neutral, the all is. That space feels like there is nothing but all is there.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Sandra Walter ~ Pure Light for Pure Conduits
Notice the change in the Magnetosphere’s reaction to the recent X and M flares. These waves of light are different – they cannot be measured by traditional electro-magnetic standards. The KP index doesn’t show the usual impact of a typical CME or flare activity – for days and days now. It looks like the chart is broken after watching the impact of past flares. So what is this?
waves of photonic purity
current wave of light frequencies, which will become much more
intense beginning this week, are highly refined particles of light.
These purer photonic light waves are the answer to our questions Why
do I feel like something wonderful is about to occur? andWhat
is the purpose of my need for solitude, isolation, silence?
Solar flares – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 27, 2013
My Child, You may groan under the intensity of the energies that the solar flares carry to you. The purpose of these energies are, to wake you up more and to prepare you for Ascension. The intensity of the light will increase more. You can compare this with your dawn. It will be brighter and you will finally wake up. So it is with the energies of the light. You do not see them already, but feel them in your whole body. Again, my advice to allow, to rest much and drink plenty of water so your body can handle the energies better. We are observing you and the effects of the energies on your body exactly. Nothing is left to coincidence, that doesn’t exist at all, and we make sure that there is not too much for you. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.
Wes Annac ~ Our Universal Family: Every Facet of Consciousness is Inexplicably Connected
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Let an unending banquet of Love wash over you now as you read these words and absorb the energy they’ve arrived with.
All of the pain and disharmony can meld away when allowing yourselves to tap back into the Universal conduit of oneness energy as well as the various perceived personalities comprising such a complex, who our scribe has referred to as your Universal Family.
We are indeed your Family, and we have so much Love and guidance to share with you.
Humanity’s destiny, while being set in stone in so many ways, is ultimately being decided by you as individuals and as a collective. However, we seek to offer the advice and guidance of souls who’ve been through our own respective lower-dimensional experiences and can understand some of what you’re experiencing from the perspective we’re blessed with having.
As you ascend and reach purer states of consciousness you’ll find are everlasting, you too will desire to help as many others as possible open up to and understand what you’ve been able to. The desire isn’t for others to have the same perspective we possess, but rather, to see others bathed in the pure bliss, Love and joy that accompanies entering a purer state of consciousness.
Karen Doonan ~ The role of “chaos” in the birth of the New YOU
Any look out onto the external reality that is the human life experience at the moment will see chaos reflected back in various ways and at various levels. For some of you at this time it may be that chaos is now the only word that you can use to describe that which you are experiencing on a day to day basis. Many of you may be in complete meltdown trying desperately to somehow stop and manage said chaos and this may have you going around in circles. It is vital at a time of mass awakening to understand the role of apparent “chaos” in your personal unfolding into the New Earth, for the old 3d earth will have you believe that chaos is something that is destructive to your very existence. In TRUTH only chaos can bring you into the New Earth, so distorted in frequency is the old 3d earth CREATED reality that is the only way in which you can let go and come fully into balance.
Often when chaos begins it stirs up a feeling of anxiety like no other, you may feel the sudden rush of adrenaline through your human vehicle and have an overwhelming desire to bring things back into the way that they have always been, this gives a false sense of control and is the way that the old 3d earth reality worked to keep the human race contained whilst believing they had free will. Free will can only be exercised when you have ALL choices presented to you, within the old 3d earth reality those choices were hidden in plain view, you were taught to believe there was only ONE choice therefore you had NO choice and this is not TRUTH. At all times you have a choice and that choice rests with you at all times. It is now no longer enough to have an idea of TRUTH, you are now asked to WALK in TRUTH. This may be challenging to begin with but as you work with the chaos you will soon understand that chaos is the indicator that confirms your movement vibrationally. The more chaos that unfolds and the more intense that it is the nearer you are to the next level of frequency. The old 3d earth trying its best to prevent you from revealing another layer, for as you reveal the layers you get STRONGER and STRONGER in your energetic signature and you are then able to see through the illusion and understand TRUTH to new levels.
Karen Doonan,
new you,
october 2013,
Aisha North ~ The manuscript of survival – part 366
As we have already stated, much is about to speed up now, as these incoming fluxes of transformational energy will blast through any barriers still intact after this long period of ceaseless hammering. In other words, the light will once again come in a big wave, all set to smother any resistance that might still be apparent here and there. This might sound a bit on the heavy side, but again, let us just remind you all that this will be light, and as such, the force that it carries within is simply the force of change. And change for the better, we may add. So even if some of you might feel this as a veritable onslaught, and indeed, all those still set on maintaining status quo will feel it as more than that, then what all this will do, is to liberate you from any set notion of what has been and change your sight onto what will be. We speak in parables as usual, but please believe us when we say that any so-called ”negative impact” from all of this will only serve to remove any hindrances for the light. In other words, remember what we have told you recently, that the concept of chaos, no matter how hard ingrained it is in you that this should have a negative connotation, this time, we advise you all to embrace any chaos that may ensue with open arms.
Monday, October 28, 2013
The Light Collective: Are you looking for Love?
October 27, 2013
Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima)
We are the Light Collective, a gathering of ascended masters, angelic and light beings, as well as members of the Elemental Kingdom.
Today our theme is: “ Are you looking for love in all the wrong places?”
Inspired by a reader’s comment and refreshed by a walk in the cool autumnal air, our scribe is ready to take on another short piece.
What is love, really?
This has been a perennial question in the hearts of many people, lifetime after lifetime, as hit by the storms of life, seemingly bereft of solace; they have yearned to find true love.
Some lucky ones have discovered shelter in the arms of another and have learned the delicate art of giving and receiving, sharing a short time together or many decades. Still, even this is not the fullness of love.
Marilyn Rafaelle ~ The Arcturian Group ~ OCTOBER 28, 2013
We of the Arcturian Group wish to welcome all to this message. We come to teach and inform, never to preach or push you into understanding something you cannot accept as of yet. The main focus of these messages is to help you understand that you are in charge of one else, and to help you remember and claim the power you have always held as spiritual beings, but have forgotten.
All are in and of the Divine, and therefore all that you have been seeking, is already within you. This is a difficult concept to understand if heard with third dimensional ears. It is not that you have a little box in your heart holding all sorts of material treasures, but that within you is a spark of the Divine. That spark, being in and of Source, automatically embodies everything also within Divine Consciousness...every Divine Idea and every facet of truth--your very life, intelligence, wholeness etc., all held infinitely in place by Divine Law. Evolution is simply the process of awakening to truth, and because everyone's past life experiences are different, everyone's evolutionary journey will be different. Everyone unfolds progressively as they are ready, always under the guidance of the Higher Self.
A Message for Starseeds ~ Video light language by Judy Satori
Dear, beautiful Starseeds!
In this video (go to 55:22), Judy Satori gives a message in light language that will activate soul knowing or soul ability. It’s a message to all starseeds to remember. Remember who you are : )
I don’t know if it resonates, but I remember when I did it, and I did notice differences and things and memories coming to me afterwards. It was incredible. I loved it!
I don’t know if it resonates, but I remember when I did it, and I did notice differences and things and memories coming to me afterwards. It was incredible. I loved it!
If you want to hear different light languages, go to: 57:35. You will hear her speak light language from Lyra, Andromeda, Orion, Sirius, Arcturus, and the Pleiades. Perhaps a certain one – or several – resonates with you?
Lucas – The Tool To Get Things Back In Neutral – Love Unconditionally – 27 October 2013
This “concurring” is already a negative expression as it is duality big time. The love I talk about here is about having an influence in the balancing out the dark extremes as well as the light extremes. It is the tool so to say to bring all back in the middle. It is the neutralizing force.
october 2013,
Natalie Glasson – Archangel Metatron – The Sweetness Of Life – 28 October 2013
How does one describe the sweetness of life? How can you access the sweetness of life and does life have an eternal sweetness to it that is yours to revel in? These are questions that I wish to speak of today and to ask you to contemplate. Is there such an existence as experiencing sweetness in your life with every moment of your reality and are you deserving of the sweetness of life?
As you are aware, your life upon the Earth is a process of learning, you could say that it is no more than a process of learning. Could you allow yourself to accept that your experiences, connections, interactions with your reality, loved ones, animals and yourself are simply processes of learning? Surely this would take away meaning, purpose and authenticity from your reality and existence upon the Earth? As always it is for you to decide how you choose to answer such questions and perspectives put to you but by accepting that every aspect of your reality and even your existence upon the Earth is a process of learning for you, you allow yourself to detach from your reality seeking the truth within every experience, feeling or thought. In a reality of learning where multiple options, ideas and scenarios are given, you have the purpose of seeking the truth; this is the truth within your being.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Marlene Swetlishoff ~ HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE ~ October 27-November 3, 2013
Beloved Ones,
The world around you is filled with many distractions that demand your attention and focus. It is very easy to get caught up in the polarity games as they play out and it is important for the Light Bearers to hold their ground. As you have already experienced many times, the headlines in your news media’s are generated to attract followers. Remember that where you put your thoughts and focus is what in turn, you will bring into manifestation. It is advisable to keep your thoughts and focus on what you want to experience in your personal world rather than that which is dissolving and disintegrating in the higher frequencies. The old world paradigms are no longer working even though there is a frenzied effort to bring them back.
This message asks you to make a concerted effort to radiate your light through your individual methods of application with great determination and intent. Picture the planet surrounded by a golden white light that shines out into the universe. Envision your own light radiating and expanding into your sphere of influence with great love and intensity. Humanity as a whole must move beyond their own individual concerns to a focus of that which is for the greater good for all. Begin to ask yourselves what your Higher Self or Christ Self would do in the situations that confront you. You must BE the light and if, in your personal challenges, you slip back into reaction rather than a loving response, forgive yourselves and others and continue to practice your daily disciplines. Each moment is another opportunity to regroup and renew your focus on your role as Light Bearers.
Stay in your heart – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 26, 2013
My child, stay in your heart, whatever happens. This will help you through all the storms and troubled times. In your heart you can find the peace and safety that lead you through the tides. There you can make and hold the connection to your Higher Self, your Spirit Guides and me. This is extremely important right now. We are all with you, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Note: The following talk is connected to it:
I: Does this message means, it will now start soon?
DM: It means it has already started, my little one. It is so important that you all remain calm and relaxed now. This will only work if you are in your hearts. Everything is going according to the plan and there is no reason to be worried. But it may take some time until you can all experience the effects properly. And you know, our concept of time is different than yours. But it has begun. Even for you.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.
Karen Doonan ~ Breaking out of the shell that was created FOR YOU
Energies over the past linear few weeks have been intense, at the moment many of you may FEEL that you have no idea what is going on in your life and at times may FEEL almost at the mercy of all that is now unfolding. It is to be remembered that YOU create your own reality at ALL times and that your SOUL is guiding you, whether you are conscious of this or not makes little difference albeit becoming more conscious of this TRUTH will help you when all begins to unravel. It is the unravelling that is now unfolding, for in order to live in TRUTH and to remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH you must first of all dissolve all that you have been taught that you are within the old 3d earth paradigms. As this is done person to person then the outer waking reality in which the human race has been taught to stay within will begin to break down and crumble. This is a result of the increase in awareness of the creation of reality at a personal level. This is not something that is happening around you, it is happening within you. I have touched on this subject before and this blog will address it once more for it is relatively easy to fall to the illusion, especially at this time when all APPEARS to be crumbling and the outer waking reality begins to shift continuously.
John Smallman ~ Your destiny is to create with God ~
You are on the cusp of enormous changes to the way you experience life, monumental changes that will inspire and uplift you, changes that have been planned since the moment of your apparent separation from your Source. You are always at one with Source, connected eternally to the creative force. Without that connection there would be no consciousness, no awareness, nothing, and that is impossible because the Source always is having had no beginning and being unending, It just is in all Its magnificence, eternally beyond time which is purely illusory. Its Love and Its Light shine on you in every moment determining and ensuring your eternal existence. You have just temporarily chosen to be unaware of It. And now awareness of that unawareness is seeping gently, irresistibly, and intriguingly into humanity’s consciousness, dissolving it.
John Smallman,
october 2013,
Aisha North ~ The manuscript of survival – part 365
As you have perhaps already seen, things have definitely picked up speed now, and as such, the days and weeks ahead will be more than eventful for you all. Again, you will be all set to expect a certain chain of events to take place, but please remember this plan is carefully planned, and even if you should have some prior knowledge of it, you do not have all the details, and as such, a human mind is not even capable of picturing it all in full and glorious detail. For you have been well groomed for this, but still there is much that is kept hidden from view, and so we caution you to expect the unexpected. For what you are about to witness will not be like anything you are expecting to observe and as such, we caution you to throw any previous knowledge to the wind and start afresh with a blank slate as it were when it comes to expectation.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Daniella Breen – The Matrix, The Hologram And You – 25 October 2013
Thanks to: lucas2012infos
Uploaded on 25 October 2013 by Daniella Breen
Ascension, Matrix Shifting, 5D Consciousness, there is so much to these times, the End Times of the system we are moving out of. In this video I focus on the relationship between You, the Matrix and the Hologram – how we’ve been relating to it under the old enslavement system and how to relate to it now with the intention of Ascension. We are preparing to unplug from the old lower matrix and transition to the higher light matrix. In order for you to join that Soul Train, there are things you need to develop mastery in.
Sandra Walter The Silence, The Stream, The Fractal
I AM the Divine Light consciousness of HU, the Photonic Reflection, and the metaphor of Creator-In-Carnate dreamed awake.
And so are you.
The Silence
In the beginning there was silence. The stillness of pre-creation. Prior to the first great exhale, the moment when Source projected part of its consciousness in order to create separation, and before the Mother-Father God system birthed the Christ, there was silence. Contemplation of creation.
This passage in our Ascension process reflects the stillness; the direct connection back to Source. It makes us very aware of our words and creations during the merge of Higher and Lower Self. This is why you don’t hear very much from those on the Ascension path right now. Communication is difficult, strange; we can summon words to interact with others when needed, then our Higher Levels pull us back into silence.
I AM the Divine Light consciousness of HU, the Photonic Reflection, and the metaphor of Creator-In-Carnate dreamed awake.
And so are you.
And so are you.
The Silence
In the beginning there was silence. The stillness of pre-creation. Prior to the first great exhale, the moment when Source projected part of its consciousness in order to create separation, and before the Mother-Father God system birthed the Christ, there was silence. Contemplation of creation.
This passage in our Ascension process reflects the stillness; the direct connection back to Source. It makes us very aware of our words and creations during the merge of Higher and Lower Self. This is why you don’t hear very much from those on the Ascension path right now. Communication is difficult, strange; we can summon words to interact with others when needed, then our Higher Levels pull us back into silence.
Visionkeeper: Just Be….
Music to read by below:
The title of this post pretty much says it all. As my readers know I have been taking some time off to regroup and adjust to all the changes taking place at this time. It has been quite daunting for many of us I would imagine. In this time I took for myself, I came to the final decision that I will not be returning to write my blog ‘everyday’. I will continue to write from time to time if something inspires me to do so or if something major takes place that calls to me to write about again on a daily basis, I will. I have been summoned to spend my days now being aware of living and just being, in other words walking my talk.
I no longer feel the necessity of writing about what is going on, guiding others in certain directions, trying to explain what is going on or what is happening to us. For me, I feel it is far more important to be spending time learning how to just BE in the world, rather than my being the deliverer of messages. We’ve had enough of that over the last two years, now is the time we should all stand firmly on our own and be who we are meant to be and not just spend our time reading others words for guidance or following down others paths. It is our own path we are on now and our connection to it is critical and demands our full attention and devotion.
just be,
october 2013,
Meredith Murphy ~ The Spaciousness of New Potentials
Message from Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Telepathic Transmission – 23 September, 2013
(Expanded channeling from the original transmission/audio transcript, 15 Oct. 2013, Daily Message from the Self-Love Soar Fest )
Hello My Friends and Family,
You find yourself, I suspect, increasingly in states of spaciousness.
You find yourself, I suspect, increasingly in states of spaciousness.
Today I wish to speak a little bit about the process of creating space, the purpose of opening to new potential and how this will occur as you experience the uplifting energies, infusions of love and and in fact, as you open to a more and more loving relationship with you.
As you open to a more and more loving relationship with you, you rise in frequency and expand. You discover wide, open spaces of new potential.
Friday, October 25, 2013
You are flying along magnificently. – channeled by Ron Head
We wish to return today to one of our favorite topics, the phenomenon of channeled messages. You will have noticed a distinct change in the type, clarity, and, even in some instances the sources of these. What has changed? Have you given it any thought? More than a few of those involved in bringing these messages to you have done so. We bring this up today to illustrate a different, but related point. So we will spend a little time explaining and then we will connect the dots, as you say.
The changes that these messengers are experiencing are surprising even themselves as they become filled with information that they find more detailed, wording and tone that they have not previously had access to, and in some cases an entirely new feel to the energies surrounding them.
AA Michael,
october 2013,
Ron head,
John Smallman ~ Love is sounding a clarion call.
Humanity has reached the end of the illusory road that it has been following seemingly aimlessly for eons, but what awaits you is not the abyss! It is as though you have reached your exit on the freeway/interstate/motorway/highway (so many words indicating the same thing, and yet when you really need words to describe spiritual aspects of life you have so few!), you have come to the end of the congestion and road works and are about to enter a new and magnificent scenic thruway. A new and astounding route leading to the most beautiful vistas and scenery, which you know exists because those who have gone before you have sent (channeled) messages telling you so, lies before you enticing you onwards. You are ready, you have been hoping and praying for this moment, counting the miles to this junction, and suddenly it is upon you, clearly visible and most welcoming.
John Smallman,
october 2013,
Celia Fenn: The 3 November Solar Eclipse Restructuring into Light… and Africa Rises!
We are right now in the transtion from a Lunar Eclipse (18th October) to a Solar Eclipse (3rd November). Coming on the heels of the powerful energy wave of July/August, this has created some very intense Energy “weather”. The Lunar Eclipse in October was in Aries, and was impacted by Uranus in Aries, meaning that much unpredictable energy was let loose into the Grids. As you may know, eclipses are always a time when the Earth Grids are recalibrated with new incoming Light Codes, and while this may be turbulent at the time, the outcome is always positive.
So it is with these two eclipses, one Lunar and one Solar. The Lunar Eclipse allows for shifting deep inner consciousness, and a Lunar Eclipse in Aries with connections to Uranus will certainly shake loose many of our old ideas about Leadership and the “Warrior” Energy and make way for something new. It is therefore no surprise that at this time the US Congress decided to “shut down” creating questions about government and the economy globally. The stage is setting for something new to emerge into the Deep Consciousness of the Collective.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Suzanne Lie ~ Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Book IV Life on New Earth
Pleiadian Perspective Book Four -- Where We Left Off
Where We Left off
Jason and Sandy had finally found the “twelfth floor,” on which the Inter-Galactic Light Convention was gathering within the NOW of the higher worlds. They were welcomed by the inter-galactic members, who created a path directing them toward the vortex at the far side of the room. Jason and Sandy looked through the vortex to see an infant world. This world was the infant Gaia, the ray of hope for the beings who had used Earth as their “schoolroom for ascension.”
From their timeless state of consciousness they understood how that new reality was beginning, ending, shifting and remaining still. The Arcturian then flashed before them. Looking deep into Jason and Sandy’s eyes, It sent them the image of Jason and Sandy joined as Divine Complements within the Divine Complements of Mytre and Mytria.
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