by Selacia
Want to energize a brand-new phase of your life or find increased clarity about something that just ended?
Our new moon on July 26 is an excellent time to put your active focus on brand-new starts and to go within for greater understanding of recent life events. This is especially true for anything that really speaks to your heart and allows you to express yourself in an authentic way.
The key right now, during the time leading up to the new moon and this weekend, is to tune into yourself and the things that help you to connect with your heart and life passion. Similarly, invite your inner wisdom to show you what about the recent past or even the present is getting in the way of your full authentic expression. Contemplate these things now and over the next few days.
The key right now, during the time leading up to the new moon and this weekend, is to tune into yourself and the things that help you to connect with your heart and life passion. Similarly, invite your inner wisdom to show you what about the recent past or even the present is getting in the way of your full authentic expression. Contemplate these things now and over the next few days.
Most likely, you have experienced numerous chaotic and perhaps disheartening life events in 2014. If you are like most people, you have had disappointments and felt uncertainty on more than one occasion as you moved through our recent challenging and unpredictable cycles.
Those difficult cycles are part of the package of transformational energies impacting all of humanity during these times. They may seem relentless, but indeed from a higher perspective, their very persistence over time is part of what is helping to shift humanity into the higher frequencies of love. That is what you want, after all, to live in a world where all are valued and honored.
More Gentle Cycles
Amidst the overall mega shift energies of these times are more gentle cycles like the expansion wave that arrived this month. That energy may feel like a soft breeze on your skin, helping you to be more optimistic and connect with opportunities arriving at your door.
Each of those opportunities comes with some kind of change. Your task as a divine changemaker is to make peace with the process of change. That includes the sort of relentless and imminent change that stops the average person from self-actualization.
For the typical person, living with a multitude of imminent changes – many not of his or her invitation – it becomes too much to handle. The overwhelmed person then unconsciously puts up an energetic stop sign to the world and blocks the very opportunities he or she desperately wants.
Look at Yourself Anew
On this new moon, decide that you will look at yourself in a new way, with an updated perspective that factors in your growth and why you are alive now. Certainly, you are not average or typical. You have a unique divine spark to express in ways that no one else can.
You do not need to have the rest of your life planned out to express what makes you distinctive. It is not necessary to have a particular job lined up or to have a soul mate partner at your side to express your gifts either. Do not wait.
Work with what you have. Work with who you are, beyond what the world tells you that you are. Work in a multidimensional way with your timeless eternal self, alive now to offer unique contributions to humanity and the Earth.
Work with your inner wisdom relentlessly. Inquire within regularly, even if you are not conscious of any response. Ask anyway.
Remember: even in the darkest hours there is a light shining and growing brightly. You are that light.
Copyright 2014 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text. via newsletter 25 July 2014
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