Full Definition of QUANTUM MECHANICS: a theory of matter that is based on the concept of the possession of wave properties by elementary particles, that affords a mathematical interpretation of the structure and interactions of matter on the basis of these properties, and that incorporates within it quantum theory and the uncertainty principle —called also wave mechanics [i]
Let’s use the bridge between Science and Spirituality to come to an understanding of what I call “The Quantum Field of Consciousness” as it pertains to Healing the Soul. First, let’s touch on the principles of Quantum Mechanics which is the study of physics as it relates to the microscopic field. When we talk about wave mechanics we are talking about a very profound principle that sees wave particles change behavior based on whether or not someone is watching. Think about that for a minute. It’s like the “does a bear shit in the woods” theory or the paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat.[ii] This means that when we become the observer or watcher of our own behavior, in that moment, we can also change the microscopic pattern of said behavior.
The emotions of the grieving process are relevant in our day to day “reality” as we shift and grow in Consciousness. We see patterns that have developed which may no longer serve our deeper Soul Purpose so these patterns tend to come up when we fall into the mouth of questioning everything with Spiritual Intention. The patterns are like waves and once we recognize the wave it changes its very behavior just by being seen and/or felt in the first place. In that, our Spiritual Intention sees us becoming the observer of our own patterns of behavior all the way down to a quantum or microscopic level. We can relate this to the Energy of our behavior and whether it is energetically “efficient” for our Soul and its Purpose. The energy of this equates to a Spiritual process known as “letting go of attachments” or energetically inefficient behavior.
When we have trauma surrounding the death of a Loved one or unresolved traumas in our own Lives we tend to haul around unnecessary emotional and spiritual baggage. This equates to the lower vibrational or more “dense” emotions that we find when we haven’t completed the ‘grieving’ process and come to a place of Acceptance. Until we find Acceptance, Resolution, or a State of Grace we haven’t completed the “process”. It’s a difficult issue to find sometimes as two of the prevalent emotions of grief are denial and bargaining which become more challenging when we begin to bargain with our own denial of the circumstances or “trauma”. It helps to understand that none of us actually wants to be the STAR and “victim” in our own tragic story and we have a very big misconception about loss (especially loss in “death”). So, if we can begin to find Awareness of our ROOT “traumas” we can begin to change our patterns on a quantum level first and then our physical reality by extension just by recognizing them in the first place. For example, many people know the vibration of abandonment and it’s the most common “trauma” we find as Spiritual Beings having a human experience. The vibration of abandonment shows up as the mentality of “go away and come here” at the same time never quite trusting that we won’t be abandoned once again which speaks of fear of abandonment. If we can recognize the pattern of “go away and come here”, which is a Universal “mixed message”, we can begin to open our Heart again to the vibration of Unconditional Love of Self which will bring more Trust into our relationships. It’s here that we see the Root which is the “abandonment” rather than the effect which is the “unhealthy” relationship.
For example, if we’re thinking of a Loved one we automatically get a feeling whether it be Love, anger, longing, resentment, shame, and/or guilt (just to name a few). This is the Rolodex of Experiences that are recorded withIN and in the Quantum Field so it’s more than possible to connect with others via what I call “Emotional Impressions”. We can FEEL these relationships and if we can FEEL them we can also HEAL them!
When we Heal our own Root we also Heal our relationships. Simply put, if we have resentment toward a family member who has passed away we are still tied to them through said resentment. More importantly, they are still tied to us through the same resentment so by holding on to the resentment we see our Loved ones ALSO not “ascending” completely even though they’ve passed. This is how we begin to see how we keep ourselves locked in the lower vibrational patterns while also holding onto unhealthy attachments for both parties.
If we’re not sure what to do when it comes to being of service to the planet and humanity we can start withIN and heal our Root in order to heal the Tree of Life. When we heal the root we heal Self and the astral plane while also raising the vibration of Mother Earth and the rest of Humanity by extension. As we amplify our own “State of Grace” we raise our vibration to one of Love setting in motion the Butterfly Effect of Healing across the entire interconnected Universe. We find ourselves in a higher and more objective emotional place where we are in a more Universal flow of energy. We gradually become more energetically efficient, emotionally intelligent, and spiritually enlightened just by caring for and nurturing Self and the root of our very own Tree. At the same time, we are being of service to the planet and all of humanity just by Healing Self and our relationships – on both sides of the veil! It’s a Spiritual Mission should we chose to Accept it and an important part of our shift into a *New* era of Spiritual Enlightenment. We can Heal the Root by acknowledging the Quantum Field of Consciousness and our own Soul “mechanics”. Heal the Root and the rest will follow…
Jennifer Deisher has been sharing her gift of emotional and spiritual Healing through soul readings and an ability to connect with others via intuition, empathy, and emotional experience. A profound Spiritual awakening opened a creative writing channel that converted her traumas into artistic expression unlocking the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their Higher Self where our own unique and individual Blueprints await discovery.
Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She also founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature. For more information please, to book a session, or to sign up for Jennifer’s Creative Writing Workshop – Opening the Creative Channel WithINplease visit BlueprintsForButterflies.com.
If the Writing Inspires you please send us some LOVE in the form of a donation. To book a session or sign up for the Creative Writing Workshop – Opening the Creative Channel WithIN please click here.
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