One topic was where to start from, and currently there are two points on earth which will begin to be activated, one is Israel and the other is Germany in the mountains. Both places are very important as both places hold specific energies that must be released. Both places hold sacred sites with incredible portals and ancient knowledge hidden within them. The peace protocol will begin from these two points. Which point will be activated first remains a mystery, but we will soon find out. If you find yourself in anyone of these points in the next year and a half, expect to have phenomenal experiences, as you will be called there for a very BIG reason.
We were also discussing if humans are ready for them to descend and the unanimous vote from all light workers who are part of the ground crew was “not yet”. The reason is that the vessel is fragile, and we need to upgrade it first and restore its functionality so that it can hold enough vibration to withstand the vibration of our galactic families instead of just disintegrate. They do adjust their frequency to ours in order to meet with us, however to truly understand who they are and to truly understand who we are, we must raise our frequency to match theirs, then we will be able to converse freely face to face in what we call the “physical”. We still need a bit of time. We have until year 2018 to finish the upgrading of the larger part of the earth in order to integrate the new technologies fully and completely. We all asked for roughly a year. Of course it will all depend on humanity. For now though their main focus is on all of us, the light workers, the ground crew. They want to fully activate everything that’s laying dormant in lightworkers the ones that are at the forefront of this mission. Please note as I was told that there are a lot more light workers that are still sleeping and their time of awakening will come in about a year, those who aren’t ready to wake up just yet. All of this is done on purpose to make sure the mission will continue to unfold as scheduled.
Within this time frame a lot will happen. The earth will go through a major transformation and everything will be sped up significantly. We will awaken more and more to who we are. Our body will go through many adjustments it will be a bit rough for us, but we can handle it. I know that we can. A LOT of upgrades are going to be taking place, which means a lot of “illnesses” out of the blue, unexplained pains here and there. All of this is a natural process as we continue to fully and truly release everything that stands in our way to true remembrance. Most of this work will be done on the light workers, as all of us who are at the forefront of this mission must be completely aware of our own powers. We will be taught A LOT.
Expect that you will be visited nearly nightly and in meditation. Be alert to whom you will be visited by always ask for clearance. Ask them who they are. Send out a test violet/golden ray of light, if they remain standing, you can ease up and converse freely. You will be taught about your own history, where you came from, what you are doing here, what you are to remember and what you are to bring into this world. We will be receiving a lot of new technology, a lot of new ideas will be coming our way, we will be inspired to do things that we never thought we would ever do!
Many of you will feel an urge to change your careers, to move to another part of the world, to do a makeover, a complete change of your life. Those who are in the technology sphere will truly feel enlightened and most importantly be able to bring their ideas to life of new energy, new way of healing, etc., with much less resistance then before.
the disc acts as an accelerating device and an attunement instrument to cleanse your DNA from remnants and frequencies past which are affecting your body and your consciousness in a way that is against the good of your higher self. And as such allowing the ascension process to move forward without delay. Using this disc will allow the energies to be magnified and applied directly to the one in question, and tune the body of the beholder and attune the DNA of the beholder with the frequency of THE SOURCE entering GAIA. Know that this disc comes directly from the mother father god, representing itself in a GODDESS Vortex of your creator selves, the feminine energies held therein. Yes indeed the design comes from the father/mother god. Directly from THE SOURCE. Aligning you with your higher self and your mission here on earth. Yes indeed for it opens up the solar plexus of creativity channel of your being and sends the vibration throughout your whole physical and sub structural bodies
This will be a strange time where things will go up or down depending on where you stand in your life and on your “forgive, let go, allow” stage. So once again it’s highly important to release everything that is standing in your way.
Please be aware of the news you are reading, certain sacred names will be used in a “negative” way to pollute your thinking patterns and place seeds of fear and anger into your subconscious, please refrain from allowing this to permeate through your being. If you read something that is making you feel uneasy, do not resist it but simply allow it pass right out of you, monitor it as it moves through your body making sure that it doesn’t stick anywhere. The best way it to take a deep breath and relax ALL of your muscles just kind of go limp there for a second in order to let it all go.
This is an important time of equilibrium.. the more light you have and more light you collect over this time period the more light and love you can spread into this world to assist in balancing things out completely when the time comes for PHASE II.
One thing’s for sure everything will be accelerating tremendously. And even if you find yourself at your “lowest” point, please know that all of this is only to propel you forward to make you STOP doing what you are presently doing and rethink everything, change your life completely, and follow a new path.
Therefore LISTEN to the guidance that you will be receiving. This time is very important, listen to your inner self. You are being supported by so many beautiful energies entering our planet, that whatever it is that you WISH to occur in your life will happen incredibly fast! Therefore put all of your thoughts and feelings into what you WANT not what you don’t want. Once again remember the universe does not understand the “DON’T” it only understands the “DO!” therefore think in terms of “I want xyz” not “I don’t want xyz”. Because you’ll get what you don’t or do want.
Overall have FUN! Enjoy! RELAX. The time has come to unite with your own self, and allow the new energies to bask you in love and light, to propel you forward and allow you to truly BE YOU! BE that guiding light that you have come here to be! Once again we’re entering PHASE II of this mission and we’re given time to recuperate from all the hard work that we’ve been doing all these years. We’re given time to truly REMEMBER and BE in this moment. So enjoy every second of it. Collect the energies you will need them in about a year and a half when the restoration part of the project will begin. For now ENJOY!
~Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker-Author. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –
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