As said before many times nothing is just coincidence. The flow took me into that what we all need to be doing: grounding your inner-spiritual growth and give it hands and feet. The floating around in total love and bliss spheres does not make a change upon this world manifest. Also a total grounding only being in this now reality upon this earth just running in circles of old duality stuff is not working. It is still about the balance and integrating of the earthly now and the spiritual also.
I have said for some time we are needing to go our ways and really create the new paradigm. This is not done by pushing away the old systems but making change by doing things different and being an example. Keep your intent pure also. It is about really doing things differently and not being led by all the old ways of profit, gain, self-interest, power, manipulation, etc. Work together but not group up. Keep out the hierarchy if you can.
We are the builder of the new our selves. Each one of you. No exceptions. You all came here upon this earth already as masters to make the change towards this new paradigm happening. Now take up your mastery and built the new in being examples, lights on the path of change. The more lights, the more change. It is that easy. The littlest initiative will be noticed. We are already making a huge difference. It is that what you all may thank yourselves for. You have done great already. Let us now walk the last miles in making balance work for us.
We are the change. Now is always the time. Reality is changing as we speak.
Much love and light and keep up the good work,
(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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