Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s March 18, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com / brenda-hoffman: Many of your loved ones are moving through the dark night of their soul. Your role, if you choose, is to function as their midwife – encouraging, motivating, shining a beacon of light on their path. Their big chunk of clearing will likely be complete within a few weeks – unlike your years or months of clearing – for you created the path they are following up their mountain and down their hill.
“Growing into Universal Adults” is the title of this week’s Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
So much is happening, yet it is as if nothing is happening other than fear, pain and angst. Have you not yet completed your 3D fear project? Are you doing something wrong? Are you fooling yourself and others in believing that you are of 5D?
NO! All is as projected. You are building a new life with new tools. But before you begin building/creating your new life, you must declare to yourself that this chaos is not your life – merely a passing phase.
You have moved through this fear before. You are doing so now to declare to yourself that you are no longer of 3D.
The same is true for the earth and any earth beings who wish to transition beyond 3D. Creating total chaos – in your life, the life of those you love, all earth entities, as well as the earth. This is a time of crumbling structures – including those you created to fully participate on earth in this and any previous lifetime.
Until now, that structure remained despite a tenuous hold on your life and earth being – a structure ‘holding on by a thread’ within your being. Just enough to visit and revisit you – not as dramatically as was true when you were of 3D – but as a part of your being you do not necessarily wish to address or remember. So it is now that the additional energies gifted to you and the earth are helping you break that thread, cutting any ties you have to that fear.
But doing so is not as easy as you would like. Not because you are not fully capable of breaking that thread – and have been for some time – but because that fear is so deeply embedded in your being. In a sense, removing that fear is a bit like cutting off a part of your physical being – you will live, but not as comfortably as was true before removing that body part.
Now many of you are frightened. Does that mean you need that fear to live? No – merely that you do not yet know how to live without that pain, that fearful piece of comfort that has been part of you for years, perhaps eons.
That is the chaos many of you are feeling/experiencing now. Removing a part of yourselves that no longer serves any purpose, but is so deeply enmeshed within your being that you are not sure you can exist without it.
You are fighting yourself. Are you of the joyful light? Or do you wish to retain this fear? Both options seem fearful now for one is the unknown and the other is a comfort zone you created to be more fully of earth. And so it is you waver back and forth – not because you have to, but because such feels right at this time.
Why would any 3D fear feel right?
You know this fear. You have created and faced it time and time again. It is almost like an old friend who reminds you of who you were. You do not necessarily wish to return to that former life, but that fear contains many fond memories of your growth, courage, and determination. That fear has shifted from an adversary to a friend. And you are not yet certain you are ready to let go of that friend filled with memories that no one but you understands.
Of course, you will let go in short order. But for now, you feel a need to hold onto those memories of how life used to be, how much you achieved. For once you let go of that fear, that angst, your memories will shift dramatically. You will view the moments, the interactions, the fear with a detachment you can only dream of now.
As you let go of this fond fear memory, your perspective of that fear and of the battles you won and lost with that fear will fade into nothingness. That is what you and others are in despair about losing now.
So it is that your society is enraged, angry, and fearful. For one-by-one, you are all destroying the structures barely visible that subconsciously return you to a fear you have outgrown but continue to remember with fondness.
And so it that your fear structures are being destroyed so your new being can move into joy without that final, deeply seated fear piece rattling around waiting for another tug-of-war with you.
Allow yourself to know that your life will be different – as will that of any other being who wishes to be of the light now or in the future – once you allow yourself to blow up the final rag-tag remains of your deeply embedded fear. A fear that has served you so well for years or eons.
A destruction phase is never pretty or even necessarily clean. So it is that millions of little bombs, if you will, are exploding simultaneously or nearly so. The result is the chaos you are feeling and sensing in yourself and others. Allow it to be. It is short-lived for your fear buddy is hanging on by a very small thread. So be it. Amen.
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