Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s May 4, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Many of you have been dividing your creation skills between the destruction of 3D and 5D creations. Doing so reduces your power and perhaps changes your physicality to buffer you from the extremes. If you have 5D dreams, you’re not of the 3D destruction/rebuild team. If you have no 5D creation dreams and are focused on the current 3D ills, that is your 5D role.
“Turning Point” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
A few of you are returning to fears that have nothing to do with your current or future life. You decided to back up a step to review pieces you are no longer associated with – as if your fears of what was will finally overtake you.
Because you probably no longer worry about your current situation, you feel the need to return to a former 3D fear.
Such is so because you are so deeply ingrained with fear that mere words cannot allow you to let go. Creating fear continues a 3D comfort level that is and always has been counter-productive.
Your fears are behind you in ways you cannot yet understand.
Focusing on fear is a 3D creation. The cycle of joy you are of now and forevermore while of the earth means you can no longer create fear. Oh, you can feel fear once in a while, just because fear remains part your emotional paint kit, but you can no longer create fear in full force.
You beg to differ for you are experiencing fear now. Review that fear to determine if it is current or something that might happen. For example, are you concerned about paying your rent at the end of the month or are you being thrown out on the street for nonpayment in the next 15 minutes?
So it is your fears are merely an acceptable behavior pattern for you and many of your segments.
You are encouraging more and more segments to join you which means that some of their fears are incorporated into your new totality.
Again, not that those new segment fears are valid, but that you are experiencing fears that do not seem to be generated by your current life. Almost a shadow of terrible things that could happen.
It is time for you to declare to your totality that you are new you and no longer require fear to direct your attention or being. For you are a forerunner, an example of what is instead of what was.
So it is you must overcome those seemingly important fears that have little basis in reality other than to make you afraid.
As joy role models, you have the power and the need to shift your perceptions from fear to joy. Such will only happen once you internalize that unlike your 3D life, “the only fear you have to fear is fear itself.” For your fears are no longer your reality.
Even though such has been true for some time, you have difficulties believing that so you shift from, “This fear probably can’t happen, but that fear certainly could.”
To negate the joy in your life while focusing on a possible fear is to negate you.
You are no longer of 3D, and so it is truly inappropriate for you to expect the worst and feel the best is a miracle.
You are earth miracles because you transitioned from 3D fear to 5D joy in one lifetime. You have read such is true. You have verbalized such is true. And yet, you continue to expect the worst with a bit of sparkle here and there.
Know that your fears are not creating more 3D fears, but instead are creating a holding pattern that neither allows you to create joy nor fear.
You are beyond fear no matter how many segments you encourage to join you from earth or other locations.
You are no longer of 3D fear – even if you wish to be. For if you were to continue in a fear-based life, you could not possibly create the joy you decided to when you entered the earth in this lifetime.
Your role is not to continue to fear with a few joys sprinkled in, it is to create joy with a few MINOR fears.
So you are in a quandary. You do not seem to be creating many joys or as you yet think of them, miracles, and you continue to imagine, “What if this or that happens?”
Your fears are not so and will never be again. Claim your 5D being – meaning all the joy you wish to imagine. Negate your fears knowing you are no longer living in fear as you have for eons.
You are a new being, with new earth skills most important of which is to be a joy role model for those who wish to follow. So be it. Amen.
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