Monday, October 7, 2013

Lucas – You Can Not Overflow Your Bath It Will Always Level In The New – 6 October 2013

File:Tuning fork on resonator.jpg
Attribution: brian0918 Tuning fork on resonance box, by Max Kohl, Chemnitz, Germany. CWRU Physics Dept.
The overwhelmingly felt vibrational energies are still pouring in. We need to get to grips with being multidimensional beings and also with what women upon this earth already could do multi-tasking. It is all now about seeing you can handle all those different things coming straight at you. So many things that you need to manage and still you can handle it if you’re in the perception of One and peace.
Nothing will overflow your bath as it all will level out perfectly in the new.  There is not one thing that isn’t where it should be.  The difficulty though is grasping that you are not only learning to multitask but also use your both brain halves. And learn to see you can also be not only multitasking on this level but in multiple places and dimensions at the same time.  All will become clear as the water is in nature, clear. It is just vibrational energy like all is.

I have called the new reality already liquid reality as it can be formed in any shape or form and be or not.  It is liquid as it can vaporise and be gone or just manifest in different forms like water, snow, ice, mist, etc.  You will see and learn to see in different ways that make you see with your  heart-source connection that commands the brain… in its entirety soon.  You will have access to 100% instead of 5% of your capacity.
This  is just a physical adaptation of what will be. Your spiritual access to all that is is also growing stronger day by day as you really will see your new creator being abilities increasing. You are already so powerful and still often doubt that your are capable and able to do things beyond comprehension for those not seeing it yet. It is you becoming the real master giving energy form and substance creating the new in all sorts of ways. Creating and c0-creating.
The mastery is not something you can be taught it is already innate in you. It will become as part of your process of going within and activating your heart-source connection step by step visible.  There is no need for teachers and gurus. You will learn and see.  No more dependency or power-grasps by anyone or anything you will alow as you are the power.  Power is not meant in the way of being the mighty controller or hierarchy as that is misunderstanding what it is.
It is about you being your own creator being and remembering what you are.  It is that what gives you your strength to stand in your power of vibrational frequency that makes you your own master. The way to go is to see we are here to create together and separate also new realities that have basic rules. There is no duality anymore. All are equal.  That makes there is freedom in all as long as we respect the freedom of others in being one without conflict. Still you can go create a new duality reality for yourself if you still want that experience or perception.
We will learn  also that  repetition is also a basic form in our multidimensional being sphere. Fractal reality is not the only thing you will see also the geometrics of form and shape and their specific vibrational qualities you will learn. All that is is vibrational frequency. Light talks in all sort of ways of vibrational frequency and has so many functions. It goes from communication, healing, projection, giving luminance, etc.
What about sound that is  vibrational frequency also and can sync your brainwaves, can produce music, talk, healing, etc.  We will learn to see in more ways than one as we learn to play with vibrational frequency.  In all your hear, see and  sense vibrational  energy is involved.  How you perceive reality is like a scale, a key you get every time a vibrational frequency higher.
We are already perceiving our new reality. Some feel it, some see it, some tap into multidimensional realities, some get their vibrational energy experiences. For some it is still hocus pocus or even frightening.  People are not all yet on the same level in their process. There is no judgment in that as it is just as it is.  Like sound waves some are first others follow, still all those waves are part of the same sound wave.
Be prepared and open up for the things that are already coming on your path.  Know to be careful as you can create new realities often in an instant and unwanted or negative perceived ones also. That is you’re doing or creation.  But be assured you can change all back as you are the master of your own reality creations.
For some of you all I have said maybe is sounding like a fairytale and for others it will be sounding like an acknowledgement of their own experiences. It is all fine and nothing is wrong. Just Be and experience all in your own still linear “time” perceived way. It is fine. Soon all will see the only boundary is that what you create yourself as a boundary. There are no problems just perceptions. There is no solution only a perception. All is always being the way it should be and is the way you perceive it to be.
Create your own reality, create it together and co-create the new as One in unity, peace, harmony and equality.  Look around and see things in a different way and you will see change all over the place. It is already there and happening, also for you.  Be resonating with all that is and feel the vibrational frequency within and on the outside of you.
Love and Light,
If you really want to support the work done for you  at this blog make an effort in giving a bit of energy back in the form of a donation to keep things going for sure now the month started already!!!
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(c) 2013 –  Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with  the  link  mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.

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