The realities are changing every second and people get due to ongoing change in energetics, change in perception, wakened up to leave all that was and will be behind to be creating in the now.
The key element in all is the balance. The point of new creation is the neutral, the conflictless, the transformed duality and polarities into center. That space in the now is where all will be coming from.
Many are still in transforming their parts back into balance and it is not an easy task to be swept into extreme emotions or feelings that make sure you are aware of doing something to get back to center.
The ones already more centered will find their urge to create change for all is growing, even lucid creator dreams are in abundance seen. All that even surreal to some is also just another reality in the now.
We are working in getting balanced one way or the other towards the point we can work together without the group mind, collective expressions that you have been told to be. We are individual creator being and expressions of the one we all are.
The unity of all lies within each of us. Not in some belief, group thought, rule or law. We are here to individually create and state what our expression for all the best of humanity is.
We will when we are ready to set aside the I and self-centered and selfish thoughts work together as individuals. The putting I first is just survival and competition you have learned to use in upbringing, education, work, social control and manipulation of the mind.
We can create all that is needed for everybody and have lots of fun and have lots of opportunities to explore our talents, our new creation and communication skills as well as our abilities to travel in new ways.
The old structures, patterns, dogmas, etc., all is just an ongoing story of fading away. In the mainstream media the “trumpets”are blown like victors over humanity on all fronts. It is though just a smoke screen of despair.
The pushing and shoving around and the instigating new and more and more control structures seem not to have the wished for effect. Humans wake up and get activist. Get learning the truth and eventually find their way within.
The process is rapidly going to speed up induced by the actions of those thinking still to be in power over humanity. The illusion first created for humanity to be kept in the box is now becoming the illusion of power that does not exist anymore.
All boxes of the old and future thoughts seem to fall apart. The new will only allow that what is build in the now from a non-dual origin we all benefit from. Abundance is the ability to create all when ever and where ever needed for all.
Being out of the box is not just a statement but a new expression of your conscious state. The state of being the balanced you has connected to is your heart center and connection to source.
We all will find our individual togetherness called One. It is the remembering of all just being interconnected to all and therefore your being is part of all. It is our task to create therefore for all that is for the best.
We are going to see the duality swings being more deeply felt and seen as such in your lives and the reflections of it in your surrounding reality. The minute you balance things and find center the conflict is gone.
Groups will fall apart eventually in seeing that certain prevailing visions, views, or beliefs or protocols are just another old control thought or limitation. We will though see in this transitional period from the old to the new that groups can make an impact or instigate certain new creations.
All that is done or going on is in purpose of the whole picture unfolding. The endless creation from our hearts will bring about the new in the now. Intent to do the best for all of humanity and our planet.
If this intent is locked in we can only fly towards our destined course of building a new reality for all. It is now that change is happening. Be change and balance all that was not you as individual creator being but an expression of duality within.
We are going to do great things beyond imagination. It is our nature to create and explore.
Love and Light,
In service to you all providing this blog for free… a bit of support would be greatly appreciated and is needed to make ends meet this month! Donate! Also remember those other lightservers out there and give them also support!
(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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