I think it should go without saying that healing the planet requires recognizing and fixing the destructive things we’ve done to it.
It’s time for us to start caring about the condition the dear Earth is in, because we have a lot to do here and we’re being called to start the most potent of our work. Individually, we can only do so much, which makes our collective recognition of where we’ve went wrong more important.
It’s time for us to love, nurture and care for the Earth. It does the same for us every day – provides us life and nurturance from a place of human neglect. In my opinion, it’s very unfortunate that most people care more about themselves and how they can gain from natural resources than taking care of the planet that gives them to us.
This planet has so much to offer humanity, but we’ve been taught to see it as an inanimate object that we can plunder all we want with no consequences.
We’ve been taught to believe that the planet doesn’t suffer when we destroy its natural environment, and were it not for the forces beyond the veil who watch and assist us, we could experience a devastating future because of the things we are and aren’t doing right now.
Of course, those of you who are reading this already know what I’m saying and probably wonder what we can do to stop humanity’s gross misuse of the Earth. The number of seekers who are dedicated to changing our current paradigm is growing, but unfortunately, we still need more people to get on board.
More people need to understand the injustice that is our destruction of the Earth, because we can’t come together in peace and harmony on a broken planet. We can’t heal our collective relations if we don’t heal the world we’ve hurt for so long, and it’s time for everyone to gain a sense of the harm we’ve caused.
[Last] week, I reposted a story from Natural News about Shell oil’s pollution of a “small Illinois town” that’s very close to where I live. Because of multiple chemical spills at Shell refineries around here in the past couple of decades, an extremely toxic and illegal amount of benzene sits under the town’s ground.
A judge ruled that Shell can’t be sued over the ordeal, even though one woman claims that benzene soaked through her basement walls and gave her cancer.
The reason for the ruling is that the benzene hasn’t been proven to have contaminated the water supply. I can tell you firsthand – because of the refineries and the fact that oil is known to sit under the public water supply of some towns, almost nobody around here drinks the tap water anyway.
The problem is that this dangerous chemical is in the ground in such high numbers that it’s actually leaked into people’s basements. The problem is also that the level of benzene under our ground exceeds the legal limit by thousands, but the judge ruled that this doesn’t matter.
According to him, legal benzene limits don’t apply if the benzene hasn’t directly infiltrated a public water source, which essentially means that an infinite amount of the carcinogen can be spilled underground with no accountability as long as it doesn’t get in our drinking water. Does this appall anyone else?
Let me get this straight – state laws for the legal limit of a carcinogenic substance that shouldn’t have been spilled in the first place no longer have to apply if people aren’t drinking it? Are you kidding me? This is the exact type of backward behavior that we need to change.
The last thought on that judge’s mind was probably what all of that benzene would do to theEarth – you know, this living body that hosts our consciousness. Because they don’t have to live here, the powers are perfectly fine with dumping benzene into our ground, and they now know that they’ll get away with it.
This isn’t the direction our civilization should be taking, and it still surprises me that people can care so little for the fate of others and the fate of the planet. In this case, it’s all in the name of moneymaking.
Fellow seekers, it’s time to get active in restoring the planet to the pristine condition it was once in and can be in again. It’s time for us to eradicate injustice and see to it that the Earth is loved and respected like it should be, and it’s time for us to hold the people who’ve endlessly polluted our environment accountable.
It’s time for awareness, caring and love to trump individual, egotistical desires and pursuits, and it’s especially time for us to stop taking our planet’s natural resources out of the ground. We see the harm that can be done when companies are allowed to ravage the Earth with no hindrance or accountability, and it’s essential that we put a stop to this.
How much more are we going to put up with? How much damage is our planet going to take before we step up and say enough is enough? How many more people, around here and in other refinery areas, will have to develop cancer before we open our eyes and see what’s going on?
A side note – cancer is common around here, and a lot of people attribute it to the smoke billowing out of our multiple refineries every day. Benzene isn’t even on most people’s minds, even though it exists under the ground at 26,000x the legal limit (and I’m not exaggerating that number).
People have and continue to get sick around here, and I’m sure the same can be said for any other refinery area. This stuff clearly isn’t good, and yet, we remain complacent and let the oil companies ravage our Earth and our health so they can make money off of the overpriced gas we think we need.
There’s technology out there that’ll completely eliminate the need to use fossil fuels, but to the chagrin of the elite, it won’t make them any money or let them cause the destruction they’ve caused for generations. We can’t put up with this type of oppressive behavior anymore, and it’s time for them to be held responsible.
Another important part of healing the planet is holding the people who’ve hurt it accountable.
I’d like to see the judge who ruled that the immense benzene under our ground doesn’t matter come live here for a while and see how long it takes him to develop cancer, but the one percent are never made to live in the environments they’ve created for the rest of us.
They still haven’t been held accountable for their many crimes, but after they are, it’ll be up to us to address and fix the things we’ve done wrong. We’ve went wrong by assuming we could treat the planet however we wanted, and in a time of heightened awareness, this and a lot of other things will have to be addressed.
We can’t keep moving in the direction we have been. We just can’t. It isn’t sustainable, and in fact, it’s among the worst paths we can take. We’d be headed for complete social and environmental destruction if we weren’t starting to come together and change our ways, and destruction is exactly what the former powers want.
They want to see society buckle under the weight of pressure they don’t have to feel, and they especially want us to turn violent in the name of a new world. If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that peaceful assertiveness is much more powerful and effective than violence, and billions of people striving to change the planet can’t and won’t be stopped.
As long as we start the hardest work to repair and care for the planet, the former powers will be completely unable to stop us. They might try, but we’re growing stronger by the day and using our power to change things for the better. Nothing can stop our growing revolution, but we have to be willing to start it if it want it to succeed.
Environmental destruction is among the most important things for us to address and mend, and I can envision a fully restored planet offering its people bountiful nature and resources that we happily use without hurting or destroying it in any way.
Even though I advocate ceasing our use of the natural resources that’ve been “officially” discovered, I also think there are other, better natural resources we could be using that’ve been hidden because, again, they don’t make money for the one percent.
Free energy is one such natural resource, and even though I haven’t studied it as much as I’d like to, I’m confident in saying that it could power our modern existence and help us excel in ways that oil never would. I think that oil is intended to remain inside of the Earth, and other resources are given for us to use that most people don’t even know about.
As consciousness continues to rise in every social area, an increasingly aware humanity is examining the progress we’ve made so far and asking the essential question: are we helping or hurting ourselves and the world that hosts our life? This is for each person to decide, but the answer, just like the solution to our problems, is simple.
This concludes this week’s planetary healing.
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