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This is not the kind of turning point we've (almost) gotten used to over the last two years,as bigger waves of change than we've ever dreamed of have come rolling over us, again and again.
This turning point is in your relationship to your heart, your soul -- and your life. This is the point where you turn towards the direction that your heart recognizes as its future. Your reality is already beginning to reorganize itself around your choices. Over the next week, that process will accelerate.
The shifts that have occurred over the last six weeks have been truly momentous -- more so than any of us can really comprehend. Uranus and Pluto, at the heart of a cardinal cross for the better part of three months, have shaken the underpinings of what we take for reality. Luckily for us, reality is much, much bigger than we've been taught.
Your Cosmic Upgrade - Already Underway
Amidst these huge shifts, we're all in the process of getting a huge upgrade in our understanding of what our lives are all about -- and how to live them. While reality was breaking open, the way you move through your life was being reworked. In the last five months, four of the five inner planets have taken retrograde vision quests through your inner sky -- for the most part, more than one a time. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (who's still digging deep beneath the surface) -- these are the "arms and legs" for your Sun and your Moon as you meet life, day in and day out. What you value, how you go after it , how you connect with wisdom and blessing, and how you manifest your potential -- this is the year it's all come up for a heart-level upgrade, almost simultaneously.
The Retrograde Parade and the Rewriting of Your Life
Just two days ago, Mars, the Cosmic Warrior, ended his vision quest through the sign of the Goddess. Over the last 11 weeks, the Warrior has rethought everything about what he wants and how to go after it. The coming days and weeks begin a process of integrating all that he’s come to understand. "Begin" and "slow" are the key words here. Mars is spending almost the entire month of May going back, and then forward, through a single degree of Libra. While the shift in momentum is definitely palpable, the big changes in your outer life won't start kicking in until afterJune 2. That's when Mars finally moves out of the degree of his retrograde station.
Yesterday, you began to prepare for the final,5th inner-planet retrograde. Yesterday, Mercury entered the zone of his vision quest. His Big Re-think, which starts on June 7, will help you put your reality back together -- not the way it used to be, but in a way that's much more aligned with the wisdom of your whole brain and the deepest longings of your heart.
Turning up the heat on Mercury's upcoming vision quest was Luna, who entered her 3rd Quarter phase yesterday. The process of releasing all that you no longer need -- so that you'll have all the room your heart and soul require for next week's Gemini New Moon -- is underway. So much was stirred up from the depths at last week's Scorpio Full Moon! For the next six days, put "letting go" at the top of your priority list. If ever there was a new moon to declutter for, it's next week's, when Luna will conjunct one of hte most auspicious strs in the sky
Yesterday, you began to prepare for the final,5th inner-planet retrograde. Yesterday, Mercury entered the zone of his vision quest. His Big Re-think, which starts on June 7, will help you put your reality back together -- not the way it used to be, but in a way that's much more aligned with the wisdom of your whole brain and the deepest longings of your heart.
Turning up the heat on Mercury's upcoming vision quest was Luna, who entered her 3rd Quarter phase yesterday. The process of releasing all that you no longer need -- so that you'll have all the room your heart and soul require for next week's Gemini New Moon -- is underway. So much was stirred up from the depths at last week's Scorpio Full Moon! For the next six days, put "letting go" at the top of your priority list. If ever there was a new moon to declutter for, it's next week's, when Luna will conjunct one of hte most auspicious strs in the sky
The Bliss of the Goddess - Access Re-opened
Yesterday's 3rd Quarter Moon occurred as Luna squared the Sun in another magical degree of the sky. O degrees Gemini is home to the great star Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades constellation. These "seven sisters" are legendary. Long, long ago, they were associated with the ecstatic magic of the Goddess. Since the great shift in consciousness, they've been known for sorrow and grief. We're entering a new era, however. As an outworn understanding of reality breaks open, we're more and more able to tap wisdom and grace that's long been unavailable to us. Saturating our consciousness at deeper levels, the Cosmic Feminine opens new dimensions of her wisdom and bliss, within us and around us.
Almost exactly two years ago -- not even six months after our Sun aligned with the Galatic Center and we began a new, 26,000-year cycle in our cosmic journey -- a solar eclipse occurred in Alcyone's degree. Her energy is known for transforming sorrow into bliss. Just three weeks after the Alcyone eclipse, Venus passed across the face of the Sun, saturating herself with star power. The stage was then set for the mighty cosmic change agents, Uranus and Pluto to begin breaking open our reality and our lives.
Much has been undone in our lives over the last two years. Many of us have been pushed to our edges. As the timeless energy of the Goddess -- the first way we experienced the Divine -- returns to our lives, much of the clutter in our lives has lost its magnetic force. At the depths of our beings, we're responding to a new, yet ancient, energy.
Almost exactly two years ago -- not even six months after our Sun aligned with the Galatic Center and we began a new, 26,000-year cycle in our cosmic journey -- a solar eclipse occurred in Alcyone's degree. Her energy is known for transforming sorrow into bliss. Just three weeks after the Alcyone eclipse, Venus passed across the face of the Sun, saturating herself with star power. The stage was then set for the mighty cosmic change agents, Uranus and Pluto to begin breaking open our reality and our lives.
Much has been undone in our lives over the last two years. Many of us have been pushed to our edges. As the timeless energy of the Goddess -- the first way we experienced the Divine -- returns to our lives, much of the clutter in our lives has lost its magnetic force. At the depths of our beings, we're responding to a new, yet ancient, energy.
* Listen to your heart. If there's ever been a time to do this, it's now. Next week's Gemini New Moon will begin a very powerful alignment of your heart and mind that will unfold over the summer and prepare you for the dynamic times ahead.
* Think long-term and big-picture. All month, Jupiter, Saturn, and Chiron are merging their energies into a grand trine of blessing, manifestation, and healing. On Saturday, Jupiter and Saturn make an exact trine. This is extremely auspicious time to align your heart and mind with the will of the Cosmos.
The answers and the guidance that you need most are in your heart. Your birth chart, however, can provide a unique map and personal timetable that can powerfully support your confidence in your own intuition. If you feel that you could benefit from checking in with the wisdom of your one-of-a-kind cosmic energy pattern, don't waste a minute of this precious time we've been given.
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