Normal is nothing anymore as change on the intricate deep down rooted levels of the self are pushed forward as well as the resistance to that change is shown in pains, aches, sickness, flu, colds, dizziness, lack of energy and tiredness. The resistance is also shown as making firm stands, getting into relationships fights and addressing long conflicting situations and problems with firmness. A gentler side is also shown as senses of the emotional self are drawn out in having lots of self pity moments, tears, being vulnerable and very easy to hurt. Big toes are easy to step on and also stepped upon. The you as criticaster id heard and seen everywhere. The overwhelming overall changes will when you allow it to be acknowledged, lived through and or accepted without all the barriers your put up find its way.
The time of change is not only one of difficult process and personal challenge it is also a change of relating to new things, new relations, new connections and new things upon your path. Embrace things you always wanted to do and now see as a real option. The new is forming slowly but you have still the personal guidance of your heart to go the whole mile. Just feel if it is really your way to go or is a good decision or option for you. If so, live it and be it and enjoy the new things showing or vibrational connecting on your path of choice. See things as if you are exploring a new venture with magical unknown outcomes but suiting your personal growth path. There is no right or wrong in it as it is your path.
It is like the sun mirroring its golden light onto the clouds and making all glow golden. It is a beauty that is never the same but always a recognizable feature if you are able to feel and sense its beauty in the now. Are you able to do that with the opportunities and new that will be relayed on your path? Will you take on the adventure? Those questions are what you will have to answer. In every way and form you will be presented with signs,with indications, insights, new people and things that say… look what I have to tell you about what is possible, are you up to it or are you resonating with the ones showing. You will decide and make your way into the new. There is only your individual path that we all need to go and our togetherness path we also go. We built a new us by acknowledging we all are individuals having the same needs, dreams and also are longing for and we can make a lot of that happen with working just together. The personal path you will need to go yourself and some with a bit of help of people showing a possible way, showing by example what can be or showing as a mirror what is.
The energetics of the new paradigm are not easy to a lot of us. Some will when not able to change fall really ill and some will die if they chose to keep resisting. The now is about an ever-changing new forming in the now. It is not yet all visible and tangible for us, still it is forming and if you really stretch your senses you will know it to be so. No old creepy crawlers will be allowed in the undergrowth of your personal growth. The energies and your ongoing inner change will not allow the old to stay. The extremes will be drawn out to make eventually place for a (more) balanced and neutral point of view. This will make an opening to start new things that can be the new balanced building blocks of something we completely all can support. There is not one solution as there is many having the same effect or having the same outcome by doing it in a different way.
All is in the now to our disposal from all dimensions in existence. It is not all about the inner-works alone. Transitioning means also working on that what needs to be changed and addressed and that in doing, acting and standing together when needed. An only spiritual path without a reality base in the now on this planet will fail. It is about balance. See beyond the negative pictures and read between the lines what is and you will see and sense the bigger picture. Lots of beauty is already out there. First little steps towards a new paradigm are made and sometimes that means falling and standing up again. Some have already experienced this as their initial first intent failed. Some are trying to get it corrected and others are building slowly from scratch and very careful new blocks to build upon. Nothing is wrong in this blind fumble towards a new paradigm. We will get there. No doubt about it. Everything is changing. Just know and sense it. Be positive! Enjoy your ride.
Much love and light,
(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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