Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Karen Dover ~ Deliverance in TRUTH part 3


As the New Earth energies continue to expand across and within the Planet Earth the outpouring of human emotions continues. For many of you the past linear few days may have appeared as a descent into the depths of human emotion. Personally I have spent the last 2 linear days in floods of tears,  I had thought I had reached the depths of the emotions that I had experienced so far in this my human form.  Like many of you I have adapted to these emotions over the linear human years and I have learned to try to walk AROUND the emotion, tip toeing around it , careful not to disturb it.  I talked in depth with Krista Dickan on ONENESS IS radio about this very subject.
I have spent the last couple of linear days questioning my outer reality, questioning why I was feeling such intense despair, such intense angst and such intense anger at times. I was not at one with allowing them to flow, the instant I could feel the emotion I tried the various “coping” techniques that I had created and UNCONSCIOUSLY taught  myself to use.  The New Earth energies do not support anything other than TRUTH and it is not TRUTH to persuade yourself that you are “okay” when your emotions and your human vehicle state otherwise.  This is an echo of life within the old 3D earth paradigms where you are TAUGHT to plaster a smile upon your face and “get on” with life.

For me personally there was no hiding the past couple of linear days, the emotions poured out, there was no respite, the emotional pain unlike anything I have experienced including the death of my mother.  I knew that there was a purpose to it all,  I fully understand that the universe is by DESIGN yet my human logical mind continued to try to get me to reference what was happening, continued to try to persuade me to write a “story” around why I was feeling the feelings I was, almost as if I had to justify why I felt such intense emotional pain.  I have to state that the dreamtime platform provided no respite for me at all, it continued where the emotions left off.  The symbolism intense but just out of reach to me.
My purpose of writing and sharing this blog is to show that it is one thing to allow the emotions to flow but another to try to rewrite the story of why they are flowing. For me I tried to reference the fact that I had begun to write the book that I had been putting off for years and indeed this seemed to trigger the start of the flow of these intense emotions. As I wrote then I was instantly transported to that particular moment in time and the emotions that I could not feel nor express at that time due to the circumstances that were in place. But when I stopped writing to have a break the emotions continued to flood through me, it was my resistance to the flow and the trying to reference them that caused me more pain.
It may be a challenging thing to sit with your emotions just now, you may feel at a loss, you may being actively trying to do as I did and try to find a REASON that you are sobbing your heart out when all around you seems to be okay. It IS a necessary part of the deliverance of your HEART into the New Earth.   At SOUL level there is only the LOVE that IS, in order that we can at a very human conscious waking mind level appreciate and fully understand the LOVE that IS then we need to allow it into our BEing.
The walk in the old 3D earth created reality will have given you experiences of life that are intense emotionally and are the exact opposite of the LOVE that IS, this is necessary so that you can both FEEL and acknowledge the LOVE that IS at a human conscious waking mind level. For me personally the acknowledgement of what I walked through in relation to human personal relationships is now being put into context for me.  to stop running from the LOVE that IS I had to first of all acknowledge what it was NOT.  It is not possible to fully acknowledge something without contrast, this is the way that the human life experience is created on this planet. I would further place before you that duality is a TOOL to help in this process, you cannot fully appreciate warmth without experiencing cold, you cannot fully experience height without being on the ground etc.
So in my personal life and in relation to my personal relationships I am asked to understand, to view and to acknowledge what IS and what is NOT the LOVE that IS and then align myself fully with the LOVE that IS.  This journey is not about getting things “right” or “wrong” it is about experience and understanding that as your SOUL only knows the LOVE that IS it was necessary to make sure and to confirm what it is when it appears on the planet in the New Earth. It appears as a reflection that is reflected back to you, by this I mean that if you are running a distortion it will appear in your outer waking reality and not feel TRUTH. However it may appear in your outer waking reality as a reflection you refuse to anchor due to the distortion and this does not mean it is not TRUTH, only that you are not able to anchor it until YOU anchor TRUTH. In order to anchor TRUTH you are asked to let go of what you have been TAUGHT that is preventing TRUTH from flowing through.
Do not fear your journey in the old 3D earth created reality for without  it you could not begin to manifest HEAVEN UPON EARTH, without acknowledging the pain you cannot begin to appreciate the rainbows and the New Earth is a place of LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, HARMONY and JOY.  The walk in the old 3d earth created reality asked you to anchor pain in your human vehicle at cellular level, as the LOVE that IS flows through and around and within you it is un-anchoring this pain, let it go, breathe and understand that YOU ARE, all else is an experience and this experience can only flow through a vehicle that is CLEAR and OPEN.  Holding on to the emotions that are now arising within you is not TRUTH, at times you will have no clear vision, the emotions arising and releasing prevent the view but the view clears, the emotions release and there IS clarity, the rainbow appears and the sun comes out.   If you are in the midst of a storm of emotion then let go and allow the emotions to be released, with each tear you raise your vibration, with each sob you dissolve that which is keeping you from the LOVE that IS for it is the LOVE that IS that is pouring across and within the planet at this time, it is the DEEP LOVE of your SOUL that seeks to wash you CLEAN and CLEAR so that you may fully interact with and experience life on this planet in TRUTH.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”

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