And who better yet to answer that question then Meline Lafont the individual who channeled that Collective in Episode 92.
Episode 92:
Méline: “The Pleiades, just as every other Star, Sun, System, Galaxy and Universe, is pure consciousness and energy. So where there is consciousness, life or lifeforce exists.
We think of life as being like our own in the physical sense, but life is more than the physical boundaries that we experience on this Earth.
There is consciousness (life) on the stars and Central Sun of the pleiades as many are star seeded here on this plane. And it is that consciousness that we channel, being a part of it.
So there is def. life as in consciousness without physical bodies. Consciousness can always decide on its own whether to embody and form a vehicle like our own or a lighter one or not.
Our human eyes cannot perceive this energy/consciousness but our inner eye (third eye ) can. This is why many perceive no life on certain planets, stars. Much Love”
For more information on Meline go to
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