This article is a channeled message from Master Thoth. He is the initiator of the Universal Laws of our Universe as given in his lifetime as “Hermes Trismegistus”. He is working with Walking Terra Christa to help bring a more accurate understanding to the Universal Laws within the concept of accepting them in our Mastery pathway for the betterment of our existence as we co-create a Fifth Dimensional New Earth. He will give a teaching this weekend on the Law of Action.
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Sunday, March 27, 2016
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.
Dear One,
When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life.
It is a wondrous feeling to be in a place of enlightened perspective. All of a sudden you look at your world with new eyes. Your attitude is one of love and compassion, and you become more forgiving of situations that normally would have upset you. This is the grace available to you from the Divine Source. It is always available to you and exists as a stream of heightened energy frequency, or Pure Consciousness.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Natalie Glasson ~ Divine Inner Consciousness By Celestial White Beings and the Pleiades
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 24th March 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
It is with love we step forth to greet you; we are the energy and consciousness of the Celestial White Beings and the Pleiades. We merge our energy in beautiful synthesis creating a wondrous ensemble of light which we shower over and through your being. Colours of white, blue and green like jewels of light cascade distributing our combined energy, consciousness and frequency to support the presence of the Creator’s light within all. Our light has a greater purpose which is to shed illusions connected to the concept of truth and the perspective of spiritual or Creator truth in order to encourage many to engage with their Divine Inner Consciousness.
Even people moving in spiritual circles can hold onto concepts and ideas of spiritual or Creator truth. However, when the knowledge is held within the mind it is only a product of learning rather than experiencing or embodiment. The mind cannot fully understand the pure consciousness of the Creator through learning or lack of experience. However, it can often be learning which opens the mind. The mind can engage with the pure consciousness of the Creator; often when the mind receives an idea, it can wish to hold onto the idea neglecting the acceptance of other insights. When the mind and the pure love of the Creator work as one then the mind is able to adopt the flowing free nature of the soul and Creator being constantly divinely inspired.
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - March 24, 2016
The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this chance to speak with you today.
You have, in this past week, seen more tumult in the form of violence in the beautiful city of Brussels.
And while some of you have reacted with a weary feeling that this sort of disruption will never end, far more of you have taken a higher road vibrationally, sending Love, Light, and calm, peaceful compassion to those who have suffered injury, shock, or loss.
And we would say, that this in and of itself is a beautiful and powerful sign of how much the Earth and Her people are changing.
Suzanne Lie ~ Remembering What You Always Knew Part 2--The Arcturians 3-23-16
Remembering What You Always Knew
Part 2
The Arcturians
You do not die. Death is a third dimensional illusion. Death is not even an illusion that occurs within the fourth dimension. Your fourth dimensional self remembers that when you crossed the line called “death” in the third dimensional world, you find that you were in another world in which you feel very alive.
When you remember that, you remember more and more of the lives in which you tried to ascend and could not. But you lived a good life, you followed your spiritual practice and, in the end you “died” like everyone else. But you didn’t really die. You went to the fourth-dimensional Astral Plane.
Sometimes you travelled into higher dimensions, and other times, you remained in the fourth dimensional astral plane. Then, when you felt as though you had moved through and learned enough about the lifetime from which you just “died,” you would “die” to your fourth-dimensional life and be born into a third dimensional life.
Jamye Price ~ Knowing When

Blessed Beings, you are at an exciting time in your evolution of beginning to work more directly with the subtle realms of creation. It is exhilarating and sometimes frustrating as you learn new rules of the physical and the mysterious non-physical.
First your mind dominates the process as you seek to define. That is a valuable and necessary functionality of the mind, but not as effective in the same way when dealing with the physical and non-physical realms.
To create more with the subtle realms, you learn different information and processes—such as thinking positively, Loving Life, and that you create your reality with your thoughts and feelings. There is truth within these and many ways to learn and implement these changes.
Walking Terra Christa ~ Preparation for the Festival of the Christ ~ Decree & Ascension Prayer
Today has arrived with the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and the yearly celebration of the Festival of the Christ.
As we are standing fully within these energies presently, it is crucial for us to truly awaken to all elements that we carry within us whether they are positive or not so healthy for us. In order for Gaia to hold this new energy, we the Pioneers of the Light need to hold it as deeply as possible within us and command the Three-Fold Flame to be fully within our consciousness and full body system.
The Spiritual Hierarchy with the Unified Whole Command of the 144 Dimensions of Reality are assisting us greatly through this process. In addition the Inner Earth Beings of the Agarthian Council of Light are stepping forward through all of their cities to bring forth great change as they realize it is now time. We have enough awakened souls that are ready to acknowledge that the healing process is the most important element in order for us to co-operatively interact with one another.
Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos within the Inner Earth had this to say about this Full Moon of Aries/Libra with the Lunar Eclipse:
Walking Terra Christa ~ Decree ~ The Golden Etheric City of Tamarinaqea Representing the 8th Ray
As I am working within the Universal Laws,
I am guided to visit the beautiful Golden City of Tamaraeqea,
Which resides over British Columbia;
It will help me to bring clarity and truth into the pathway I am walking presently.
I have learned how to have Oneness within my Being,
As I now incorporate the Law of Vibration;
I am still being challenged with some issues that are reflecting,
Elements within my multi-dimensional self.
I want to create Spiritual Grounding,
But I need to know how to feel it,
To be it, and Embody it.
I arrive within the beautiful Temple of Regeneration,
The color of Sea Foam Green is everywhere I look,
It feels like I am walking on water,
But yet there are crystalline stones underneath my feet.
I actually feel the essence of this ray of Sea Foam Green,
Coming in through my Earth Star,
Spinning upwards through my legs,
And into my chakras.
I am met by Lady Isis and Lord Osiris,
I feel the presence of Archangel Ramiel.
Each of these Beings assist in clearing the elements,
That do not fit my Inner Truth.
They guide me to the altar which is in the back of the room,
It is igniting this ray through the entire temple,
The walls are vibrating,
Along with the floor,
But yet I feel a balance occurring within me.
Lady Isis represents the Feminine Divine,
While Lord Osiris brings forth the Masculine Essence,
As they stand with me,
I start to feel a change.
Energies are swirling within me,
I feel my Thymus Chakra spinning so effortlessly,
I breathe deeply.
As we stand together,
There are no words,
Only the powerful igniting energies they both bring forth within me.
I start to feel my inner power,
I am no longer confused,
But there is a clarity of understanding of what I have been experiencing.
Even though I am in the midst of these powerful vibrations,
I feel comfortable within them;
As they are part of me,
Part of my Higher Self,
I allow it to intertwine within me,
Going deeper through my lower chakras,
Into my lower limbs and feet,
As my Earth Star is now spinning with effervescent colors of light.
I am now experiencing the grounding,
Of My spiritual self,
Being activated within me.
It is a beautiful moment,
As I learn to hold it within me,
It becomes me as now the Balance,
I have desired,
Is truly me.
I AM that I AM that I AM
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Love for Belgium my country
Dear hearts,
My thoughts and Love goes out to my fellow citizens of our country Belgium whom have been striked by this event. Prayers of peace and balance are the main focus as compassion and Love for each other flows forth from this event.
Karmic patters have been released for our country, which is a welcomed gift for further evolution and shifts. Love is the only thing and way we can take with us anyway so this triggers further the deepening towards Love embodiment.
Let us not fear but care, love and be there for each other: uniting and releasing fears.
All my love and compassion, care and support in this Now.
March 2016,
Méline Lafont,
Lauren C. Gorgo ~ Equinox-Eclipse: the corridor of truth
Happy Equinox! I can barely believe it but we are already halfway thru the eclipse cycle (what the?) and now we are entering into what is being called “the corridor of truth” as we begin to align with resurrection energies of Easter that will be broadcast so powerfully during the upcoming full moon/eclipse.
Coming into this next planetary season we are bumping up against some major changes as the celestial heavens prepare to display one of the most phenomenal passages in human history.
Marlene Swetlishoff ~ HILARION ~ March 20-27, 2016
Beloved Ones,
We from the ascended realms of Light have been asked for a message specifically to the people of Turkey who have been experiencing frightening horrors through the events occurring in their country for the past eight months. Many souls in Turkey have been holding the Light of the higher vision of peace for their country and for the world and have been and continue to, earnestly pray for this to come into their daily living experience. They are finding it difficult to remain detached from the fear and anger that permeates the hearts of the people and the environment that they have no choice but to be a part of in their country.
There is at this time, a focus on this country by the world’s powers. There are moves and counter moves that are being played out in the political arenas. Each politician is making moves to hold on to their waning powers and this has been demonstrated in Turkey through the betrayal of their own people as these powers seek to regain control of their authority. On the higher levels, what is seen is the crumbling and decaying of the old regimes as the systems they created fall into disrepair and decay, and this is reflected outwardly in the world as chaos and destruction, as heaps of rubble and ruin.
Natalie Glasson ~ What is Hindering Your Ascension? By Sanat Kumara
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 18th March 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
In a world of limitations your purpose is to move, see, sense, think and exists beyond the influence of limitations. Many people do not realise this when existing upon the Earth instead they accept and absorb all challenges or limitations as their own, a part of their reality which cannot be escaped. Limitations can also be described as illusions; both are the same. Illusions which are false beliefs, understandings and awareness cause limitations within your being and reality. When you accept illusions whether created by you or programmed into your being by others, you are trapping yourself into what seems like an inescapable space. Everything that you wish to experience seems to exist outside of your inescapable space and yet every time you move towards your desires and dreams you injure and harm yourself by the barriers of the space. It is not until you become aware of the lim itations and illusions you accept which create the walls of your confinement that you can allow them to fall away.
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give.
Dear One,
In your heart, you are free. This energy of freedom can be expressed in your daily life as well as kept as a sacred trust within you. This energy is God working through you and encouraging you to let your light shine.
When you are feeling free to be yourself, that is the time your light shines the brightest. That is when you are most relaxed and happy, which is the way your Spirit intended you to live.
When you let your light shine in the world, darkness is illuminated. The parts of society that offer the greatest challenge are the ones needing the most light. Allowing God's love to pour through you as Divine Light is one of the best ways to create the changes you want in your world. This energy of love-filled light can bring wholeness and healing to any situation.
Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, March 20th
Judas Iscariot
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Today we can celebrate a day of Triumph. The dark have tried to further delay the many projects that are in the works, but they now have to see themselves as beaten by the forces of the Light. Their small attempts now go nowhere, but gives only a puff of smoke here and there. The people of the Earth have chosen peace and feel unwilling to go anywhere else. The power of the people is great, much greater than they could have suspected. It is not easy to move a large mass, as you well know.
The consciousness is increasing all the time and more people seek out the light. The Light gives joy and hope to battle weary people. They want to have joy and hope in their lives and not worry and sorrow. They want to see a bright future for their children and not one of fear and darkness. They start to see through the darks feints and work intensively with themselves to free themselves from fear that has surrounded them – A fear that more or less has taken over their lives.
Marilyn Raffaele ~ MARCH 20 2016
Dear ones, welcome to a time when things seem the same for much of the world, but not for you who are awakening. Many of you are beginning to have new and unusual experiences as well as deeper insights that the others are unaware of. Keep on keeping on for evolution is moving toward a new earth and a new state of consciousness for those who choose.
We wish to talk about money, a topic that seems to cause much chaos and many problems for the world. The human belief system regarding money is built around duality--the consciousness of money as a "good" that must be attained or an "evil" to be rejected. Both are false being based in a general ignorance of truth often along with the desire of many for power. Money is a medium of exchange in and of itself having no power other than the power you give it. |
Brenda Hoffman ~ Good-bye Fear Friend

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s March 18, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman: Many of your loved ones are moving through the dark night of their soul. Your role, if you choose, is to function as their midwife – encouraging, motivating, shining a beacon of light on their path. Their big chunk of clearing will likely be complete within a few weeks – unlike your years or months of clearing – for you created the path they are following up their mountain and down their hill.
“Growing into Universal Adults” is the title of this week’s Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
So much is happening, yet it is as if nothing is happening other than fear, pain and angst. Have you not yet completed your 3D fear project? Are you doing something wrong? Are you fooling yourself and others in believing that you are of 5D?
NO! All is as projected. You are building a new life with new tools. But before you begin building/creating your new life, you must declare to yourself that this chaos is not your life – merely a passing phase.
Walking Terra Christa ~ Acceleration and Grounding of Festivals of Wesak, The Christ, and Humanity
We are now coming into the next three-month period of deep acceleration with the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity through the months of March, April, and May. These energies help to set the stage for all initiates to fully step into the next phase of their initiation process.
The three festivals start with the Festival of the Christ, March 23, 2016 in the Sun of Aries, with the Festival of Wesak on April 22nd, 2016 in the sun of taurus, and then, the Festival of Humanity also known as World Invocation Day on May 21st, 2016 in the sun of gemini.
Each of these spiritual events take us, as the initiate or master, into a deeper part of ourselves. Since we walk the Mastery Pathway of Ascension within a physical body it is important for us to utilize the energies from the God Force that are being emanated during the next three full moons as it will help us to realize the depth and potential that we can be within the physical body.
We have to understand that stepping into this walk of life is the most challenging pathway that a soul can accept within their consciousness. But as a higher being of light it no longer becomes a challenge but a gift to be able to ascend within the physical body as this process will continue for every person that decides to make this choice. It becomes a blessing to walk with the many ascended beings of light as we stand in the front of many others walking towards peace and enlightenment on this planet. The roles that we have decided to embrace is to help this earth to become what she desires as each of us embody the same element within us.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Happy equinox ~ discounts
Happy equinox Beloved tribe!!!
FINAL weekend 50% discount rates through the equinox! take advantage of this as the Channeling/connecting to SELF course is 50% off too !!!!!!discounts/w7xm0
Much love
Méline <3
March 2016,
Méline Lafont,
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Gillian Mac-Beth Louthan ~ We are connected to everything in the Universe
We are connected to everything in the Universe. There is nothing that we are not a part of; everything flows through us and to us. Our energies, our thoughts, and our words flow through all of life, on Earth and elsewhere. There is not an end to us, or a beginning, but a continual flow of life, changing form over and over again.
We are continually perfecting our form in each and every incarnation, whether that is as an element, plant animal, human, star, or galaxy. We deliberately challenge ourselves to become all we can become. There is no failure in this type of existence only evolution.
Are You Listening? – The Council
on Are You Listening? – The Council
Are You Listening? – The Council
We speak today to those who wish to become more aware of us, of this council, and most importantly, of their higher selves. We say most importantly because your own higher self is your connection to everything that is not in your physical dream. Your physical dream will all pass at some point. These higher planes will not. So we know that it would behoove you to begin becoming more aware of this connection now instead of waiting for it to be thrust upon you by your ‘birth’ into these other dimensions when your physical vehicle has reached its ‘sell by’ date.
Now there are a great many of you who have no daily meditation practice. You have in mind a vision of a person dedicated to spending hours, days, and years in a physical position that you cannot reach, contemplating their navel, and seeing and hearing miraculous things. You have no time for that.
Becoming Crystalline ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda
Blessings everyone! I was guided to share again this guidance I received during a previous gateway which is still relevant now during this powerful March Gateway of incoming Light:
“Just feel the incoming Light, absorb it dear one, and enjoy the alchemy. Feel it infiltrate and transform you. ‘See’ it infiltrate and transform you, and lift you, as you become the full 5th dimensional Crystalline Light throughout all your four bodies.
Just breathe it in and feel the buoyancy of your new way of Being. Feel and ‘See’ the Light and Sparkle of your new way of Being. Come home to it, within your Heart, and command all your cells and bodies to welcome the fifth dimensional Crystalline Solar Light to transform all your bodies – etheric, mental, emotional and physical….
Friday, March 18, 2016
Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Maturity Phase , Solar Template, embodiment and March energies
Blessings Love Tribe,
Since we have entered the maturity phase a lot of things are being asked of us while being bombarded by tons of energy blasts from the Solar System as well as from our SUN. The inner Sun, which we recognize as the Solar Christ within, is being amplified within its activation on a Solar level as to where we are embodying each level of this Christed Over soul step by step.
As we are now the mature grounded conduits, the Christed morphogenetic fields of the inner Sun as well as from the Solar Sun as the Solar Christed level are blending in spectacular ways. All we are to find is the inner Sun template while diving in a deepened level of our awakening ascension.
Your inner compass may be distorted at this time and pointing out to every direction like a magnet gone wild, something which has to do with the inner Sun Template arising and thus bringing forth deeper alignments and actualizations which affect your morphogenetic human fields.
Kara Schallock ~ March Gateway: Equinox & Lunar Eclipse - 17-Mar-2016
In just a few days on March 19th at 10:30 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time (4:30 UTC), we have an Equinox. This occurs in the middle of a powerful Gateway, which began with the Solar Eclipse/New Moon on March 8 and concludes with the Lunar eclipse/Full Moon next Wednesday, March 23rd. The Equinox is a full embodiment of the Divine Feminine, empowering the Balance of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses (Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine). This Equinox symbolizes all things new in the Northern Hemisphere, while it is a complete Balance for the Southern Hemisphere.
During this time, we (and continue to) receive many Light Codes that heighten our consciousness. Because of so much Light entering us, feeding our cells and DNA, much also comes to the surface from the depths of our subconscious in order to love, transform and release…to make room for more and more Light. The Divine Feminine/Source leads the way, empowering all that we set forth on the New Moon/Solar Eclipse. It is a shift from the old patriarchy to the new matriarchy to the complete Balance of both. The old patriarchy is replaced by the Divine Masculine; that energy that supports the Divine Feminine. Did you know that Archangel Amabael (Divine Mother Mary) taught both Yeshua and Mary of Magdala how to embrace their own Divinity and Source-Selves? The Goddess takes Her rightful place again, leading the way. We feel this as our Soul-voice. Our Soul leads our separate ego and helps our separate ego become One with our Soul. Through this, our High Mind is activated, which is a blending of Heart and intellect, for one without the other is incomplete. The High Mind then offers the gift of being able to articulate the feelings of the Heart and Soul.
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - March 17, 2016
The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends and fellow Lightworkers! We are glad for the chance to speak with you again today.
We are aware that as we have mentioned before now, that you are all experiencing the immense shifts and restructurings brought about by the eclipse energies, and increasingly now, the spring (or autumn) equinox energies.
We see you juggling a great deal now, as you reroute your physical energies to more completely fall in with your etheric aspect.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Judith Kusel ~ THE POWER GAME

We are entering a momentous time in human history, where the consistent upgrades we have received over the last few years, will anchor in latent abilities within the human heart/mind which has lain dormant for millions of years.
We all have innate abilities of our souls to express as our souls are infinite and not bound by the finite, yet, so often cannot tap into the full application of this knowledge, without having the keys and codes activated deep within our soul memory banks, with the additional downloads and applications managed without our human mind and brain.
In Atlantis so much of these immensely powerful applications in the human heart/mind were shut down, then they started separating the heart and the mind. It became a worshipping of the mind, devoid of the beautiful loving energy of the heart and soul, and therefore imbalance brought about the downfall of Atlantis.
Joy Is The Harbinger of Ascension - Suzille and the Arcturians 3-15-16
Joy Is The Harbinger of Ascension
Suzille and The Arcturians
Joy is the Harbinger of Ascension. This Joy can begin by flowing through the sky, a leaf, an animal or a human. Joy is not just an energy field. Joy is the doorway to open into your reality of fifth dimensional New Earth.
Unconditional Love allows you to feel Joy and Joy is the inter-dimensional portal to New Earth. There is the Joy of a new-born child, the healing of a beloved person, a successful and fulfilling project, and an important contribution to planetary Ascension.
Remember, Ascension is not a place. Ascension is a transmutation. Transmutation is when the frequency rate of a person, place, situation, thing, or planet shifts into a higher frequency of reality.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Selacia's Article - Energy Update - Be Inspired for Your Next Big Leap -
by Selacia
It's not Mercury Retrograde yet (not until April 28), but don't be surprised if you feel some time warps now. Appointments and planning may take some extra grounding. So much is going on in your increasingly chaotic world, too. For perspective, we've had other cycles of psychotic acting out and violent demonstrations - example the 1960s in the U.S. Humanity's awakening, while natural, is often explosive and messy. These energies are amplified in March because of the eclipses, shaking things up and bringing conflicts into the world public arena for all to see. Here's the good news.
The Good News
No matter how upside down things are, you can connect with a renewed inspiration for your life. The cosmic energies now support your doing just that! The next few days through Equinox weekend will bring a number of beneficial planetary lineups to stir your regenerative juices and creative ideas for your next steps.
energy update,
March 2016,
Sandra Walter ~ Christ Light expansion
Brenda Hoffman ~ Growing into Universal Adults

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s March 11, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman: Because you’re of 5D, you have the ability to add any segment you wish to your totality. For those of you feeling more morose than joyful, know that you have incorporated segments that don’t fit your current needs. And if you find yourself doing something that seems counterintuitive, such as joyfully spending money with a limited income even though your dream is to create financial freedom, know that you’re shifting your frequency to accept your dream.
“Creating Without Repercussion Fears” is the title of this week’s Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
All is in upheaval. You are seemingly pulled this way and pushed another. Such is to be expected when you are at this transition point. For you are making decisions second by second how you wish to proceed.
When you were climbing your mountain of pain, your focus was clearing your fears. Even though rolling down your hill to joy was slowed with bumps, stops, and starts – you knew you were rolling to joy.
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