(Thank you for the beautiful pictures to Gretchen Hermey ♥)
flows as substances of energies into the infinity of All That Is.
Which means that all is in a constant change and right now the only
constant thing is change as everything is moving and shifting in and
out of reality into another one and so on. Nothing stops and nothing
lasts, all is in movement as energy is a wave of movement and change.
winter Solstice is again a perfect opportunity to bring that change
into your life and into your reality according to what you like to
see different and what you like to see as your reality. These
energies are there to lend their power of manifestation, assisting
you to what you seek and desire to become/to create/to BE.
winter Solstice portal of the year 2013 is again a magnificent point
in a timeframe that will mark certain beginnings and certain endings
of thoughtforms, of creations and of realities. The You within You
establishes its merging point with the I AM Presence that is allowed
now to enter your fields and your reality and that is a very Sacred
and magnificent, omnipotent process that shall shift the
consciousness and awareness of the Human race.
shall be more awareness of what fits in this reality and in your own,
as well as what does not serve it anymore, as you become one with
your Source. The knowledge will be passed on to other civilizations
that will start their own Ascension process soon on their own reality
of duality that exists in multiple other universes and multiverses
throughout the Cosmos. Therefore this Earthly Ascension process is a
BIG marking point for all existence as it reflects all the different
races in consciousness together as a collective on this Earth.
civilizations and levels of consciousness are embodying the human
race as we speak in order to collaborate together as one unified
forcefield, to not only help Gaia but also to assist with a great
unknown process on the level of consciousness the human race lingers
in. This level of consciousness has been achieved before in the times
of Lemuria and of Atlantis, but what is different in this NOW moment
is that the human race will join with their physical forms. The dense
mass of the physical form will ascend along through a transformation
process that is being achieved consciously.
Solstice is an important portal to the next stage and to the level of
awareness that can be achieved through mass consciousness shifts and
through awakening. The more the human race works as one, being one,
the more the shift will be amplified. This is why chaos and some
unfortunate events are allowed to occur as it is often the most
effective way to bring movement in the thoughts/creations and
perceptions of human beings. It brings the awareness of what does not
work anymore and it brings all of you together in compassion and love
as One, because on those difficult moments humans realize how
important it is to be loved and cared for, to feel compassion and to
the Solstice will bring changes, shifts and energies in order to
begin to realise to a greater extent how much all is in you. It will
guide you even deeper in the journey to Self, in your inner world and
in the universe that you are. You will be shown events of your own,
that manifest themselves and that become your reality, as you shift
into the consciousness of the Master and into the level of God
breaking point shall be more vivid and clearer too as it whistles the
signal of the end of this duality in the form it is and has been
existing in for so long. It is what you all have been yearning for
and preparing for in the year 2012. This breaking point has been set
and marked in that year.
is a year of executing what you have set for yourself and for the
collective, it is the way to bring it forth. A lot of hard work has
been done and integrations have started to be embodied. This was a
most active and 'reality changing' year and that will be played out
and continued on in the year 2014. More integrations of the I AM
Presence will continue to be embodied as most of the collective still
have to start with those integrations and mergings.
has been set in stone can change in a second, this is how powerful
the will and the change of your own personal heart and that of the
collective have become . The year 2014 will amplify a lot of all that
you have set as a reality for yourself and what you choose to BE, as
this year will be a powerful year of effective change. The year 2012
was a year of preparation, 2013 was the year of executing those
preparations and the year 2014 continuing on into 2015, will show the
results of that.
it is very important to keep the focus on your goal so as to achieve
the best results, as energy always follows your attention. More
awakenings shall be achieved as the energies give no other option
than to open the eyes and to become aware for there will be too many
events that the eyes cannot ignore. The way humans shall choose to
cope with it, is completely dependent on their own free will,
however, no one shall be left unaffected.
the choices are, they shall always be respected but nothing and no
one shall be left unnoticed or unaffected. This is what you all chose
as a collective and this is being played out now.
shall bring her gift of potential and movement, as her essence and
her Divine blueprint bring magic in the air. What amplifies even more
is her tale and its energy that consists of a Cosmic Divine Blueprint
dating from the birth of this universe. It represents pure wisdom and
With Love, Méline Lafont
one race and as a collective, you shall raise your frequency upon the
Earthly level of your existence. Earth shall not be the same anymore
after this turning point of the solstice as this one represents the
execution of the former turning point in 2012.
and notice the changes within you and not outside of you. Think of
what you all have experienced in 2012 around the solstice, all were
looking for it in the outer world and none of that has happened the
way it was expected due to expectations. Let those expectations and
the need for confirmations and for proof now reside where they belong
and go within this time.
with your essence and with your Divinity in the heart and breathe
your own I AM Presence in, take it in through the heart and allow it
to connect with you on this inner plane; in your own reality and in
your Universe.
this connection out through the roots of your grounding connection
with beloved Gaia, as you connect your true consciousness with Her
beautiful Heart. As a result you will be one with Her and shift along
with Her plane and Her Being.
loosen up and relax! Take in the cosmic energies of the portal
through acceptance and allowance of your Self, through meditation and
grounding, through walks in nature and through sitting in silence
with your Self.
your being fully and sit with your Self in a silent sacred place. See
the You that you are in all radiance, reflected in your heart. You
are a beautiful being of Light and so it is! Take yourself in, you
are your own portal and it is being opened by you, it is being
amplified by you with the assistance of the incoming energies.
Do not wait for anything to happen or to be done for you as you will
be dissapointed. You are waiting for you! YOU are what is coming, so
do not wait but BE. Be you, DO you, allow you and the portal shall be
open for you to shift.
Love for you and my acceptance of you are here always, and they are
yours to have. My shift and my energy are within you as I contribute
in the process of each and everyone of you. My Flame is yours to use
and to invoke, do so and all of you shall be enflamed with the purity
and power of you.
violet Flame transmutes all within and without and it shall lift you
up in the Divine purity that you are as it resonates only with that
and thus it shall bring you only that.
allow, embrace and BE you.
AM that I AM
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2013, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered http://awakeningtohigherlove.com and http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com
Thank you.
Meline,your post is as wonderful as ever..but maybe it is time for us to move to the next stage?