Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ishante ~ Light Language and The Power of Sound

I have had such a huge shift in my awareness in the last 24 hours, and I have come to realise that many people are going through some truly intense accelerations and activations at the moment. It is important at this time that we are not afraid to speak about our experiences and some of the emotions that we are feeling. By doing so we give others permission to do the same with love and without judgement.

By beginning this blog, I hope to share with you some of the experiences I am having as part of my ascension process, and to share what I have come to know as true for me. However, it’s also important to note that just because it is MY truth doesn't necessarily mean that it is someone else's truth, and that is more than ok. We are all unique and divine expressions of “all that is,” here in human incarnation at this time to experience our own distinctive perspectives. Like fractals of a complex Merkabah, each of our individual expressions is infinitely beautiful when viewed together as a whole.

My name is Ishante. Some also know me as Ashanti or Ashantiana. It is not my birth name, but the sounds within the name are an important part of who I am at the soul level. I am often amazed at how close my parents came to these sounds when choosing my birth name which is Michelle.

Sound, and the power of sound is something that has been greatly misunderstood in many of our societies, but this ancient knowledge is now starting to be reawakened in a vast number of us. With that awareness also comes great responsibility, for the power of sound, particularly when coupled with intent is a very real and powerful force. Having said that, it is nothing to be fearful of, it is just a matter of dropping into our heart space when using sound and being clear on our objective for its use.

I mention sound now because many of us have started to speak “light language,” and whilst it is a very beautiful thing, some are wondering what it all means and question whether or not they are just talking gibberish, or worse still going crazy!

What I have learnt is that it is not something that is understood at a conscious mind level, but that the sounds and tones create geometric patterns and shapes that have living consciousness. Some of the tones are quite complex and create remarkable patterns. I have no way of proving this of course, it is just what I see in my 3rd eye area when I speak it.

Although it can’t be understood on a conscious mind level (at least not for me), I have come to realise that you can read and translate it with the heart. This takes some practice, and a lot of trust in your powers of discernment in what these living geometries are expressing. Basically in a nut shell you have to get your mind out of the way and reach for the answers with your heart. The discernment comes into play during the translation stage from heart to mind.

I’d like to mention the 3rd eye here again as it can sometimes be overlooked by many folks that think our ascension is all about being in the heart. I believe that this is very true in part, but we can often overlook the important role of the pineal gland / 3rd eye in helping us form complete pictures of what we are experiencing, sensing or feeling. There needs to be balance. If I could not ‘see’ the living geometries of light language, I would only be getting half the story if that makes sense.

So what do we do with this language of light?

For me I have felt compelled to use light language to code selenite crystals (with the living geometries) and then put them into creek and river systems here in my home town. There are always a lot of bees around when I do this, so I’m very aware that the consciousness of bees is actively involved in the process somehow.

For you the use of light language might be entirely different, and the only way to know for sure is to look within and feel for what is right for you. Trust what comes up, as it’s really important to know that there is no right or wrong in regards to this. Just be guided by your own intuitive intelligence, and what you see, whilst feeling for the answers with your heart.
I hope this helps.

With much love,


  1. Thank you !

    Cymatics e.g. is used to visualize the pattern of tones like e.g.:

    "Cymatics: video images of human voice"

    Happy vibration and patterning :-)
    Bee's like hexagonal patterns, don't they !

    Thank you, while searching for cymatics examples, I found the following interesting piece I just listening to:


  2. Amazing!! I really appreciate you sharing this Stefan, and yes, the bees do like the hexagonal patterns ;-) With much love from my heart ~ Ishante xx
