And as such, the concurrent results shall open the doorway and gateways to allow the manifestation of all that you deem necessary to come to path within your structural reality, by merging the sub atomic principles of the encoded DNA within your structure to reflect the DNA of the cosmic proportions. Upgrading your body to allow the full potential of that which you are, to shine through and allow you to manifest that which you wish to see in your known world”.
After the channeling I talk about what to do to take advantage of this immense energy that is about to open up to all of us. How to manifest what you want and allow abundance to enter your life…~
—-The interdimensional flow of energy emanating through the central gravitation pull of the earth’s magnetic fields and the transgrassional understanding of life force are in effect. The effect of the Grand Cardinal Cross with an overlay of the lunar solar eclipse have indeed created the energies facilitating the necessary, albeit at times cumbersome, and turbulent energies within the consciousness, sub consciousness and transience of the human vehicle of time and space.
For through the fore lore of your creator selves and the abilities that are hidden within the psychedelic nature of human species, within the structural hierarchy of times immemorial, lays the key to the eternal kingdom of grace, beauty, love, harmony , peace, health, unity, and unconditional understanding of self.
THE ANKH DISC – KEY OF LIFE – What this tool does is aligns you with your own self helping you to experience LIFE here on earth and integrating your etheric self. This tool is known for activating the sacral chakra and releasing all the negativity in regards to intimacy and sex that is stored in your body, but not only this, but so much more. It also activates your PSYCHIC abilities, working on the sacral chakra allowing you to become sensual and be able to attune yourself to the needs of others. Helping you in building strong relationships with others.
And on the day of the planetary alignment the intergalactic pathway of creation and manifestation shall come to path. For the quantum leap of your creator selves, shall realize its full potential and blast through your known understanding of self and the world in which you dwell.
And as such, the concurrent results shall open the doorway and gateways to allow the manifestation of all that you deem necessary to come to path within your structural reality, by merging the sub atomic principles of the encoded DNA within your structure to reflect the DNA of the cosmic proportions. Upgrading your body to allow the full potential of that which you are, to shine through and allow you to manifest that which you wish to see in your known world.
And so, the time is neigh and you are to utilize all that you have learnt in the following months to come. For the road of your success and the road of plenty that you shall manifest for you own selves is wide open. For the obstacles that were shall be melted away in the months to come of your earthly understanding of time. And as such, the clearing away of the old paradigm and the welcoming of the new mentality on the conscious and subconscious levels shall occur without delay.
When such manifestations comes to path, for those of you who have put your wisdom, the wisdom of the ages that you have brought forth with you from other dimensions, other realities and other timelines, other universes, and other galaxies prior to incarnation on planet earth, shall be fruitful indeed. For the wisdom and the eternal truth that of your creator selves, that you have brought with you encoded by your own higher consciousness into the subatomic structures of your human DNA shall become evident to the beholder, for those of you who have come to this planet to assist in the birthing of the new channels of understanding, the new consciousness if you will. Shall begin to unfold readily. And so, it is of utmost importance that you gather all of your might and strength, all of your wisdom, and ALLOW this wisdom to guide you, and allow this wisdom to manifest in your daily reality in order to assist you on your personal level of attunement to the newly found energies , in order to catapult your desired dreams into the utmost positive and fruitful outcome for all involved.
Take heed of the truth of your own hearts dearly beloved ones, heed the truth of your own expectations of the grand unfolding of schemes that have and are and were and will be put forth by you own higher consciousness, your own higher selves, and your own understanding of being.
Understand the powers that lay hidden deep within the wells of your being, understand supreme simplicity of that which you are. For all that is effortless is indeed complex, for all that is complex is indeed effortless.
Know that you are supported by the incoming energies from the source and the creation of the divinity. Remember that which you are and allow your consciousness to expand without delay. Allow your consciousness to blossom and attune you to the magnificent energies bathing your soul in divinity, change, liberation, freedom, understanding, love, unity and peace.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
I am being told to do something incredibly simple. Take a piece of paper in the next few days and write down everything that you WANT to happen in the next 12 months. Be as specific and as detailed about what you wish to occur. At the end of your list write down the words “I am ready to be guided, please show me what will it take to get there”.
Now carry this list with you, and on the night between the 23rd and 24th before you head off to sleep read this list again. When you do so, imagine that you are expanding out, from your body, from your room, from your house, from your neighborhood, all the way out and floating up to the source into space. All the way keeping what you desire to manifest in mind. Then when you feel you have arrived in a place of divinity say that you are ready to undertake whatever action is necessary in order to manifest everything that you wish for into your life. Return back into your body. Put the list under your pillow for the night.
You can keep this list around and re-read it from time to time, or you can put it away fro save keeping, do not throw it out. Keep it with you and check it from time time. Now the key is to be open to events that will begin unfolding before you. Listen carefully to your intuition and if you feel the urge to do something, go and do it.
And finally I’d like to draw your attention yet again to two phenomenal tools that have helped me many times over, the Sain’t Germain Disc and My beloved Metatron’s Disc. For more information on both of these please see this site here:
I also want to clarify something about the dates and portals. I am being asked a lot of times and some of the souls writing to me are saying “well the 15th passed and nothing happened” I want to say that is false, as much has happened and is happening on by second basis, not only is the 15th the BEGINNING and not the end, but so much is happening both internally and externally of our physical realms. Only sometimes we fail to see what is being presented to us. So please understand that when we are given various dates of various celestial events that are happening, this is not to say that some one will come to us and do everything for us, what would be the fun of that anyway? Then there wouldn’t be any point for us to be here now, would there be? We might as well watch from the sidelines, but no we are in the midst of action, on the front lines so to speak, as that is what we have chosen to experience, and that is our mission to do something on our own. Remember it was out own choice to be here.
What these wonderful dates mean is that planets and energies are aligning in such a way as to support everything that we are doing, to assist us in moving forward. To cleanse our psyche, to upgrade our DNA. Everything to ASSIST us, but in no way, shape or form to do it INSTEAD of us, if that was so, then there would be someone else in our spot and we would be the ones sending these messages to earth. So the point of everything is not to sit and wait for a specific date or for someone to come down and make it all better, but to recognize that such portals exist and become activated form time to time to help us, to bring out more and more POWER IN US, to assist us in remembering our own strength and abilities and divinity, but it is up to us to do something every single moment of NOW. So please take advantage of these portals to sway your life in the direction you wish it to go. There is so much information and assistance available on HOW to do this.
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–
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