Original uploader was Taliek at en.wikipedia
It seems the balance in knowing and feeling and being spiritual and also with your feet in this earth bedded needs to be found. The spiritual only positive explanations are nothing else as another extreme polarity. The same counts for saying all is negative and dark and there is no light. It is promoting duality in denying the opposite to be real. Are you willing to get things back into balance and are you willing to leave the bullshit behind? You can not go on in the new by leaving a part of you behind. It needs to be acknowledged and addressed as part of you to become balanced.
Intent is great word but intent can get corrupted along the way if you go into the old again or let yourself be taken back into it. In this transitional phase things are not easy as all that is out of balance will be over and over shown again to you to address it and learn to balance it. Also extremes like the death of loved ones or people near you is part of that playing out last duality show off. The polarities get poured and hammered out to make place for harmony, balance, solutions working for all, etc. All is the ongoing process we all individual are in and need individually be taking care off. Take it as it comes in the now. The harshness in the one moment can be also showing in another moment the beauty of something new coming into your life. All is and will be in the end finding its place back in neutrality. Do not prolong your journey by keeping polarities going. There is no right or wrong as all just is. All is just a view or perception that has its own right to be there in the midst of all. In the neutral the cooperation and creation of new can start as humans will not see conflict anymore.
I see great things to be coming soon. It is that what we will establish as we grown back into our new old roles as balanced heart-centered individual creator beings. The world is changing every now moment. Nothing is as it was or will be as it is now and can be different the minute you see it, feel it or acknowledge it. We are growing out of our time construct thinking and the induced upon you all cage of illusion. It is for some more apparent as others but know it to be for all when you have all managed your personal process. Our way is sequential built till we shift and can all jump into the unknown new to explore reality of the now. The liquid reality will be ours soon.
I take of my hat for all that are here to contribute in their way towards our journey upon this planet. It is what we came to do in the now. Know the transitional phase is hard on lots of us. Keep an open heart to all you can help in some way. Be there for your friends and family and fellow humans. We all sometimes need a hand, a little pad on the back, a big hug, or even support in advice or a bit of money. The world in the new is about building it together not in exclusion but inclusion. Forget the old paradigm stuff and doctrines. In the new there will be no borders, circles around, no more limits as things are built from our core beings that are conflictless.
Whatever happens it is just a journey you all will make and some chose that their roles were played out in the moment of now and transmuted their earthly body into spirit. It is all just part of the journey and know you never die. There is only a transit from a body into the energetic being you are crossing over in a new reality. We are here to live our lives in full. Just do what you came to do or will remember you came to do, it all part of the bigger picture. The last fine tuning of that picture is in progress.
Love you all.
Love and Light,
P.S. All the lightservers in service to all would love a donation today!
(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with thehttp://www.lucas2012Infos.wordpress.com link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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