Yesterday the whole day as soon as I would close my eyes I would see a whole lot of angels swirling around me. I was shown many visions of what is to come. Many light beings are already here on earth and more are descending by the second. I was told that the clearing and purification process has begun! They are working relentlessly to prepare everyone for what is to come starting April 15th.
Many of you may find yourself floating through space, time may begin to speed up for you and then slow down significantly. What happened in the morning may appear to you as if it has been a few days since. Your body may begin to ache in various places, joints, muscles and heart are all greatly effected right now. Especially the HEART. Many of you may begin to feel heart palpitations. Please know that this is a normal state of being as we are moving closer and closer to an amazing celestial alignment. You may experience mood swings. And many other bodily sensations. Please understand that this is all a normal part of this time.
The month of April has brought with it an inconceivable amount of energies, which are fiercely cleansing out all of our dormant issues that we so neatly tucked away inside our energy bodies. Many of you are writing to me saying that you don’t know how you are going to make it through this time, as your emotions are ranging from super HIGH to super LOW within a few hours span. And since we’re all in this together, I completely understand what you are going through, as I am riding with you in the same boat so to speak.
So what can we all do to assist our bodies in this transition, and not lose our minds in the process ? There are a myriad things we can do, and I’m sure all of you have a special way of calming yourself down and regaining your balance. However, here I am going to share that which I have tested on myself.
The FASTEST way to regain balance is as follows, and I’ve written about this previously:
Put your palms together into a prayer position and put them between your legs, breathe in and out for about a minute. You should regain your balance right away.
FOR A VERY THOROUGH CLEANSE this is what you would do.
-Lay down on the floor so that no one can disturb you.
-Lay down on the floor so that no one can disturb you.
-Call upon your guides, whomever they might be, and begin to scan your body relaxing every single fiber, muscle, etc., as you make your way up to the top of your head. Start with your toes and keep repeating this to yourself “I am allowing myself to relax, I am allowing myself to be cleansed. Please cleanse me from everything and anything I might have picked up that does not belong to me and is not for my highest good. Release everything into the light for HEALING and TRANSMUTATION.”
-Keep scanning your whole entire body and as you breath try to consciously send this air into that muscle, just imagine that the air is traveling to that particular place on your body, be it your toes, or nose. Allow the energy to linger there, by completely and fully concentrating on that area of your body, and let whatever emotion come and wash over you.
-It might be difficult at first, as your body will resist this relaxation, fear might overcome you and you might wish to get up and forget about this, but keep going. Keep pushing through this blockage and keep repeating the same thing over and over again, scanning your entire body and making sure the everything is relaxed. Relax your face, deliberately, just relax all the fibers there, everything must be completely relaxed.
-As you progress from your feet to the top of your head you will feel this relaxation finally taking you over, you’ll feel as if you are in a hypnotized state for a bit, as the energy is circulating throughout your whole body. Allow yourself to stay there for a few minutes then slowly sit up and be sure to look in the mirror. You will be amazed at how much younger and healthier you look AND FEEL!
-If you cannot do any of this as you are rushing about your day, and find yourself completely out of balance, keep a spray bottle of Rescue Remedy with you, it works miracles!
There is another way to do this which I’ve spoken about before:
A VERY SIMPLE technique on removing negative thought patterns, energies, vibrations etc., that you pick up throughout the day that works for me, and for many others who’ve tried it.
All you do is:
• -Stand upright with your arms bent at the elbows so that your palms are facing up,
• -Your legs are in a straight line and feet together
• -Once you are in this position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and hold imagining that the air that you are breathing in is first delivered to the upper half of your body. Exhale
• -Now breathe in one more time and imagine that the air travels all the way down into your feet, hold and exhale.
• -Do this breathing at least 3 times up and 3 times down. You might feel a little bit light headed, if so put your palms together as if into a praying position and stand there for a few seconds until your energy balances out.
• -Now imagine that there is a shaft of blue colored light that is entering form the crown of your head and traveling all the way down to your feet and beyond. Imagine that while this light is traveling through your body that it is cleansing out every single cell within your body and releasing all the tension that you might feel, all the negative emotions and all the negative vibrations that you might have picked up throughout the day.
• -At the same time call upon your deity of choice and ask them to “Dear ________ I ask you now to please release all the negative thoughts, emotions, vibrations I might have consciously or subconsciously picked up throughout the day and send it into the light for HEALING & TRANSMUTATION. And instead fill my body and my heart and my soul with Love, Light, Patience, Understanding and whatever else you wish to be infused with”
• -As you do this visualize all the negativity leave your body, as if debris that is flying off of your and being sucked into the light and sent up to the source for cleansing. And instead see yourself basked in a pure loving, healing blue light.
• -Your legs are in a straight line and feet together
• -Once you are in this position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and hold imagining that the air that you are breathing in is first delivered to the upper half of your body. Exhale
• -Now breathe in one more time and imagine that the air travels all the way down into your feet, hold and exhale.
• -Do this breathing at least 3 times up and 3 times down. You might feel a little bit light headed, if so put your palms together as if into a praying position and stand there for a few seconds until your energy balances out.
• -Now imagine that there is a shaft of blue colored light that is entering form the crown of your head and traveling all the way down to your feet and beyond. Imagine that while this light is traveling through your body that it is cleansing out every single cell within your body and releasing all the tension that you might feel, all the negative emotions and all the negative vibrations that you might have picked up throughout the day.
• -At the same time call upon your deity of choice and ask them to “Dear ________ I ask you now to please release all the negative thoughts, emotions, vibrations I might have consciously or subconsciously picked up throughout the day and send it into the light for HEALING & TRANSMUTATION. And instead fill my body and my heart and my soul with Love, Light, Patience, Understanding and whatever else you wish to be infused with”
• -As you do this visualize all the negativity leave your body, as if debris that is flying off of your and being sucked into the light and sent up to the source for cleansing. And instead see yourself basked in a pure loving, healing blue light.
Or use any of the methods that work for you!
Also what works wonders is the newly designed tool by Natalya.. here’s some info on it some of which she asked me to channel for her:
Primary Chakra: Solar Plexus + Activates DNA
The Sun Disc or the Goddess Vortex
The Sun Disc or the Goddess Vortex
I asked Anna (as always) to clarify it for me and perhaps channel something in this regard, and here’s what she got.
“As the fabionachi sequence swirls into the proportional frequency of the DNA codexes, the ingeneration of the DNA principles and polarities begins to unfurl the processes within the sub atomic particles of the DNA structure of the one holding the disc.
It is also possible to apply this frequency to another, through the use of the energy frequency of the one holding this device. For the energy that is being shifted through the intercalating of the copper union of the disc allows for greater transference of said energies to occur. Upon the simultaneous existence of both polarities, the swirling of the DNA helixes aligns perfectly within the vehicle of the creation allowing the toxicity and the toxic matter within the human vehicle to leave via that elimination channels.
Furthermore, accelerating the way for other such upgrades . Removing the debris, and making room for new informational frequencies that are sent into your bodies. The disc holds the representation of both polarities, of your creation selves allowing your sub consciousness to OPEN to the divinity within you. Allowing your own frequency to change the disc and thereby interlace your frequency with the frequency of mother and father god. Forming a triangular decree of energies within which the truth and divinity of self can be found.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that upon holding the disc you are engaging the energies of your sub atomic principles to step forward, and the vortex that has been created to pull your subconsciousness into the sphere, allowing you to pass through the zero point and return to your true state of being.
And so, the disc acts as an accelerating device and an attunement instrument to cleanse your DNA from remnants and frequencies past which are affecting your body and your consciousness in a way that is against the good of your higher self. And as such allowing the ascension process to move forward without delay.
Using this disc will allow the energies to be magnified and applied directly to the one in question, and tune the body of the beholder and attune the DNA of the beholder with the frequency of THE SOURCE entering GAIA.
Know that this disc comes directly from the mother father god, representing itself in a GODDESS Vortex of your creator selves, the feminine energies held therein. Yes indeed the design comes from the father/mother god. Directly from THE SOURCE. Aligning you with your higher self and your mission here on earth. Yes indeed for it opens up the solar plexus of creativity channel of your being and sends the vibration throughout your whole physical and sub structural bodies.”
For more information and to acquire this tool please click here:
I also later found this information about what the Sun Flower represents:
Exploring Symbolic Sunflower Meaning from (…
Exploring Symbolic Sunflower Meaning from (…
The sunflower moves itself in the most direct position in front of the sun so it can get the maximum sun rays. This is symbolic of spiritual faith, and worship because we follow our belief system as the sunflower moves to face the life-giving rays of the sun.
The sunflower is the Greek symbol of Clytie (a water nymph) who turns into a sunflower after grieving over the loss of her love (Apollo). The mythological symbolism here is that Clytie (in the form of a sunflower) is always facing the sun, looking for Apollo’s chariot to return and she might be joined again with her love. The sunflower is also a symbol of Daphne (another Greek nymph).
In Chinese symbolism, the sunflower (and sunflower meaning) deals with long life, good luck and is considered very auspicious. It’s yellow color signifies vitality and intelligence. It’s a symbol of happiness too.
In esoteric Christianity, the sunflower is a symbol of God’s love. The sunflower as a symbol can also represent the unwavering faith that guides the soul to the highest spiritual attunement.
Sunflower is a perfect symbol for the faith because the blossom (bright and bountiful) is always seeking out the light. Symbolically, this is spiritually akin to the heart/soul of humankind always seeking and attaining unity with the light of faith and keeping a connection with the Source/God/Goddess of one’s own understanding.
As a yellow flower, the sunflower can be compared to the solar-plexus chakra (Manipura). This chakra (and its color) governs intellect, and is a central force of perception as well as self-awareness and personal evolution.
Actually, the symbolism of water comes into play with sunflower meaning too. According to Ted Andrews in his book Nature-Speak, water builds up in the cells of the shady side of the sunflower’s stem and pressure forces the blossoming head in a steady arc toward the direction of light. Water carries powerful symbolism of force, emotion, cleansing and purification.
For more information and to acquire this tool please click here:
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–
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