The Light Collective: On Self-Acceptance
We are the Light Collective. Greetings, dear ones!
We have come today to address the issue of self-acceptance. It is quite endearing to us that you are so resistant to coming into full acceptance of yourself, as you are now, as you will be and as you have always been in your full multidimensionality.
To view yourself as being only a body or even a consciousness separate from everything around you is to continue to live in illusion, dear ones. For you are parts of the Whole and have always been so, even if you were not always aware of this fact of existence.
We understand that you have been conditioned to look outside of yourself for verification on how you should approach questions and circumstances that arise during the course of your daily life. And we are sure that some of you are now questioning the need to continue in this manner as the results of seeking wisdom and understanding from “experts” is often less than satisfying. Much confusion arises in seeking understanding outside one’s self as the experts are often in disagreement and their opinions contradictory.
Simply allow the need to find answers to all your mind’s questions to drift away. The answers will come when you open your heart and higher mind and allow them to filter in while you are in a state of reflection and relaxation. If you are stressed about finding an answer, you will often not hear the answer because you have blocked it with your expectations, your fears and your desires. When you let go of expectations on how, what and when something is going to happen or manifest, you begin to allow the forces of creation to work naturally through your own being.
Focus and intent is desire as a way to direct what you wish to come into your life, but in the process you need to let go of the desire to control the outcome. The higher energies often work in a manner that the ego mind cannot comprehend. Patterns and flow occur in nature. These patterns manifest in highly organized manners, yet the outcome cannot be predicted until the process is complete.
The appreciation of beauty is something that a sensitive being experiences when in the presence of the natural world. When you experience the fragrance of a beautiful flower, feel the delight in its richness of color and texture, its juxtaposition with other beautiful plants sometimes in a harsh environment… your feeling body is freed from the need to control the experience and just enjoys the moment.
As you continue to migrate slowly in your awareness into the new earth, you will find that you are compelled to let go the need to control and direct your experiences and simply learn to accept what comes into your life as it comes. As you let go of judgment and simply be in joy in the moment, you will find that your deepest held dreams are manifesting and coming true for you.
Your human self, the ego self, is no longer in command of your experience. Circumstances that appear to be chaotic and confusing are manifesting in the lives of many whom are resistant to change. Change will come no matter the amount of energy put into resistance; it is an inevitable part of the act of the creation of a new world. The one world must first be destroyed, completely. This may seem harsh to those who do not understand the cyclical patterns that nature follows, but there it is to be seen in the aftermath of forest fires, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions… changes happen, life adjusts and goes on. Destruction follows creation; creation follows destruction. As the astral fields of the planet and its inhabitants are cleared by natural and man-made disasters, the need to continue in the creation of destructive storms and natural occurrences will diminish, eventually. Still, some humans require that kind of prodding to change their way of life and to open their hearts and minds up to new possibilities and ways of co-habiting the planet with their fellow beings and all other life-forms.
Life is all around you. You are a part of the fabric of life that the Goddess has woven into manifestation, in response to the Light that the Father has sent forth into the physical world. Your body is a vehicle for your soul energy so that you might experience and participate in the wonders of a physical world. Up until recently the physical journey for many has been extremely difficult, but this is beginning to change, even though this may not be apparent in the life experience of many.
Still, sensitive souls who are in tune with their inner guidance and who have chosen to focus on realigning their outer world to fit the harmonics of their inner world will begin to see positive changes begin to manifest in their worlds. It is a process and requires that each individual forge their own path way. The time for outer teachers is over. There will be guides and wayshowers, but primarily these ones will act as they are guided internally and not wait for the ones who come behind them. Each person will have their own sense of timing, their own moment of awakening to the new world, their own discoveries and moments of bliss.
There will be many highs and lows that are experienced along the way. Such is the process of becoming again what you are, for as you open to the heavenly energies, all that are not compatible with those incoming energies must leave. What are being released are the miscreations of thousands of years of human conditioning and experience. And each lightworker is not only working on their own issues, but also on their genetic lines and the human collective. It is a big job that you have come to do, voluntarily, and for that choice made and acted upon, we honor you highly.
Yes, some of you may complain about the fact that you do not remember signing any such contract before your birth, but we gently remind you that we stood witness to your choice to volunteer and come to Gaia, to be here now during this time of intense transformation. Yes, you have challenges, but we have faith in your abilities to overcome them, to create opportunities from what is presented to you and to move through all fears and discomfort to a place where you can fully accept and allow the new energies to mold you into a new being, one that has never existed anywhere before, a fully illuminated physical being.
Know that we love you and support you even in your moments of self-doubt and seeming struggle. Call upon us to lend you our healing and protective energies, but realize, dear ones, that you are the ones who are bringing forth a great work, the ascension of a physical planet, and the collective ascension of her inhabitants. It has never been done before in this Universe. We know that you have heard and read this before, but it bears being repeated to you. Someday understanding will spring fully formed into your heart and mind and you will know, really know what it is that you have accomplished as an individual and as a collective. And you will be astounded and pleased to see just how honored you are by the Universe to simply be here and now.
We will close for now, but do realize that we never leave your side. Call upon us and we will be there, only a heartbeat or breath away. We are One.
Copyright © by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered from its written form, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Photo: Skagit Valley Tulip Festival (
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