Physical pain is an indicator of different choices available than those that have caused such. It is an indicator of focus, for it points out a vulnerability calling forth your strength. Emotional pain is the same. It is but a calling of the Soul bringing your focus to that which you have overlooked, into a beautiful vulnerability calling your strength into form. Do not worry that you have overlooked, the timing is just what you needed to build your strength. This is the beauty in the biology, let the avoidance become a dance of timing and you Allow your Pain to Heal. Allowing is an important lesson of wisdom growing, for you balance it with directing your focus, then opening to an expanse of allowing new information. The cycle repeats.
Pain can be as obvious as physical challenge, as restricting as depression, or as igniting as desire unfulfilled. Yet all of it is Spirit calling you to new focus, new choice, new growth, new strength, new information. As you Allow, you open the self to the wisdom residing within you in soul form, Spirit form, subtle form – awaiting your open, relaxed focus (the paradox of opposites merging) to transform pain into wisdom manifest.
You are aware that you are a holistic life form, needing balanced interplay between all aspects of self for greatest flow. If you focus too rigidly in an area, holding rigid boundaries of right or wrong, you create an invisible barrier that blocks your flow. As you Set Boundaries of focus, keeping your flow open yet focused for your benefit, you Allow your Pain to Heal into new form, new experience, new focus of progress. The pain of birth or the pain of death are truly doorways into transformation.
Relax into Life more, for it is supporting you at all times, in all ways. Even challenges.
Focus into Life more, for it is calling you into an empowerment that serves you, serves others and serves Life itself. The cycle continues.
As we sit to Blast Allowing Pain to Heal, we are breathing into Life more and observing the beautiful synchronicities unfolding before us. We are accessing the wisdom within and bringing it into form as we allow life to support us into creative growth. We are focusing through pain to allow solution. We are reading the clues of life, even the painful ones, as we strengthen our sovereign birthright of choice. We are setting boundaries of self care, so that we are supported through this path of sovereign evolution and unity. We are the strong, shining Light in painful places and illuminating the wisdom within new choice. Blast on!
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