Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bob Fickes ~ The Age of Feminine Power: Your Time has Come

There is something stirring deep within the heart of every woman. The divine goddess is awakening on Earth and every woman is feeling it on some level. This is the birthing power, the true creative power of the universe. The new woman wants to express her feelings and do something important for her self and her world. She has a new wisdom and intelligence that sees life differently than our ancestors of the recent past.
The power of a woman is in her love. When a woman opens her heart and shares her love, everyone around her feels more confident and more powerful. They always say that behind every great man is a great woman. This is the power of love.

The new woman wants to feel loved and appreciated. Most of all, she wants to be heard. She knows that what she has to say is important and she is growing tired of no one listening. When the men don’t listen, she turns to her friends. These are women who are also feeling this energy and together they will learn to understand the changes it is creating in our world.
This is an age of new dharma. The new dharma is more in harmony with the desires of this Earth than any generation in the past. True dharma is a force of nature. It is the heart of all living beings. The purpose of the heart is to unite and nurture. The new woman is filled with this kind of love and she must be heard.
The power of the woman is to give birth to new life, not just the birth of a child, but the birth of new ways to do things in our modern world. Her ideas will challenge the present way of thinking. She will ask everyone she meets to be more mindful of what we are doing. She demands that we see what we are doing and the effect it is having on the people and the planet. She demands change. We must listen. If our world is going to survive, it is the new woman’s power that will ask us to be more caring and more loving.
This is not a time to preserve our old way of thinking. The world is breaking down and love is being replaced by short sighted gains that harm the people and the world we live in. The new woman feels the urgency to change our world and unite the people into a global family that can harmonize our differences and embrace our humanity.
The Age of the Feminine is upon us. The Shrines and the sacred places of the Earth are calling out to the women to hear their voices and honor their traditions of love and gratitude for the forces of nature. I have seen the energy of the feminine rise up in the land and in the people. Some will call this the reawakening of Lemuria or Avalon in Japan and throughout the world. I have called this the reawakening of Consciousness.
True Enlightened Consciousness is characterized by respect for all living things and an absolute steadfast love for life. Many of you have been feeling this consciousness moving inside of you. Now we have an opportunity to unite our hearts and choose a new direction. What is that direction? We don’t know.
This feeling of love knows where it is going and how it will create a better future. But our minds can’t understand. We have to learn how to put our mind aside for the time being and listen to our hearts. The heart always knows what the mind cannot see. Blind trust? Yes! This is the blindness of love that can see in the dark. It is something we must trust if our world is going to transform. This is the final chapter in the movement of Consciousness as it reaches to the next level of human resources called Enlightenment. This is the power of this universe to create something new. The women of this Earth are feeling this power more than ever before in modern history. Let’s trust their guidance and see what we can do to change our world into a more loving place for the global family of humanity and all forms of life. The old way has failed. So why not try it and see if our hearts are right. The women are feeling it and trying to help. Let’s put aside our egos and all we have understood with our mind and learn to listen to the new voice of humanity.

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