As we get to the end of 2015 we all look around and see how the background of our lives have changed. I do not know about you all but 2015 has literally kicked my butt in every direction. Most days I do not know if I am coming or going. I am constantly being pulled in so many directions with so many added responsibilities that each sector only gets a smidgen of my attention.
There seems to be an elongated pause in all things from computers to phones to TV channels and conversations. A moment of silence as the particles of creation scamper to catch up with themselves.
At the same time, life and work and families / relationships have sped up increasing there wants and needs. It’s taking a lot more energy to keep up with the passing times. Like hamsters we go around and around trying to break free by pure centrifugal force.
Like Jodie Fischer in ‘Contact’ time is so slowed down it feels stopped. Standing still full fulcrum and balanced. The time differential is being reset on all biological clocks, keeping us ticking in a new direction.
Most people walk around in a daze not knowing what is happening as they shift and quick change into uncomfortability. climbing the mountain of self from the inside out is not a job to be taken lightly. Moving our awareness ‘up up and away’ from the dimensional debris to a place of seeing with a clear heart
As humans develop new ideas and advancements a 100th monkey effect will ripple thru earths populace. Neuro-pathways in the planetary brain will be forced to reorganize, like resetting a universal clock on the Mayan ‘day out of time’ nuances of time flutter by like a windswept butterfly. Natural Light refractions will show the optic repeater codes in a new pattern of text written in the sky displayed for all to see.
There seems to be a deep human sadness as what once was falls as a long shadow on an autumn day. Who we once were no longer exists. We exist literally in-between the formed and unformed. Our connection to all things is finally here, but seems to be much denser and wider that we once thought. We feel and feel and feel, almost too much for the human biology.
Everything beats to one very powerful cosmic pulse. We the people of earth have asked for eons to become One heart/ one earth. Can we the people of Earth shoulder the responsibility of total Oneness? Is our heart big enough ‘to complete’ what is still frayed in our world and minds?
We all seek to know the unknown, the secrets of the universe and yet most do not even know their own hearts desire. Burst free from the shackles of limitation and take wing on the sun drenched winds of knowledge. Your eternal heart, the heart of the most-high divine Creator will lead you in the direction of perfect flow. Anoint with this knowledge.
Every problem comes as a heavenly opportunity to learn to love to know. It shows us how to see beyond what is. It tests our faith and our belief system. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the light within and shine.
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