Please join us on the Raising Vibrations Radio Network
High Vibe Greetings Beautiful Souls! ♥
Thank you from my heart for your loving feedback about our first show of the New Year! It was an inspirational opportunity to share some of my spiritual background, a few of the 3D challenges I’ve experienced along the way, insights from others who have influenced and assisted my journey, the deep connection I share with the Crystal Kingdom, as well as what services I offer in addition to this radio show. I would also like to thank Polaris AB for being our gracious guest host! It was a fun time. (If you missed any of our shows, the replays are available via my website. Please visit )
As we go into the third week of the New year, We are graced with 5 planetary alignments on January 20th, bringing us a beautiful sky to gaze at and tune into. Next in line, we can bid goodbye to mercury retrograde on the full moon, January 24th. I honestly have never been one who moans about mercury going retro however this particular cycle seemed to be filled to the brim with technology issues, miscommunications, in-FLU-ential physical adjustments, extreme weather, solar winds, and many precious souls moving on from their human vessel and returning home. Yes, much has already occurred in 2016 and We are only just Beginning. ALL that is hidden will BE revealed. The Loving Truth might not receive a warm welcome by all when it is “in our face” but it IS bringing us closer to raising consciousness for a New Earth as One.
For the 72nd segment of our show, We are blessed to have a special guest that is passionate about our evolution, and raising vibrations for Humanity and Planet Earth. Doris Collict is a Multidimensional Conscious Trance Channel, Energy Worker and Healer, who synchronistically channels Sacred Sound and Light Language transmissions. Bridging many dimensions of Light, Doris amplifies and transmits Intergalactic Light Codes and Keys to facilitate integrating the New Codices of Light for Humanity and Planet Earth; which also incorporates working with the foundation stones and energetic bodywork of Ancient Earth as part of the process of co-creating a New Age on Gaia. Doris is passionate about facilitating transformation for evolutionary change, as we move into the New Age through the Empowerment of the Soul, realized in the full embodiment of the Crystalline Self. Her work incorporates Light Body adjustments, refinements and attunements, as part of the New Advanced Light Technology being provided and supported by the Galactic realms.
For this segment, Doris will channel a 'Return to Divine Design' transmission as part of our expansion and evolvement into Christed Cosmic Consciousness. Overlighted by the Intergalactic Federation Of Light, the transmission will be infused with current cosmic and planetary dimensional frequencies to enable further and deeper embodiment of the filaments of light data, to awaken and entrain hidden knowledge and latent remembrances of Self that are held deep within the cellular encodings of form.
Doris is a clear channel and soul sister, whom I was fortunate to connect with in person when I was visiting mystical Avalon, modernly known as Glastonbury, England. Her connection to Spirit & the Galactic realms is astounding. I am truly looking forward to this co creation, and all that she has to share with us. We invite you to tune in for the continuation of our HUman Evolvement within the Golden Age.
***Reminder: All shows are archived so if you can’t tune in LIVE, you can listen whenever you wish after the show airs! Please visit: for links to each show. If you feel guided to share this Now News with others, please do! Together WE Raise Vibrations! You + Me = WE ♥ Peace, Love & Unity Blessings, Paige ♥
Light Guide for a New Earth: ONE Unity Consciousness Intuitive Holistic Practitioner * Certified Life Coach Reiki Master Teacher * Light Channel of the Rays Clairvoyant/Medium, Chakra & Realm Reader Crystal Healing, Elixirs & Grids |
Coming up next on the Raising Vibrations Radio Network! Sisters of the Heart Ariette Love & Meline LaFont!
Tuesday, February 2nd 8pm GMT & 3pm US Eastern
All New e-book! Cosmic Messages: The Works of Polaris AB Get your copy today!
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