All that is divine chaos in perception will become divine order in perception. All will be in its place of being there where it should be. It all just is. When we reach all that point we will have universal peace, love and we will know all that was and is and will be as it is seen in the moment of now. The knowing of all will be imminent. The smile on the faces of those already feeling the balance and love forming will encourage you. You all will find that way even those still fighting the fight and being in duality perception. They will overcome the extreme polarities and find equilibrium.
It is unfolding all as it is on every level of personal and external perception. Things change and move. Seekers will stop seeking and find that what is and has always been in their heart. The connection to source, and all that is and to your higher self is found there. You may truly find you in you. There is only you that can see you and express the love you have for you. It is that what you should do first and then make peace and express love to all that is. The time has come to empower yourselves to be those beings that are masters of their own and are masters of light. We are the ones to overcome and incorporate polarities in ourselves in a balanced way. This makes if we have done this we can create all we want from love and balance for all. There is in balance only equality no more duality and polarity.
Our cosmic wishes to be a free human race that are as individuals free but also still together creating and manifesting that what is for all of us in equality and therefore abundance to be. The peace that will come in us will bring us this universal peace. Step into the equilibrium. There is no separation anymore and no more finger that points out those that have been doing in the old 3D perceptions wrong or evil as they just were teachers of the other polarity side for us in our duality experiment. Love and embrace all as it is the both sides that are uniting in all.
Love and Light,
(c) 2013 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.

Also do appreciate all those other blogs that have been out there long enough to get you all informed about the changes on our world, the spiritual growth of us and the new paradigm that we are now are making an entrance in together.
For those thriving commercially from the traffic of my blog or those that use my blog as a one stop shop information center to re-blog be fair in taking and in giving. Give also something back in donating.
marvelous :-)
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