★ I was participating in a global meditation over the weekend, and my angels and guides kept showing me the image of a particular card from my favorite deck. The card is entitled “Blessed Change”, and it’s from the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle. Obviously, this is a subject which they would like me to write about, so here we go…
★ First of all, I think it’s rather evident that the overriding premise of 2014 is one of transformation and change. Whether you are a person who is engrossed in the subject of spirituality or just somebody who approaches the topic on occasion, I feel that the changes which are occurring in our world are pretty impossible to ignore. Just look at the crazy weather we’re having this winter-these extremes mean something, and they are but one very physical indicator that nothing is as it was, nor is anything going to stay the same. We’ve been begging for proof, right? Well, ask and you shall receive!
★ Know that all of these changes are taking place with the greater good in mind-for you personally and for the population as a whole. Sometimes it can seem intimidating or scary, and that’s okay. When you feel this way, stop and examine your thoughts and the accompanying emotions. Ask yourself what it is that is making you feel this way, and give yourself a really honest, uncensored answer. Spend some time meditating on it, then release it to the Universe. What works for me is to imagine a basket being carried towards me by an Angel. I load all of my fears, concerns or negative thought patterns into the basket and watch as it’s carried off to be transmuted by the Light. I always feel relaxed and free, afterwards. So go ahead enjoy the many blessings you have and excitedly anticipate the ones that are coming your way! Xoxo ~ Bella
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