Conveyed through Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Vibrations that are purer than you can yet imagine are making their way to your evolving minds and hearts, and if you let yourselves believe that spiritual evolution is real, you’ll experience the benefits it has to offer.
Let your mental perception fade, even if only for a moment, and open up to the blissful reality of your existence. You’ll find that it isn’t hard after you conquer a few necessary hurdles, and after you’ve put in the work, your ability to be an immense force for change will be much stronger.
Your ability to feel and radiate the higher-dimensional energy you’re being given will sharpen immensely when you let yourselves dissolve the mental constructs you’ve put around it. Embrace meditation and make a continual effort to dissolve the influence of the ego self, for in doing so, you’ll access the bliss so discussed in channeled communications.
Unceasing Divine Expression
You’ll become an unceasing conduit for the expression of the divine, and your ability to radiate the energy you’re being given will expand to new heights. You have so much to feel and understand, and the more effort you make to reach a higher vibration and serve those around you, the more benefits you’ll receive.
A bounty of energy and insight awaits your recognition of it. Sit in stillness and observe it, because soon, you’ll act on it in ways you would’ve never thought possible.
Humanity’s expansion is causing a massive paradigm shift that’s been making itself known for decades of your time, and as the conscious wayshowers disclose the reality of spirit to the world around them, the complete transformation of your current paradigm will follow suit.
You’ve all been involved in this process in your own ways, even those of you who don’t feel as if you’ve done a thing. You’re doing much more than you give yourselves credit for, and you’re asked to give yourselves full credit now as you recognize your divinity and strength.
Recognize that you’re vessels for the expression of a higher vibration, and in place of the pressure you’re fond of putting on yourselves, welcome and integrate a lighter frame of mind as you go about the dense and difficult earthly experience.
Let the beauty and divinity of your existence shine through in every endeavor as you embrace the difficulty and adversity that comes your way, and know that we, your spiritual guides from beyond the veil, are forever with you, helping you emerge out of the darkness of earthly existence into the light of a brand new day.
You’re creating this day step by step, and your thoughts and actions are more important to the unveiling of a new reality than you yet understand. You’re in the driver’s seat, and you have the opportunity to shift into a new gear and awaken everyone around you in the process.
You’re reaching a new level; a new stage of knowledge and expression. You’re freeing yourselves from the shackles of self-instated limitation and welcoming a new way of being into your lives, and we enjoy watching this from a higher-dimensional perspective.
We’re Here with You
We enjoy watching you excel to new heights and break the bonds of illusion that have held you back from obtaining a greater perception, and we’re here to help make the difficult process of awakening from the dense reality around you much easier.
Your guides walk hand in hand with you in an effort to help you realize the divinity of spirit. We seek to help you understand your reality in in the greatest way possible, and we watch you go about your trials with love as we offer our assistance when and where we can.
We feel so much love for humanity, and this love drive us to offer as much of ourselves as possible to the awakening of your planet. A growing number of seekers desire to connect with our energy in the purest way they can, and we’re here to tell you that nothing stops you from connecting with us in an undistorted way.
Allow the mind to be swept aside, and open yourselves up to a brimming and pure connection with our energy. We’ve always been here for you, and we’ve always wanted you to remember our existence around you.
We’ve always wanted you to remember that everything is conscious energy experiencing itself in a divine manifestation of love, because we note that the reality you experience can be anything but loving.
We note that the lower vibrations can weigh you down enormously and make it difficult for you to feel any sort of brimming or pure vibration, but if you can remember that spirit is always with you and that we wait for you to pick up on this knowledge and connect with us, you’ll do just that.
Connecting with us seems undoable for many of you, and this baffles us, though we understand the thickness of the veils some of you have instated. What we don’t understand is how the desire to connect with us in a deep way doesn’t soften the mind’s concern that the connection won’t be “real” or “genuine”.
We note that you spend a lot of time conceptualizing and judging matters such as this. We note that many of you are worried about who we are; whether or not our connection is genuine; whether or not what we say is “real”. All the while, we wait for you to pick up on the greater perception that’ll remind you of the reality of everything we discuss.
Boundless Joy and Harmony
Your veils can easily pierce your perception of spirit, but you don’t have to let them anymore. You don’t have to let the mental frame you’ve fashioned your lives around stop you from accepting and benefiting from a greater spiritual connection. Why let yourselves believe you do any longer?
The time has come, dearest souls, to recognize your power and potential to bring your planet into the pure vibration you’ve always been destined to reenter.
It’s time to wipe away doubt and judgment, and see that boundless joy and harmony make up the reality you’re growing into. Let the love of spirit wash away every bit of pain, fear and negativity that’s been fed on the surface of the Earth, because a new way of living and being is ready to be felt and experienced.
You carry the sacred responsibility of expressing this new way, and when you can be a force for change, you can inspire and motivate billions of others to do the same.
The energy that a growing number of seekers radiate when communing with us is nothing if not pure, and the extent to which you can bring this energy through depends on your belief. What you allow to be reality manifests as reality, and you can transcend the doubt and fear that dims your creative power.
You’re loved eternally by every facet of consciousness speaking to you, and I (the higher self), like many others, speak for a collective of souls who funnel their energy down for our scribe and those who are reading this communication at home to absorb.
You’re absorbing the energy of each of us as you read this, and those of you who want to connect with us can take the energetic inspiration from this and every other message delivered to your planet from the higher dimensions and cultivate a strong and pure connection.
You can discern if a message is of a higher consciousness or not, based on the energy signature accompanying it. We note that some of you feel generally lighter after reading channeled communications, and this is because the energy we offer rejuvenates you and invites you to partake of blissful spiritual reality.
When you’re finished reading this message, you’re encouraged to sit and meditate with the vibration we intend to give. By feeling the vibration of a spiritual message, you’ll be able to tell whether or not it comes from a higher place.
You Don’t Have to Believe
You’re encouraged to believe whatever you choose, and we aren’t bothered if you choose not to believe in the reality of our existence. Our main task is to do everything we can to serve you, and if we can serve without you believing in our existence, we’re still satisfied.
If we can serve in a manner that helps you become aware of us, then we’re even more satisfied. However, we don’t hinge ourselves on whether or not humanity believes that we’re real or that the process of channeling is real.
We understand why it could concern those of you who communicate with us or benefit from reading channeled communications, but we welcome you to believe in our messages or not. As long as you can reach a higher vibration and help others from there, we’ve done our job well.
As long as you can take the inspiration given from every inspired soul who writes or channels away for the benefit of the collective, you’ll proceed at a good pace. You hold all of the power, and whether or not you believe in us or our communications, you’re encouraged to act on that power and change your planet.
The pressure so prevalent on the Earth doesn’t exist in the higher dimensions, and when you reach these realms again and commune with us in a more direct way, the bountiful insight and energy you’ll receive will remind you of everything you’ve forgotten as you made your way through the sludge of the earthly experience.
We’ll make our final expressions for this communication and encourage you to lighten up and be in love and joy as much as possible. We also encourage you to expand on concepts like love and joy, and instead of defining or perceiving them in a stale way, understand their deeper reality.
Your perception is growing, and even when it doesn’t seem to be so, spirit is with and all around you.
Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides.
Wes Annac is a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
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