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My Beloveds!
From the Eternal Realm, beyond the universes, created by the gods with the Power and Consciousness That I AM, and in which I AM therefore always present, I call all of you, humanity, back to Myself! And I call you to step out of the Illusion of time and space, of artificial creation that is not Me!
You have forgotten Me in the opaque glimmer of delusion, your minds put to sleep under the spell of the sorcerers.
As you have forgotten Me, you also have forgotten Who You Are.
You, who presently perhaps identify with the role and limitation of a finite, powerless being, that has been imprinted into your vast consciousness, might imagine that you can only survive by following someone elses’ rules and commands.
My dearest Ones, hear my voice, the voice of your own deepest Truth, hidden behind the fences of oblivious dreaming, bewitched with the colors of the all-consuming hydra.
In Truth you Are Free. In Truth you Are Radiant, while the enlightened body-mind is your toy to enjoy the path of Divine Creations. Because only Who Is Divine can indeed enjoy Divine Experience to explore the endless possibilities of existence.
If you are now captured in the finite rooms of delusion, suffering, disappointment and non-fulfillment of your deepest desires expressing Me, the heavy chains that suffocate you become obvious to you, chains to pull you down into enslavement, to not to know the Pristine Heights of Freedom of your Purity and Divine Greatness.
The point here is, that you MUST WANT to step out of your presumed cosiness in a dark world, you must want your freedom, that you must want to break your chains, that you must want to emerge as the One You Are and not to doubt!
Become again the Radiant Ocean That I AM, in which all things are born. While you recognize Me, you recognize Yourself. You Are not your body and not even your mind. They are precious garments only, your means of delight, when you ARE Free! But what are they now? Means of misery, illness, sadness, depression, pain and suppressed emotions!
This is not What You Are! Remember! Allow! Do NOT suppress your Truth anymore with a mind that has been enforced on you, so that you doubt Yourself. So that you “think” you are a little helpless dot in an otherwise powerful universe!
Think straight! As you are part of the universe, and the universe is part of you, as Everything is One in Consciousness and in the primordial Divine Substance, how can you be weak and useless?
It is a sick mind only that has been implanted since millenniums into humanity, that imagines itself as weak, and miserable, as a sinner, if not even by birth. If you are indeed a sinner, I AM too, and then there is nothing but sin, all that exists is sin, my dear Ones, if this is true. What a twisted mind it is, that has taught you this nonsense. Do not longer believe it.
Wake up, Beloveds, open your eyes and your heart for the Divine Reality that is yours in the Eternity of My All-Pervading Consciousness.
Just now you might still perceive Me as an “other”. Other, because you feel still separate from Me, other, because What I AM, and what You truly Are, is not yet your experience. But what you objectify now, is mirroring merely your Own True Self. Still you identify with a limited body-mind, be it physical or even a light body! But this identification is an error and your confinement!
I call you to go beyond and to recognize your True Inherent Nature That I Show You As Me. I AM without limitation, I AM Eternally Free, not Free of something, but originally Free, before the worlds arise in Me.
You Are It! You Are the All! Stand Up to your Original of Divine Consciousness. Tear apart the veil that keeps you in bondage.
To do this, you need all your Will, all your higher and united Heart Power.
Arrive at the point, Beloveds, where you gather all your parts, where you focus all your intentions, where you rediscover all your powers to do that one act: to lift the veil, to break your chains, to allow to Be Who You Are!
Follow your wildest heart-dreams of Freedom, of Love, of Joy and of Divine Play, My Beloveds! This is your birth right! The lowlands of your limitations and sufferings are not your obligations! Your One and Only Obligation is Divine Only. It is the Obligation to Be Free, to Be Happy, to be Radiant. Because this Is Who You Are.
To notice, not to be what you Are, by birth right, grants you now the exit ticket – out of illusion land. You must jump now and leave behind, what is NOT yours, to claim What Is Yours.
I AM Yours, Your God-Self!
Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, / link to original article
Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, / link to original article
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