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Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
It’s time for every race, nation and person to see the importance of coming together and respecting one another. It’s time for instated division to be replaced with unity and an understanding of the crucial role we all play in creating a positive future, and it’s time for us to revisit ideas that aren’t as accepted as they perhaps should be.
How often are peace and unity discussed in the mainstream? Beyond the growing number of people talking about these ideas, how many people put any focus on them? It’s time to open our eyes and see that if we come together right now, we’ll progress at a much rapider pace.
We can steer society in a positive direction if we come together and cut our dependence on self-serving governments, corporations and financial institutions, and when we do so, we’ll see that we’ve always been intended to assume the responsibility of running the planet.
Every person will need to be able to reach a place of inner peace and fulfillment if we want unity to spread and consciousness to rise, and raising consciousness can entail becoming active in the way that works best for you to spread these ideas to others.
A simple choice to participate in the planetary awakening could transform into an incredible role that helps and inspires millions of people. There’s nothing we can’t do, but the “trick” is that we have to express patience and never give up on our goal.
If you find something you enjoy, you’re encouraged to keep at it. You’re encouraged to ask yourself how you can be at your greatest level of service in every moment, because that’s why we’re here, isn’t it?
The purpose of our existence here is to constantly expand our understanding of the reality around us and help everyone else do the same. Those of us who are committed to realizing the dream of a utopian planet run by its people in harmony can constantly serve, and we’re encouraged to by the greater forces assisting in our evolution.
Everyone who answers the call to serve mankind by spreading enlightenment is given a sacred opportunity to be of service in a big way. If incentive is shown to act on the passionate inspiration the higher vibrations offer, the universe will provide everything needed for you to be able to serve comfortably and reach as many people as you’re intended to.
If you can reach and remain in a constant creative place, working away at something you enjoy for the benefit of others, your needs will be met and you’ll reach the people you intend to reach. Of course, where you put your focus is important.
I think it’s important for anyone who’s interested in serving, especially in a way that could put them in the public spotlight, to remember that the service is far more important than any recognition they might receive. The famous, conscious pioneers of the past were put in the positions they were because they showed incentive and willingness to commit to their respective roles.
People like John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela weren’t put in the public spotlight for doing nothing. They had dreams and goals to achieve that involved helping others, and they didn’t stop working toward those dreams for a moment.
They met every bit of adversity that came their way with perseverance and determination, and because they never gave up, they did incredible things that inspire people to this day.
The “secret” is that service comes before recognition. You, sitting at your computer right now, could become famous for doing or saying incredible things that uplift the planet, but the recognition isn’t as important as the endless and dedicated service you could put in.
Every person has the potential to start serving in a monumental way, and billions of geniuses exist together who, for the most part, still don’t understand this potential. Watching the few thrive while most of the planet struggles to survive can make our situation seem bleak, but we’re here to fix this mess.
We’re here to address and mend everything that holds us back from true prosperity, and we can act on the drive to work away until everyone understands the importance of coming together and reintroducing harmony and equality.
We’re here to create an unstoppable, planetary force for positive change and diminish the rule of the one percent, and it starts with the decision to serve right now.
You’re encouraged to get out there and start serving humanity with driven and focused effort, because we have a lot to get done. The good news is that we have as much time as we need to do it, and with the inspiration a growing number of wayshowers are feeling, it’s clear that the complete liberation of humanity is at hand.
In this era, stagnation is replaced with inspiration and action. Complacency gives way to an active interest in the manner in which our planet is run, and a spark of inspiration transforms into an everlasting burning flame that’ll help us do greater things than we’ve ever imagined.
It’s time to understand our power and fiercely pursue our greatest dreams, because in this new age, progressive dreamers are needed.
Wes Annac – Conveying the knowledge I’ve gained.
Wes Annac is a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as writings from Wes and more. Come check us out!
Thank You for this Wonderfull Message ♥~♥ Beloved Wes Annac, that |I will share with Love & Gratitude & wishing U & All a Very Happy Weekend ♥~♥ Beloved Friends & Cocreators , Family of Loving the Light of Truth ♥~♥ ~♥ We Are ONE HUMANITY & I AM Living in Integrity & Have No Personal Gains to Win, but the LOVING SUPPORT of Prime Creator ♥~♥ MAY ALL BE IN PEACE & GRATITUDE & AWARENESS OF OUR ONENESS ♥~♥ THANK YOU ♥~♥ I AM So Gratefull for Our Connection as ONE ♥~♥ I Love You In All That is ♥~♥ We Are ONE Heart ♥~♥ Breathing with Mother Earth & Ascending to Ever Higher Frequencies of Divine Love & Radiant Light ♥~♥
ReplyDeleteI AM. Om Sai Ram. Om Shanti. OM.