Dear Family of Light, friends of the Galactic Free Press... I am in a rather difficult situation. I have received a claim from 2000 Euro's for transmitting certain music on ET-First Contact Radio. FindingVoicesRadio and BBSRadio have paid for all the rights. However, BUMA holds me responsible for this copyright issue. I need to pay the fee by next week. (12 November 2013) Please be so kind to help me and donate via PayPal to I love you all my brothers and sister of the Light! I want to continue to make radio and share the truth about UFO's, ET's and The Golden Age that is upon us all. Let's hope this is all over soon. I love each of your for helping me out! Namaste, In Lakech!
Maarten Horst.
Lucas – Asking For Donations To Help The Blog Survive – 8 November 2013
I do this blog with love and perseverance for almost 3,5 years. I am doing this with dedication to bring you not just some news but a selection of views and insights via news, video, audio, radio, articles, channelings, poems and lately also radio which I enjoy. I will not go to deep into the explanation anymore that I do this for a reason and totally non-profit just to get me having enough to do what I do if people are so kind to provide that freely. I can not do it otherwise as that does not suit my energetic make up anymore in this world that should be about sharing and caring. Becoming one and having unity and working in cooperation and co-creation and living in harmony is what we in my view are working towards. Most of my 8.5000 followers of my blogs are not perceiving things that way as they are still in the process of leaving behind their old models, beliefs and structures and living their lives with the notion to be fully controlled by a debt-slavery system, the corporate governments and representatives in their corporate world. They also are thinking to make their lives happen by striving for more and more, wealth cumulation, striving for power, fame, status, etc. If your not having or can do it that way or climb up the ladder you perceive to be stupid, failed and outcast, and you feel you are not worthdy… All that is your perception manipulated by those wanting you controlled. That time is over… It is now time to get going and change your perception and feel within that things can be changed.
Therefore I understand that only a group of also lightworkers and those just starting their new journey are having the same perception about the change needed and see the need for sharing and caring for each other. I thank all that have been giving and supporting me during the last almost 1,5 years as I had been able till my last dime of my own money to run the blog before that 1,5 years. I have been able to meet the ends from month to month just in time. But I really am sorry the help I received is not enough to make it though to end of the month or even the end of the year. There is no funding left anymore.
If the readers and source want it to be I will get help. I am still confident that there will be some support that will make the ends meet again and that will make my work on this blog, my writings and comments go on. I have so many things to write about and have still so much to talk about. Though me being human has also sometimes its down side as I get sometimes a bit disappointed and disillusioned.
The blog brings me joy as I see readers develop and grow into their personal awakening and spiritual growth. It is the time we are in now. A big changing time. In time we all eventually will find out via our own routes within who we are and what we came here to do. We are doing something special for sure. We are all soon going on our discovery of a new way of being and living without duality, no more polarities. We are integrating all that was separating us within by balancing it out, letting go what is not needed and make things become neutral again. That is the space where conflict is no more and duality is gone. It is the peace within that makes you feel and see you are a grand being.
We will be all there in a very short time. The trouble now is that some still not have that peace and there is still a perception of battle going on by persons, groups that strive for a (old paradigm) solution in their way, built or not built on hidden agendas, it is still about polarities and frictions. This all makes that the new exchange ways are not yet happening. It will happen for all if all those groups are not fighting anymore or arguing about what is the best way but do their utmost to bring things about in the best interest for all the humans on this planet. As long as that is not done it is not yet working. If so it will succeed and there will be that long-awaited breakthrough.
This makes that so much of us still are perceiving and are being in debt, so many experience the financial deprivation, and so many are having needs of survival nature instead of being happily creating new ways of living in harmony, abundance, peace and health. We really could life our lives as beings that need no more governance we all just can get by as we have all our balance found within to not get in conflict. We have grown to know we are just all one group of individually beautiful humans that learned to master duality and now can without conflict co-creat and cooperate in a new paradigm.
We all will make it happen if we get through our own processes. I just ask you to support now this blog if you can with a donation. Small or big time, all is welcome. You can find the blog donation button on the front page. My love and appreciation goes out to you all and know for those not able to give sent your love and kind intent as it is equally appreciated. For those that profit from the traffic from my blog and have income from marketing, sales and webadvertisment I ask of you to be so kind to donate also generous. is lately full-blown showing advertisement on my blog postings and I have no say in it nor do I like it. I for sure are not getting a penny from that so you do not confuse it for me advertising myself. I only promoted others on my blog as I want to help them. Maybe when the work on the blog is secured by your help I can get offering services also exclusively for donations. But that is now not possible. First things first, the survival of the blog.
Love you all. Keep me going and give some energy back or support for the service to all I provide. If you have an other view on that that is fine with me. I ask here and now the people and companies that resonate with my views to support the blog.
In gratitude and service to you all and source.
Love and light,
You can donate via PayPal via lcspeciaaladres (ad sign) gmail. com put in also the reference: lucas2012infos blog donation.
Think also to donate to those other truly inspiring websites and blogs, freely for you kept as lights on the firmament to help you on your journey with inspiration, knowledge and joy. In gratitude to you all. Lucas
(c) 2013 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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