It has become clear to me that there are some energetic corrections made in the course that was set by some that would not be for the best of all. In my initial views I saw some energetic double-crossing going on that would have changed the outcome in a not for all best way. I see now that things will come about slowly to show there is progress made and things are working out eventually by not fighting and by more cooperation.
It is though still a mystery what the big surprise egg will expose to have inside. The existence of a double energetically packaged surprise egg is “the unexpected” I have been referring to a lot. The existence of this energetic surprise will seep through in the perceptions of all also. So we are still on course as it felt like everything was stuck again. The gear that is stuck will get back gearing up again and bring things up to speed.
Of course you all are wanting to know what the surprise will be and that will be revealed when it is time. Keep just on course and do not change it just by thinking to feel stuck. We are going to make some big shifts again. It is that what I see now clearly. More will becoming clear and some nice things will also be manifesting for all. Sources ways are always just working through all and for the better of all.
We are diverting from factions making scrambled eggs and we will see that we can only reach our destination together with all the eggs in the basket. Enjoy the coming week. Full of experiences and perceptions and some will be joyous and magical.
Love and Light,
Thanks to all that supported the blog. I hope that the support may continue. Let us keep the good intent and changes become real for all. Let us be those that care and share with unconditional love via energy exchange, or manifestations of your inner abundance in others lives that can use a bit of help, support, a smile, a gift or care. Think about all those other beautiful lightservers to humanity which do their work relentless and non-profit by healing, blogging, building communities, showing ways and giving insights, etc. If you can be a bright light in the night sky and a bright sun during the day for someone in service to all please genuinely support and donate to help on a regurlarly basis if you can.
In gratitude to all,
Love and Light,
You can find the donation button on the lucas2012infos blog’s main page or donate via PayPal via lcspeciaaladres (ad sign) gmail. com put in also the reference: lucas2012infos blog donation.
(c) 2013 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
Thank You for helping me understand about an egg in my life.