❆ We are beginning to be dragged less against the grain and are starting to flow more gently along with it. As we set our goals for the new year, it clearly seems that there will be less resistance and struggle involved in bringing them from the point of visualization and into a liveable reality. I wouldn’t ever write this if I were not already experiencing it for myself. Trust me, manifestation has not been my strong suit, but I’m finding that with the shift in energy is coming an almost magical ability to make things happen. If we set the intention and are willing to work at it, of course!
❄ The cards support this, and I would love to share with you a 3-card reading I did for myself, this morning. I drew from the Angel Tarot deck and got the King of Earth, the Six of Earth and the Ten of Water. All three cards present a similar message of abundance, opportunity and ease. The King tells us that this is a time of success and abundance, new opportunities and enhanced self-confidence. The Six indicates a lessening of financial constraints and of that pervasive (and very erroneous) feeling that we are in the middle of the ocean just treading water or that we are going at life all alone. The Six also stresses the necessity of remaining in a constant state of gratitude and awareness of these precious gifts that are coming our way. The fact that both are Earth Cards says to me that all of this is in direct correlation to the conditions we face in our physical, Earthly life. The Ten says much the same thing as the other two cards, and adds to the mix the potential for deeper friendships and family harmony. Being a Water card, is a confirmation of yet greater spiritual transformation and of the smoother energies ahead.
❅ Of course, this is not to say that we simply have to sit back and do nothing, or that these times will not be without their challenges. But there is a more obvious and visible sense of hope, and a simpler way of going about making the desired change. Below, I’ve shared the latest astrological forecast by Carl Boudreau. I always find him to be really accurate and positive with his messages, and December’s forecast is no exception. In fact, I was incredibly surprised to find a lot of synchronicity between what he and today’s cards had to say! Have a blessed and fabulous day everyone! XOXO. ~ Bella
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.http://amethystreign.com/2013/11/29/%E2%9D%84-the-promise-of-december-a-mini-reading-for-november-29-2013-by-bella-capozzi/
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